@MyFamHrtBookRvw Tour: “Night Magic” by @SusanSquires #Paranormal #Romance

Night Magic - Tour Banner

 Welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta, the last day of the blog tour for Night Magic by Susan Squires!


TITLE – Night Magic
SERIES – Magic Series
AUTHOR – Susan Squires
GENRE – Contemporary Paranormal Romance
PUBLICATION DATE – September 8, 2014
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 374 pages, 110,000 words (including excerpt from next book)
PUBLISHER – Susan Squires
COVER ARTIST – Rebecca Poole – Dreams2Media





DESTINY ISN’T CALLING. Kemble Tremaine is thirty-seven. He knows he’ll never get magic like the rest of his family. The Merlin gene has passed him by. No true love, no magic power to help the family in their fight against the descendants of Morgan Le Fay. Since it doesn’t matter who he marries, he asks his sister’s best friend, Jane. At least he’ll be rescuing her from a horrible home life.

CINDERELLA MISSES THE BALL. Jane Butler has loved Kemble since she was twelve years old. She’s well aware he’s not marrying her for love, but she hopes she can make him comfortable.

HAPPINESS IS RELATIVE. Comfort isn’t on the menu for the Tremaines. Kemble’s sister has been having visions of tragedy. The family finds one of Merlin’s precious artifacts, meant to increase the power of those with magic. Morgan and her Clan want it too. They can’t be far behind. Can Kemble and Jane find destiny in the face of danger and even death?





Night-Magic-Createspace Promo Image.



Kemble strode around the car without a word, got behind the wheel and slammed the door. His lips were a thin, determined line. Then he seemed to see her for the first time. “Jane, that…that cheek looks really painful.” His face contorted with an angry look. “I should have been over here first thing this morning.” He was angry with himself, of course.
“I could have gone to the doctor if I needed to, you know,” she said.
He snorted. “You never want anything for yourself, Jane. I’ll take care of that too.”
What did he mean by that? The motor purred to life and Kemble put his arm over the back of her seat to turn and look out the rear window as he backed out. His fingers brushed her shoulder. She closed her eyes as the sensation shot up her spine. Did he have to be so careless?
As they turned onto Palos Verdes West she glanced over to him. He was fairly vibrating with…nervous tension? Determination? She couldn’t quite figure it out. He surprised her by sliding into the little shopping center behind the Admiral Risty, an old-school, red-booth dinner place with a wide-water view of the Pacific. “Aren’t you going to be late for dinner at home?”
“Yes, I am.” He nodded his head convulsively. The man was sweating.
“You want to loosen the tie or something?” He really looked like he was about to choke.
“No.” He took a big breath and let it out slowly. Then he turned to her. “I have something I want to ask you, Jane. And I don’t want you to say anything until I’m done explaining.”
“Uh. Okay.” Jane was getting a very bad feeling about this. It was going to be something about what he wanted to do with her mother. She just knew it. And she wouldn’t be able to accept his largesse, so he’d try to bully her into it.
He looked out over the parked cars. “I’m never going to get magic. I talked to Senior and he agrees. We think the gene is recessive in me. I’ve known it for a while.”
She started to protest, but he held up a hand. It was shaking a little. That stopped her far more effectively than anything he could have said. He wasn’t the kind of guy to tremble.
“So.” He acted as though that settled everything. “So he agrees that I ought to get on with my life. Settle down. And if I’m not waiting for the bolt of lightning, well, then I can marry whomever I want. So I’m asking you.”
Jane felt like she’d been struck deaf, dumb and blind by that lightning bolt. Kemble was… asking her to… marry him? After all these years, he’d realized he loved her…
“Now don’t say no,” he rushed on. “Just because we’re not in love doesn’t mean this can’t work out. You need a refuge Jane, and if we marry, I can give that to you.”
Jane carefully shut her mouth, though that didn’t mean she could breathe.
Kemble looked down at his hands, still on the steering wheel. “The family already loves you. And I’ll make sure your mother is taken care of. Enough money cures everything, Jane, and if it’s one thing I have, it’s money.” His eyes were so earnest it might break her heart.
He’d given up. So he might as well marry her. Something heavy sat on her chest.
He got an anxious look. “So…uh…what do you think?”
She hardly trusted herself to speak.
“Oh. Wait.” He lifted his hips to get his hand into the pocket of his slacks, and drew out a small square velveteen box. It said the name of the department store at the top of the hill on the bottom. He fumbled with it until he got it right side up and popped it open. A diamond ring gleamed in the rosy light of the setting sun. The setting was simple, just a band with three medium diamonds set in it. They glinted in the afternoon light.
“I didn’t think you’d want one of those big diamonds that are always catching on everything. These… these are nice stones though.” He cleared his throat.
It was actually just the kind of ring she would want the man she loved to give her. But not like this. She took a breath. “Kemble, you don’t want to marry me.” It took all the courage she had to speak those words.
“But I do,” he protested. “You’re perfect. You’re smart. You’re a calming influence on the family, especially the younger ones.” His voice softened. “And marrying me will give you a place, Jane. Let me take care of you.”
She couldn’t marry Kemble when he didn’t love her. That would be too selfish.
He put the box with the ring on the dashboard and took both her hands in his larger ones. After the shock that went straight to her groin and the points of her breasts, what she noticed was that the warmth, the slight moisture born of his anxiety, enveloped her with his inherent goodness. She felt…maybe not loved, but at least treasured. “I need you, Jane,” he said. “And I think you need me too. Sometimes life just provides solutions we aren’t expecting.”
The words were simple, spoken from his heart. He needed her. It was the one ploy that might get her to agree to this. She couldn’t bear how unhappy he’d been lately. Maybe this solution freed him from the razor-sharp pain of wondering if magic would ever happen for him, thinking he’d never be good enough. She wanted to believe that, because suddenly, she wanted to throw all sense and caution off the cliffs at the Breakers and accept him. Married to Kemble Tremaine, just as she’d dreamed since she was fourteen. A real member of the Tremaine family, with a right to make tira misu for their dinner or cut fresh flowers for the table.
There was another problem. “What if you find your destined love after we’re married?”
“Never going to happen.” He shrugged as though it didn’t matter to him. But in his blue eyes she saw that it did. He wasn’t over mourning his loss yet.
But maybe someday he could be. Maybe time would heal his regret. Maybe they could have something together, if not true love, then companionship, respect. That was more than she was like to have any other way. “You have to promise me something, Kemble Tremaine.”
He didn’t mean that, of course. He couldn’t give her the one thing she really wanted. And God, he was so close to her, he was overwhelming any sense she had at all.
“Promise that if you ever do find the one really meant for you, you’ll tell me. I’ll set you free the next moment with no regrets.” Well, none she wouldn’t have anyway, whether she married him or not. She’d always regret he didn’t love her.
His brows drew together sharply. He really hadn’t thought this out, had he?
Finally he nodded. “Okay.” He cleared his throat. “Does that mean you will do me the honor of being my wife?”
God help her. She nodded.



NYT Bestselling author Susan Squires published twenty-two novels and novellas with Dorchester Publishing and St. Martin’s Press, as well as self-publishing her new Magic Series. She’s won the Golden Heart and the Holt Medallion, been a finalist in the Rita contest and garnered several Reviewer’s Choice awards from Romantic Times BookReviews. Publisher’s Weekly named Body Electric one of the most influential mass-market books and One with the Shadows a Best Book of Year. She lives at the beach in Southern California with her husband, who is also a writer, and two Belgian Sheepdogs who help her by laying their chins on the keyboardddddddd.




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@masqtours Blog Tour: “Operation Owl” by @LaylaTarar #OOTour #Giveaway #TopTen

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Please note that the excerpt posted on this blog is sexy and is for more mature audiences.
Please leave this page if you are under 13.
Please welcome Tara Quan to Moonbeams over Atlanta.  Don’t forget the rafflecopter giveaway at the end of the post.  Today, she presents:

10 Things I Wish I Knew About Being an Author I Didn’t Know Before

  1. Most people I interact with in person will assume “author” is a euphemism for “doing nothing.”
  2. I’ll gain a new pastime when pressured into attending large social gatherings—casting random people as characters in my books, especially if they assumed I did nothing.
  3. I won’t be able to stand reading my own works once they’ve been published because I’d want to change every single word.
  4. I’ll stare at the royalty statements in my inbox with a sense of impending doom, fearing I’d open it to find I’ve sold 0 copies.
  5. I’ll start to notice word repetition all the time, and it’ll interfere with my ability to read for pleasure.
  6. My right eye will twitch every time I type “that.”
  7. My hand will move toward the backspace key after typing “just.”
  8. I’ll thank fate some smart programmers created Scrivener.
  9. I’ll have to blog, Tweet, use Facebook, flirt with Pinterest, figure out Google Plus, and navigate GoodReads.
  10. I’ll love being an author, no matter how little it pays and how much stress it brings.
As an author myself, I certainly relate to that.  🙂 I just haven’t gotten that royalty check yet…
Thank you for being here today Tara!  Read on for more information on…
Title: Operation OwlOperation Owl
Author: Tara Quan
Publication Date: July 15, 2014
Genre: Contemporary Romance/Humor
Five years ago, Maya Jain kissed her best friend only to have him run out of her dorm room and leave the state. When he shows up in Washington, D.C., a wanted fugitive sought after by every branch of the US government, she can’t bring herself to ignore his plight. As their physical relationship picks up where it left off, she decides it’s time to make him see her as more than the bespectacled, bookish girl he once called “Owl.”After being accused of espionage and treason, Zack Strong needs a forensic accountant to help clear his name. Not knowing who he can trust, this white-hat hacker has no choice but to ask his former best friend and math tutor for help. Together they unravel a cyber conspiracy at the Barn, an NSA facility tasked to intercept electronic communications. But as they traverse the nation’s capital to avoid capture, Maya insists on letting their simmering sexual tension take its natural course. Even though he’s never been able to shake the memory of their one kiss, he refuses to let her give up her life for a man with no future.

 EXCERPTHesitating at the threshold of stalker-like activity, the logical part of his brain made one last-ditch attempt to stall his fingers. This wasn’t acceptable behavior, not by any stretch of the imagination. He should wait and see what happened. If push came to shove, he could always abandon his post and knock on her door.

But he’d been sitting there for ages, an abnormal amount of time for anyone to spend in the bathroom. She could have passed out in there, and then where would they be? His brain’s paranoid frontal lobe ended up winning the battle. He needed a quick peek, a brief glance to confirm her location. If the trick gave him a glimpse of her in the shower, the curtain would obscure his view. If he saw even a hint of skin, he’d shut the damn feed off. No harm could come of this.

He accessed her webcam and turned it on. As luck would have it, the computer was angled at the open bathroom door, the only part of her apartment he couldn’t see into from the street. With the wall-to-wall mirror completely visible on screen, it wouldn’t be hard to ascertain her presence. A few keystrokes allowed him to enhance the high definition feed and zoom in. A light coating of condensation blurred the reflection by a fraction, but the open doors allowed most of it to dissipate. The reflected image was clear enough to make out shapes and colors.

The footage presented a profile view of Maya lying in a bathtub. Since he could only make out her face, neck, and left arm, he didn’t see an immediate need to cease and desist. Her head rested against the tub’s lip, cushioned by her long, dark hair. With her eyes closed and lips parted, he couldn’t tell if she was conscious. What if she had slipped in the shower and hit her head?

He cranked up the microphone’s sensitivity. The great thing about modern-day computers was their much-improved capability to process audio and video. As soon as she made a sound or moved, he’d stop watching.

A soft, throaty moan crackled over the speakers. Her left hand lifted in the air before clenching over the side of the tub. Her back and neck arched.


Slapping down his laptop screen, Zack leaned back against the leather headrest and massaged his temples. Struggling not to draw any conclusions, he muttered, “Don’t go there, man. Just don’t go there.”

Copyright © Tara Quan

Author Bio

Globetrotter, lover of languages, and romance author, Tara Quan has an addiction for crafting tales with a pinch of spice and a smidgen of kink. Inspired by her travels, Tara enjoys tossing her kick-ass heroines and alpha males into exotic contemporary locales, fantasy worlds, and post-apocalyptic futures. Armed with magical powers or conventional weapons, her characters are guaranteed a suspenseful and sensual ride, as well as their own happily ever after. Learn more at www.taraquan.com

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There is a giveaway for this tour. A $25 Amazon/B&N Giftcard or a Book Depository shopping spree of the same value.
One winner. Open Internationally. Ends 10/6. Void where prohibited.

@MyFamHrtBookRvw Blog Tour: “Scandal at Almack’s” by @gloria_gay_ #Regency #Historical #Romance

Scandal At Almacks - Tour Banner


AUTHOR – Gloria Gay
GENRE – Regency Historical Romance Novella, ebook only
PUBLICATION DATE –April 25, 2014
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 36,000 words

Scandal At Almacks - Book Cover


Beautiful Jenny Longtree was expected to do her duty and accept the marriage proposal of a man she abhorred, Calvin Hazeldeck, an old and rich mortician whose offer of a marriage settlement would save her family from destitution brought about by her father’s bad shipping investments.

Then unexpectedly, Jenny’s dear uncle, Sir Roger Addington, who had been informed of the family’s dilemma, offered his favorite niece a London social season as a last chance to find a husband on her own.

But in the whirl of the London season, Jenny realizes that without a dowry her chances of obtaining a marriage proposal are practically non-existent.

Then on the last ball of Almack’s, and when Jenny feels that time is slipping away, Lady Jersey, the head patroness of Almack’s, introduces her to Sebastian Billington, Lord Corville. As they dance the waltz, Jenny realizes she has fallen in love at first sight with a man she is likely never to see again.

And during the seductive dance with Lord Corville, something happens that has Jenny lying on the floor at Lord Corville’s feet, having momentarily passed out. When she comes to, she finds a sea of faces staring down at her and scandal exploding all around her.




Lord Corville was surprised that Lady Jersey had led him directly into a vision of lovely youth. Usually wallflower duty was how it sounded, giving an opportunity to dance a few sets to girls who were in their first season and not likely to obtain dancing partners on their own because they lacked pedigree or were pretty enough but lacked an attractive dowry. The Almack’s patronesses took their duty to young girls in their first or second season very seriously, and in every ball the two in charge could be seen walking about, matching young ladies to reluctant young men.

Sebastian seldom if ever glanced toward the wallflower area, but now he regretted it. The moment he gave his gloved hand to this girl and led her to the dance floor, it was all he could do to keep his balance until they began their waltz.

Her touch was so sensual, he felt her hand not on his but directly on his groin. A hot frisson coursed along his nerve endings, and his whole body shuddered in anticipation.  If he felt so much with only the soft touch of her hand on his, what would he feel with her in his arms?

Suddenly realizing where his mind was going, he shook off such outlandish thoughts. He was a bit foxed and couldn’t even remember what Lady Jersey said the girl’s name was during the introduction. He should have skipped that stop at Rothyn’s townhouse, as they’d dipped into bottles of claret before coming here.

Of course, it was turning out amazingly easy to keep his promise to his sister Camie. One dance with a wallflower debutante? Why this beautiful girl lacked dance partners was beyond his understanding. She was as lovely and as rare as an orchid, and her scent intoxicated him even more than the claret.

He had never felt such jumping sensations as he was now feeling while waltzing with her. Her eyes as she looked at him were sparkling blue aquamarines, and the tingling ripple the mere touch of her hand had started now throbbed along his groin so that his hand tightened on hers even as his breeches tightened. He quickly forced his eyes away from her lithe form, for just a quick glance at her curves unhinged him.

They swayed around the vast ballroom, and the lights from a thousand candles and the twirling couples confused him. The lovely girl in his arms became three identical girls who twirled round and round like the racing dials of a mad clock. He heard the waning notes of the waltz as it was coming to its end and felt so dizzy that, had he not held her, he would have lost his balance. He looked into the girl’s beautiful eyes and his gaze drifted downward. Her breasts, the tops of them peeking alluringly from her filmy gown, were so fetching that he wondered when he had ever seen a better pair. There was a small dark mole on her left breast, and a tiny rosebud by it, and so compelling was the tiny beauty mark that he was hypnotized.

The music had stopped. He looked into the girl’s lovely blue eyes and wondered why they were wide with alarm, and her voice was loud and clear in the silence that followed the conclusion of the waltz.

“Oh!” she exclaimed.

Her hand on his shoulder slipped away as she fell to the floor, her crumpling body settling softly on his feet. Sebastian leaned down toward her prone body.

After a few seconds, the girl opened her eyes. A crowd had rushed forward, and there was a large circle of people around her and Sebastian, three or four deep, looking down with concern. And silence, as everyone just stared.

The girl was helped up by two gentlemen while Lord Corville continued to stare, speechless.

Lady Jersey broke the silence. “What happened to you, my dear?”

A twittering of exclamations rose like a deafening wave, and then sudden silence fell again as the crowd waited in suspense for the girl’s reply.

The girl spoke slowly but clearly, so that everyone heard her words. She looked directly into Lord Corville’s eyes and said, “Lord Corville touched me inappropriately.”

Scandal At Almacks - Author Photo


Gloria Gay has lived in San Diego, California the greater part of her life, where she worked as a legal secretary for twenty-five years and as a stringer for a local newspaper. Her heart, though, has always been with art and literature and it was one of the happiest days of her life when she wrote her first book.

Boroughs Publishing Group recently published her fifth Regency romance, Lovely Little Liar. Scandal at Almack’s, with the same publisher is Gloria’s sixth Regency romance. Her debut novel, First Season, earned a four-star review from Romantic Times Book Reviews. She is also the author of Forced Offer, Canceled Courtship and Known to All.

She lives with her husband, Enrique, an architect, in San Diego, California, and couldn’t be happier that their children and grand-children live nearby.




Two eCopies (mobi, epub, pdf) of Scandal at Almack’s
a Rafflecopter giveaway

This Tour Was Organized & Hosted By

@JessieClever Guest Post: New Release: To Save a Viscount: Book Four of the Spy Series

Please welcome Jessie Clever to Moonbeams over Atlanta! She is today’s guest post.  Regency Romance.  One of my favorite genres. 🙂
To Save a Viscount Cover Photo



When an assassin threatens England’s spy network, Lady Margaret Folton must find the killer before it’s too late.  But when Commodore John Lynwood is accidentally granted a title meant to be used as bait to lure the assassin into the War Office’s trap, Margaret must face the tragedy of her past and decide which is more important: the assignment or love?





August 1815


He had grown so accustomed to the sound of gunfire that he did not hear the shot that was meant to kill him.


This would have worried Richard Black, the Duke of Lofton, if he had had time to think on it. But as the situation inherently required immediate action, prolonged and abstract thinking on the subject was neither prudent nor wise. So he refrained. Instead, he wondered who it was that smashed into him at incredible speed, sending him tumbling backwards off the walk along the Thames and into the bitter, black water below.


He had been meeting his contact there along the water at an unholy hour, and darkness had lain all about him. The exchange had gone as planned, and he now held the knowledge that he knew would prove key to his current assignment with the War Office. But as the inky water of the Thames closed over his head, he wondered if he would ever get that information to the necessary people.


And then as the last of the light disappeared, he thought of Jane, his wife. His Jane. He did not think of her in specific instances or certain memories that lay in his mind. He thought of her in pieces. Her smell. Her laugh. The sound her hair made as she brushed it at night. The way she always laid her hand on top of his whenever they should find themselves sitting next to one another. Her amazing talents with chestnut roasters.


He would have laughed if such an action would not speed up the inevitable drowning that suddenly became all too real, flushing thoughts of Jane from his mind. His arms began to push against the water as his feet began to pulse, driving him toward the surface. Only he did not move. Whoever it was that had slammed into him still held him about the waist, dragging him deeper into the water. He began to struggle, the need for air and life and Jane surging through his veins in a way he had never felt before.


And then a hand brushed against his cheek, and slender fingers came to rest across his mouth. He wanted to open his eyes, but he knew it would do no good in the black water. But he let the feeling of his attacker’s hand brush against his skin, the shape of it press into his face, the narrowness of limb and the delicate arch of bone.


It was a woman who held him beneath the water.


And he stopped struggling.

Copyright © Jessie Clever

Buy Links:

AmazonKoboNookAll Romance eBooksiBooks



In the second grade, Jessie began a story about a duck and a lost ring.  Two harrowing pages of wide ruled notebook paper later, the ring was found.  And Jessie has been writing ever since.

Armed with the firm belief that women in the Regency era could be truly awesome heroines, Jessie began telling their stories in her Spy Series, a thrilling ride in historical espionage that showcases human faults and triumphs and most importantly, love.

Jessie makes her home in the great state of New Hampshire where she lives with her husband and two very opinionated Basset Hounds.  For more, visit her website at jessieclever.com.


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@MyFamHrtBookRvw Tour: “Night Magic” by @SusanSquires #Paranormal

Night Magic - Tour Banner



TITLE – Night Magic
SERIES – Magic Series
AUTHOR – Susan Squires
GENRE – Contemporary Paranormal Romance
PUBLICATION DATE – September 8, 2014
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 374 pages, 110,000 words (including excerpt from next book)
PUBLISHER – Susan Squires
COVER ARTIST – Rebecca Poole – Dreams2Media





DESTINY ISN’T CALLING. Kemble Tremaine is thirty-seven. He knows he’ll never get magic like the rest of his family. The Merlin gene has passed him by. No true love, no magic power to help the family in their fight against the descendants of Morgan Le Fay. Since it doesn’t matter who he marries, he asks his sister’s best friend, Jane. At least he’ll be rescuing her from a horrible home life.

CINDERELLA MISSES THE BALL. Jane Butler has loved Kemble since she was twelve years old. She’s well aware he’s not marrying her for love, but she hopes she can make him comfortable.

HAPPINESS IS RELATIVE. Comfort isn’t on the menu for the Tremaines. Kemble’s sister has been having visions of tragedy. The family finds one of Merlin’s precious artifacts, meant to increase the power of those with magic. Morgan and her Clan want it too. They can’t be far behind. Can Kemble and Jane find destiny in the face of danger and even death?





Night-Magic-Createspace Promo Image.



Kemble strode around the car without a word, got behind the wheel and slammed the door. His lips were a thin, determined line. Then he seemed to see her for the first time. “Jane, that…that cheek looks really painful.” His face contorted with an angry look. “I should have been over here first thing this morning.” He was angry with himself, of course.
“I could have gone to the doctor if I needed to, you know,” she said.
He snorted. “You never want anything for yourself, Jane. I’ll take care of that too.”
What did he mean by that? The motor purred to life and Kemble put his arm over the back of her seat to turn and look out the rear window as he backed out. His fingers brushed her shoulder. She closed her eyes as the sensation shot up her spine. Did he have to be so careless?
As they turned onto Palos Verdes West she glanced over to him. He was fairly vibrating with…nervous tension? Determination? She couldn’t quite figure it out. He surprised her by sliding into the little shopping center behind the Admiral Risty, an old-school, red-booth dinner place with a wide-water view of the Pacific. “Aren’t you going to be late for dinner at home?”
“Yes, I am.” He nodded his head convulsively. The man was sweating.
“You want to loosen the tie or something?” He really looked like he was about to choke.
“No.” He took a big breath and let it out slowly. Then he turned to her. “I have something I want to ask you, Jane. And I don’t want you to say anything until I’m done explaining.”
“Uh. Okay.” Jane was getting a very bad feeling about this. It was going to be something about what he wanted to do with her mother. She just knew it. And she wouldn’t be able to accept his largesse, so he’d try to bully her into it.
He looked out over the parked cars. “I’m never going to get magic. I talked to Senior and he agrees. We think the gene is recessive in me. I’ve known it for a while.”
She started to protest, but he held up a hand. It was shaking a little. That stopped her far more effectively than anything he could have said. He wasn’t the kind of guy to tremble.
“So.” He acted as though that settled everything. “So he agrees that I ought to get on with my life. Settle down. And if I’m not waiting for the bolt of lightning, well, then I can marry whomever I want. So I’m asking you.”
Jane felt like she’d been struck deaf, dumb and blind by that lightning bolt. Kemble was… asking her to… marry him? After all these years, he’d realized he loved her…
“Now don’t say no,” he rushed on. “Just because we’re not in love doesn’t mean this can’t work out. You need a refuge Jane, and if we marry, I can give that to you.”
Jane carefully shut her mouth, though that didn’t mean she could breathe.
Kemble looked down at his hands, still on the steering wheel. “The family already loves you. And I’ll make sure your mother is taken care of. Enough money cures everything, Jane, and if it’s one thing I have, it’s money.” His eyes were so earnest it might break her heart.
He’d given up. So he might as well marry her. Something heavy sat on her chest.
He got an anxious look. “So…uh…what do you think?”
She hardly trusted herself to speak.
“Oh. Wait.” He lifted his hips to get his hand into the pocket of his slacks, and drew out a small square velveteen box. It said the name of the department store at the top of the hill on the bottom. He fumbled with it until he got it right side up and popped it open. A diamond ring gleamed in the rosy light of the setting sun. The setting was simple, just a band with three medium diamonds set in it. They glinted in the afternoon light.
“I didn’t think you’d want one of those big diamonds that are always catching on everything. These… these are nice stones though.” He cleared his throat.
It was actually just the kind of ring she would want the man she loved to give her. But not like this. She took a breath. “Kemble, you don’t want to marry me.” It took all the courage she had to speak those words.
“But I do,” he protested. “You’re perfect. You’re smart. You’re a calming influence on the family, especially the younger ones.” His voice softened. “And marrying me will give you a place, Jane. Let me take care of you.”
She couldn’t marry Kemble when he didn’t love her. That would be too selfish.
He put the box with the ring on the dashboard and took both her hands in his larger ones. After the shock that went straight to her groin and the points of her breasts, what she noticed was that the warmth, the slight moisture born of his anxiety, enveloped her with his inherent goodness. She felt…maybe not loved, but at least treasured. “I need you, Jane,” he said. “And I think you need me too. Sometimes life just provides solutions we aren’t expecting.”
The words were simple, spoken from his heart. He needed her. It was the one ploy that might get her to agree to this. She couldn’t bear how unhappy he’d been lately. Maybe this solution freed him from the razor-sharp pain of wondering if magic would ever happen for him, thinking he’d never be good enough. She wanted to believe that, because suddenly, she wanted to throw all sense and caution off the cliffs at the Breakers and accept him. Married to Kemble Tremaine, just as she’d dreamed since she was fourteen. A real member of the Tremaine family, with a right to make tira misu for their dinner or cut fresh flowers for the table.
There was another problem. “What if you find your destined love after we’re married?”
“Never going to happen.” He shrugged as though it didn’t matter to him. But in his blue eyes she saw that it did. He wasn’t over mourning his loss yet.
But maybe someday he could be. Maybe time would heal his regret. Maybe they could have something together, if not true love, then companionship, respect. That was more than she was like to have any other way. “You have to promise me something, Kemble Tremaine.”
He didn’t mean that, of course. He couldn’t give her the one thing she really wanted. And God, he was so close to her, he was overwhelming any sense she had at all.
“Promise that if you ever do find the one really meant for you, you’ll tell me. I’ll set you free the next moment with no regrets.” Well, none she wouldn’t have anyway, whether she married him or not. She’d always regret he didn’t love her.
His brows drew together sharply. He really hadn’t thought this out, had he?
Finally he nodded. “Okay.” He cleared his throat. “Does that mean you will do me the honor of being my wife?”
God help her. She nodded.



NYT Bestselling author Susan Squires published twenty-two novels and novellas with Dorchester Publishing and St. Martin’s Press, as well as self-publishing her new Magic Series. She’s won the Golden Heart and the Holt Medallion, been a finalist in the Rita contest and garnered several Reviewer’s Choice awards from Romantic Times BookReviews. Publisher’s Weekly named Body Electric one of the most influential mass-market books and One with the Shadows a Best Book of Year. She lives at the beach in Southern California with her husband, who is also a writer, and two Belgian Sheepdogs who help her by laying their chins on the keyboardddddddd.




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@BitnBookPromote Book Tour: The Revenant by @eliseabram #Contest #GuestPost



Elise Abram 


YA Paranormal

(click cover for purchase link)

He wears neither cape nor cowl, but Zulu is a superhero, nevertheless.

Raised from the dead as a revenant more than a hundred years ago, Zulu possesses Spiderman’s stealth, Superman’s speed, and Batman’s keen intellect. His only companion is Morgan the Seer, an old man cursed with longevity and the ability to see the future in his dreams. Zulu has spent the last century training with Morgan in order to save the people in his nightmares from certain and violent death. Branded a vigilante by the Media, Zulu must live his life in the shadows, travelling by night or in the city’s underground unless his quest demands otherwise.

Kat is an empath, someone who sees emotions as colourful auras. Relentlessly bullied by her peers, and believing her life amounts to nothing but a huge cosmic mistake, she finds purpose in her abilities when she is recruited to help Zulu and Morgan complete their missions.

Malchus is Morgan’s long dead twin brother. A powerful necromancer, Malchus manages to find a way to return to the living, and he has a score to settle with Morgan. Believing Morgan responsible for his death and out to seek revenge, Malchus begins to raise an army of undead.



Please welcome Elise Abram to Moonbeams over Atlanta.  What was your inspiration for creating a Young Adult Paranormal book?

My interest in popular culture has always leaned toward the paranormal. I love shows like “Ghost Whisperer”, “Supernatural”, “Almost Human”, “The Returned”, “The Walking Dead”, and “Vampire Diaries” to name a few. I count “Ghost Adventures”, “Long Island Medium”, “Ghost Hunters”, “Destination Truth” and “The Dead Files” among my current guilty pleasures. So it was no surprise when my mind kept on insisting I write some sort of paranormal novel. My first impulse was to write about vampires, but the market was saturated with vampire stories and I couldn’t think of a new approach to make my story stand out above the others.


I teach high school English. The culminating activity in the grade 10 academic English course is a novel study including a presentation of literary devices used in the novel. I’d taught the course more than a dozen times over the course of about five years. That meant I’d had to listen to at least 300 presentations. I’d listen to the themes in the novels and think, YA reading has changed so much since I was in school and the frankness of Are You There God, It’s Me, Margaret was revolutionary reading.


It was around the same time I decided to self-publish my first novels. These novels, Phase Shift, The Mummy Wore Combat Boots and Throwaway Child, were about a team of archaeologists who find weird things on digs in Ontario (think “Indiana Jones”, “Tomb Raider”, and “Relic Hunter” all rolled into one). The librarians at my school were very supportive of my writing and they were the first ones to encourage me to write a YA novel. I pooh-poohed it at first, but the more I listened to student presentations on YA novels, the more I became convinced I could write one. In fact, I should write one.


My brain needs facts to consume before ideas begin to percolate, so I began to do research. I read Twilight, Miss Perigrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, and Beautiful Creatures among others (but these are the ones that stuck out). Although I wasn’t a Twilight fan, Stephanie Meyer taught me how to put a new spin on an old idea with her vampires that shimmer in the sun. In Miss Perigrine, Ransom Riggs taught me I could give my characters practically any ability, but they should take pains to ensure the abilities are kept secret. Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl’s Beautiful Creatures taught me how to pen a sweet, chaste romance.


I also became an avid reader of Chuck Sambuchino’s “Guide to Literary Agents Blog”, paying special interest in what the agents said in their interviews with respect to what they were looking for in the stories they were being sent and tried to incorporate that as well. In fact, my next novel is in response to one of the agents saying she would love to read a YA Time Traveler’s Wife. I’ve sort of taken that on as a personal challenge.


My students were always in the forefront as I wrote. I was always thinking about what they might write about, should they choose The Revenant as their culminating activity novel. To that end, I made sure there were themes embedded in the story, but that the story wasn’t primarily thematic in nature. I also tried to elevate the writing a bit in order to challenge them. Lastly, I tried to write a story that would appeal, not only to YA audiences, but New Adult and Adult ones as well.


The Revenant is a paranormal story that I’m hoping will introduce new characters and be of interest to everyone, ages fourteen and up.  If all goes well, there may be a sequel available to further the adventures of the revenant, the empath and the seer, soon.

Thank you Elise for being here with us today. 🙂


Elise Abram

Teacher of English and Computer Studies by day, wife and mother by night
and author whenever she can steal some time, Elise Abram is the proud
author of Phase Shift, The Mummy Wore Combat Boots, and Throwaway Child,
available on Amazon and KoboBooks. She pens a blog about literature,
popular culture and the human condition whenever the muse moves her.Elise’s fourth book, a young adult paranormal thriller entitled The Revenant was released in July 2014.

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Day One (Sept 1st, 2014): Review w/ Interview Questions

– Tome Tender –

Day Two (Sept 2nd, 2014): Author Interview & Guest Post

– Vampires, Crime and Angels…Eclectic Me –

Day Three (Sept 3rd, 2014): Excerpt #1 & Graphic #1

– Fundamental –

Day Three (Sept 3rd, 2014): Promo

– Monique @Mo_Books –

Day Four (Sept 4th, 2014): Author Interview & Character Bios

– Fire & Ice Book Reviews –

Day Five (Sept 5th, 2014): Review

– Book List Of Books –

Day Six (Sept 6th, 2014): Author Interview & Graphic #2

– Sunshine Book Promotions –


Day Six (Sept 6th, 2014): Promo

– Marisa Oldham Author of Love Stories –

Day Seven (Sept 7th, 2014): Review w/ Interview Questions

– The Hellvis Compendium –

Day Eight (Sept 8th, 2014): Guest Post & Excerpt #2

– The Consulting Writer –

Day Nine (Sept 9th, 2014): Review w/ Interview Questions

– The La La Land Of Books –


Day Ten (Sept 10th, 2014): Guest Post

– Moonbeams Over Atlanta –

Day Ten (Sept 10th, 2014): Author Interview & Graphic #3

– Bit’N –



@MyFamHrtBookRvw #BookBlast: Zoey Rogue by @LizzyFord2010

Zoey Rogue_new 2


TITLE – “Zoey Rogue”
SERIES – The Incubatti Series
AUTHOR – Lizzy Ford
GENRE – new adult
PUBLICATION DATE – already published
LENGTH (Pages/# Words) – 178
PUBLISHER – Evatopia Press


“Buffy” meets “50 Shades”

He only needs three nights to make her his …

With more heart than sense, fearless, beautiful Zoey has saved countless college-aged women from horrifying deaths at the hands of supernatural sadists. She may be a mere half-succubus in a society that views half-breeds with derision, but she still retains the highest rescue rate of any Hunter in the Sucubatti society.

As the calm, disciplined leader of the Incubatti Enforcers, Declan is the polar opposite of Zoey – and the sworn enemy of her society. Forced to rescue her one night, Declan realizes two things: he doesn’t need someone as wild and independent as Zoey in his life – and he can’t live without her.

In this world, there’s only one incubus for every sucubatti and Zoey and Declan are stuck with each other. They’re just as likely to kill each other as they are to yield to each other’s sex magic.

She has authority issues and drinks too much. He is the irresistibly sexy incubus pre-ordained to tame her. Neither can fight their intense attraction, and yet trusting each other is out of the question.

What happens when their worlds crash down around them?

Strike three. You’re mine.





Lizzy Ford is the author of over seventeen novels written for young adult and adult paranormal romance readers, to include the internationally bestselling Rhyn Trilogy, Witchling Trilogy and the War of Gods series. Considered a freak of nature by her peers for the ability to write and release a commercial quality novel in under a month, Lizzy has focused on keeping her readers happy by producing brilliant, gritty romances that remind people why true love is a trial worth enduring.

Lizzy’s books can be found on every major ereader library, to include: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Kobo, Sony and Smashwords. She lives in southern Arizona with her husband, three dogs and a cat.



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@Eyes_on_Books Tour: “Crimson Ties” by @VenusMoon5 & @JTCheyanne #review #LGBT #Excerpt

Crimson Ties Blog Tour

Title: Crimson Ties

Authors: VL Moon and JT Cheyanne

Series: Crimson Nights Saga, book #2

Pages: 794


Not everything in Heaven is as holy as it seems… 


In Crimson Ties, the second installment of the Crimson Nights Saga, Laziel is nowhere to be found, and with the ferocity of Malachi Denali’s vampiric temperament growing out of control, Rome’s Vatican enclave and those that dwell there risk everything to keep their King’s throne out of Darklon De Sangue’s treacherous hands.

As Darklon’s mental state deteriorates, his treasonous plans to overthrow Malachi know no bounds. With Arial dancing upon a deadly double-edged sword and working to gain Darklon’s trust, this continuing saga keeps everyone on tenterhooks as new treaties are strengthened and friendships are forged by oaths and blood.

Will Laziel return in time to save Malachi from those that threaten the male he loves, or will the fury of Malachi’s distain for emotion see Laziel ascend if he refuses to accept the hand that destiny has dealt him and the gift of his angel’s love?

With emotions running high, and Malachi’s past turning up to haunt them both in the form of the mysterious Vischeral Bourne, the twists and turns may prove too much for Laziel and his vampire. While Malachi and Laziel struggle with fate, an alliance with the wolves and the secrets behind the Nephilim and their sadistic Queen threaten to rock the very foundations of the supernatural world.

Who knows what ties will bind and which will fade away.

With a high element of supernatural romance and erotic sexcapades between male lovers, Crimson Ties may not be to some people’s taste, but for those brave enough to step into the wicked world of Laz and Lachi, we hope that you will read and thoroughly enjoy…


Crimson Ties

The Review:

Thank you to the authors and Eyes on Books for providing the ebooks (Crimson Ties and Crimson Reign, book 1 in the saga) for this review.  I thoroughly enjoyed them. 🙂

5 Stars



I am a paranormal junkie and love vampires and werewolves in my fiction, especially when together.  I do have to be in the mood for it, so was down to the wire to read two books since this is a series.  I hadn’t read Crimson Reign yet, either. ‘Lo and behold, it was four days before my tour stop and I hadn’t read the first page on the first book yet.

I read both books for a total of about 800 pages (give or take because of my Nook) within two days. Yeah, I stayed up several nights reading them. 🙂

They were that good that I had to finish them.  Moon and Cheyanne weave an intricate pattern between many secondary characters, both male and female, not just Laziel or Malachi, or Laz and Lachi, as they call each other.  You are given a glimpse into the lives of eight intermingled people by Crimson Ties, interwoven from many perspectives to build a world I wanted to sink into, and did.  It was wonderful.   It was complex, complicated, romantic relationships that everyone, and I mean everyone, can relate to.  It does have different perspectives, but I like seeing and feeling the different characters as they live.  It’s a more realistic fantastical world that makes you want to read more.  You will have to read Crimson Reign first if you have not read it before reading Crimson Ties.  It cannot be read out of order.  Now I have to wait for the next one. *sigh*

By the way, Crimson Ties does end on a pretty good cliffhanger but enough of a HFN is mentioned that I don’t mind all that much.  Much. Now I really wish next book was out.

I give Crimson Ties 5 out 5 stars.



Pungent steam rose from the long feral snout of the snarling wolf. Copi shuddered, cold dread slithered over his blood soaked flesh. He released a slow tortured moan as his body, racked by intolerable injuries shivered from the deathly cold of the Alaskan wind. Copi stilled when the wolf’s salivating mouth opened wide showing long glistening rows of razor sharp teeth. It snarled; a guttural growl that rumbled forth from its huge barreled chest to rent its own fury into the cold. It howled long and triumphantly at the capture and despair of his latest victim.


Fighting hard against the pain of each fracturing breath, Copi strove to thwart the oncoming attack. He clawed hard with his unbroken arm, aiming for the eyes of the looming beast. Its huge snapping teeth missed his face and gifted Copi the chance to retaliate. Pushing down the overwhelming pain of broken bones and the excruciating inability to breathe, Copi grabbed onto the wolf’s thick neck and bit down hard, tearing through the grizzly fur coated ear with a blood curdling cry. 

Blood pooled in Copi’s mouth, thick, acrid and decisively foul. Copi immediately regurgitated, spilling the stank remnants from his bloodstained mouth only to be dragged further from the truck, and then thrown with ease by the prowling angered wolf.
Turning to face Copi, the wolf’s eyes glowed a bone chilling, menacing red. It lunged, pinning Copi to the cold hard earth. Serrated canine fangs worked to sever bone and flesh, thrashing him from side to side and ripping and shredding again and again until all Copi could do was wait and wish for the horrific end of his painful death. 

Warm thick blood rose in his mouth, chocking off his air supply. Copi’s vision became a surreal and unnatural hazy shade of crimson. Only the memory of the ebony black well of Vischeral’s glare soothed away the tendrils of a slow encroaching death, warming his last memory of the male he would never know. Vischeral.

Copyright © JT Cheyanne & VL Moon

Buy Links

Amazon | Amazon UK | Smashwords | ARe

Book #1 Crimson Reign


A pulse of light preceded the gift of life breathed into the coldest and darkest of souls. Bathed in the glow of celestial love and swathed in a blanket of black satin wings nestled a king among kings, a vampire born to destroy the decay threatening to eradicate the race he was destined to save.

An angelic heart torn by yearning, suffering and pain throbbed to the rhythm of the life he created; a life prophesied in the scriptures by the Creator’s own hand. A vow of servitude given in blood sealed the fate of a Seraphim’s heart and tied it eternally to the creation he craves, protects…loves.

Ancient treaties are lost and reborn, rising from the ashes as the Nephilim ravage the vampire race. The deviant desire that soared in Malachi Denali’s blood threatens to bring Rome to its knees when Malachi’s world, his soul and his heart are brutally shattered and torn apart.

Will purity born of an angel’s love be enough to calm the savage mind of Malachi Denali? Or will Laziel be doomed to a life of purgatory for loving the life he was gifted to create…

This is not a HEA, or even a HFN….Who knows what will happen to seal their fate…only time will tell. Vampires, angels, demons and wolves together with love, betrayal, sadness and yearning make up the ongoing story that is…

Crimson Reign

Buy Links:

AmazonAmazon UKSmashwords | ARe

About the authors

Laz and Lachi Publications is the combined writing team of J.T. Cheyanne and V.L. Moon. The two met in 2010, fell hard and fast for each other and married in April 2014. They write both independently and together in the gay erotica and gay paranormal genres. They also have a couple of contemporary romance novels under their belt.

Social media links

Our joint page




JT Cheyanne

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jtcheyannestories

Twitter: https://twitter.com/JTCheyanne

VL Moon

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VenusMoonstories

Twitter: https://twitter.com/VenusMoon5


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@pumpupyourbook Tour: “Slow Satisfaction” by @ceciliatan #PUYB #VBT

Slow Satisfaction Banner
Please welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta, Cecilia Tan, author of Slow Satisfaction on tour here today.  I present a topic that is always interesting to learn about an author… “Five Things You Wouldn’t Know About Cecilia Tan”
I’ve been ask to tell you five things you don’t already know about me. Since I’ve been publishing since 1992, speaking at conventions and bookstores just as long, and blogging since 1996, it was tricky to try to come up with thing I haven’t written about in public before! But I think I came up with a few good ones.
1. You already know I’m into BDSM since if I wasn’t, I wouldn’t have written a book like Slow Satisfaction. (My first book was calledTelepaths Don’t Need Safewords, after all!) But what you don’t know is that the first lover to spank me was a cute guy from Connecticut who was in a theater troupe with me. I had recently graduated college; he still had one more year. Neither of us had ever done anything like it before and we knew nothing about it other than I had read in a magazine once that if you started out spanking lightly you could work up to spanking harder. He spanked me during sex and afterward asked me how it made me feel. I think he thought I was going to say “naughty” or “slutty.” What I said was, “Alive!”
2. You already know I’m into writing rock stars in my books. Both Slow Satisfaction and Daron’s Guitar Chronicles have rock star heroes. What you probably don’t know is that when I was in high school I worked at WPLJ Radio in New York City, and after I graduated college and moved to Boston, I managed a rock band called Sexploitation. I also play several musical instruments myself, or used to, including the tuba, the clarinet, the guitar, the Irish flute, and the mandolin.
3. If you follow my Instagram you know I love cats. What you don’t know is that when I was a child I tried so hard to be creative with the name for my first cat. I was five or six and he was the runt of the litter. I tried calling him “Dynamite.” I tried “Jason.” I tried a new name every few hours for several days but none of them fit! It was my first case of writer’s block! My mother insisted I pick something. The only thing that really fit was “Kitty,” as in “Here Kitty, Kitty.” So Kitty it was.
4. You probably know that I’ve been writing erotica and BDSM for over 20 years. What you don’t know is that early in my career I wrote a Penthouse Letter. Penthouse Letters were dirty “true story” letters that were actually written by professional erotica writers but made to seem like they really happened. Mine involved dominating a hot punk boy in my Chevy Camaro and it was published in the Penthouse Variations magazine. What no one knew–including the editor at Penthouse–is that it was actually a true story.
5. Here’s one more that ties back to Slow Satisfaction, the new book that just came out. It’s not a secret that I put a lot of my life experiences into my books. But sometimes things I invent as fiction later come true in my real life. What no one knows is which of Karina’s experiences do I hope will come true…? I hope on my next trip to Las Vegas I’ll travel with someone brave enough to recreate the “Bellagio fountain” scene with me. If you haven’t read the book yet, I won’t tell you what happens, but let’s just say what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
And now… more information about Slow Satisfaction

TitleSlow Satisfaction

Author: Cecilia Tan

Publisher: Grand Central Publishing / Forever / Hachette

Publication Date: August 26, 2014

Pages: 336

ISBN: 978-1455529285

Genre: Erotic Romance / BDSM Billionaire

Format: Paperback and eBook

The sizzling conclusion of the Struck by Lightning trilogy! The story that began with the RT Award-winning Slow Surrender finally brings us all satisfaction. James has finally pushed Karina beyond her limit–not her limit for kinky sex play, but for his extreme secrecy. She has had enough and breaks things off.

But James won’t give up on Karina and he will do whatever it takes to get her back. He’s ready to share his deepest, darkest secrets, but is Karina ready to hear them? When James is blackmailed by an unscrupulous music industry executive, he must give in to unreasonable demands or risk exposure of his and Karina’s secret sex life… a sex life that keeps getting hotter! Will Karina and James’s love be strong enough to withstand the many obstacles being thrown their way?

Purchase The Book – Amazon B&NAppleKoboIndieboundGoodreads 

Book Excerpt: 

James’s eyes were serious, even as his face and body were relaxed and languid post-orgasm. “Did I convince you to give me another chance?”


I considered. “You at least earned the chance to tell me what I don’t know.”


He took my hand in his, like he had so many times before. This time he kissed my fingertips, his eyes closing as he did. “I have a lot to tell you. More than any single interrogation might reveal.”


I squeezed his hand. “I shouldn’t have to interrogate you for the answers.”


He sucked in a breath. “No. Of course you shouldn’t. There’s so much I need to tell you if you’re really going to get to know me.” He reached up and traced the curve of my cheek with his fingertip. “Yet I feel like you know me better than anyone.”


“I do know you,” I said. “I just don’t know the facts about you.”


His gaze shied away from mine. “Many of the facts are sordid.”


“Says the man who put a six-inch dildo into me and walked me around the Metropolitan Museum of Art.”


“I mean much more sordid than that.” Now his face had completely clouded over.


“I want to know, James. I need to know. I have a right to, if we’re going to be together.”


He nodded, though his eyes were closed. “I know. I agree. That still doesn’t make it easy for me to open up.”


I raised an eyebrow. “Except during sex.”


“As you well know. Were you serious about what you said before? I would sincerely give you a piece of my past for every time you give me…” He kissed my fingertips again. “Anything. Sex. Your body. Your submission.”


Even though we’d just had sex, I felt a thrill go through my loins. “I wasn’t suggesting it lightly.”


“I want to be sure. Sometimes we say things in the heat of passion that seem less than wise afterward.”


“But sometimes we get inspired.” This could be the perfect solution, I realized. “I know the time you’re the most open is when we have sex. That’s the time your answers will be the best. Of course, if we do this, I could still revoke my forgiveness at any time.”


“Of course. Just as you can revoke your consent at any time. I understand, Karina. It’s the Thousand and One Nights, only this time I’m Scheherazade, telling the stories.”


I touched his face with my fingers, feeling like a weight was slowly lifting from my back. Maybe we were going to make this work after all. The fact that he was willing to try so hard made a huge difference in how I felt. And I wanted him. The part of me that had been needing him and pining for him all summer was quelled by the knowledge we could do this.


I sat up and discovered I’d been lying on something. In the dim light I could still recognize what it was. “These look a lot like a pair of panties I used to have.”


“That’s because they are.”


“You’ve been carrying around my underwear?” I turned to look at him.


Lying beside me on the pillow, he wore a familiar expression: serene and a bit bemused. “You left them in the limo once. Did you think I’d throw them away?”


“I never really thought about it before.”


“If I left a pair of my underwear behind with you, what would you do?”


“Yeah, I see your point. I’ve got a handkerchief of yours I keep in the—”


His expression changed suddenly, his eyes widening and his lips parting in slight surprise. “That’s it, isn’t it?”


I felt myself blush even though I wasn’t keeping anything a secret. “Um, partly anyway. My roommate—”


“I know. I met her at the spa that day. Becky. She knew the Lord’s Ladies.”


“Yeah. And she got one of the handkerchiefs you threw from the stage at Madison Square Garden. It matched one I got from you.”


To my surprise, James smiled. He sat up and kissed me softly. “If I believed in fate, I’d say that was a sign. What are the odds?”


“And are they better or worse than the odds of being struck by lightning?”


His smile turned into a laugh. “Was that a pun?” In a flash he pulled my legs onto his lap, spanking me playfully several times. I couldn’t help it, it was like being ambushed by tickling. I kicked and giggled and shrieked.


I wriggled free, hug-tackled him, and ended up on top of him in the center of the bed, kissing him all over his face. “I’m still mad at you, you know.”


“If you say so,” he said. “By the way, I agree with your mother. This is a nice dress.”


“She bought it for me today. She wants to meet you.”


“What have you told her about me?”


“That you’re rich and good-looking which is what she cares about most. My sister wants to meet you, too. They know you’re an art world type but that’s all.” I was coming to my senses a little, now that the intense pleasure of the orgasm was receding and the play-spanking had woken me up. “And if you’d really put the rock star stuff behind you, that’d be all they need to know. But that sounds like a big if.”


“A very big if.” He nodded slowly, his face sobering again into his usual mask.


That would not do. The biggest question he still hadn’t answered for me was the story of Ferrara Huntington. It was the biggest thing that I thought could still be a deal-breaker and send me out of here a single woman. I leaned down and nuzzled his neck, as if the subject were closed for now. He smelled delicious, igniting all my cravings again. I nibbled behind his ear. He arched under me, his cock not yet ready to harden again, but the rest of him responding just fine. He pulled me down beside him, kissing me back and exploring my neck with his mouth.


Hadn’t we just finished having sex? I felt my insides melting again though, my desire rising like a tide. Maybe my body felt we should make up for lost time.


Making out was nice and I enjoyed the feeling that we were in no hurry. When had we ever done this, kissed for the sake of kissing? I lost track of time. Minutes ticked by in my haze of affection, pleasure, and relief. Yes. We needed this kind of connection, too. Affection, exploring each other, letting chemistry take over.


My hands roamed his back, his sides, his hips, until one of them strayed between his legs and I sucked in a breath as I met the scorching hot stiffness there.


There was no reason to wait. There was so much we had to talk about. “You’re ready for more?” I teased.


“With you, Karina, I always am.”



Cecilia Tan is “simply one of the most important writers, editors, and innovators in contemporary American erotic literature,” according to Susie Bright. Her BDSM romance novel Slow Surrender(Hachette/Forever, 2013) won the RT Reviewers Choice Award in Erotic Romance. Tan is the author of many books, including the ground-breaking erotic short story collections Black Feathers(HarperCollins), White Flames (Running Press), and Edge Plays (Circlet Press), and the erotic romances Slow Surrender, Slow Seduction, and Slow Satisfaction (Hachette/Forever), The Prince’s Boy (Circlet Press), The Hot Streak (Riverdale Avenue Books), and the Magic University series (Riverdale Avenue Books). Her short stories have appeared in Ms. Magazine, Nerve, Best American Erotica, Asimov’s Science Fiction, and tons of other places. She was inducted into the Saints & Sinners Hall of Fame for GLBT writers in 2010, was a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Leather Association in 2004, and won the inaugural Rose & Bay Awards for Best Fiction in 2010 for her crowdfunded web fiction serial Daron’s Guitar Chronicles. She lives in the Boston area with her lifelong partner corwin and three cats. Find out more at www.ceciliatan.com.

Connect with Cecilia Tan – Website BlogFacebook | TwitterGoodreads




