Hashtags oh my #CampNaNoWriMo #musings #amwriting #MMM #Menage

So, it’s been a week since my last update. I feel like I’m in a ‘writing’ anonymous meeting. Is there such a thing? Well, us writers need a lot of support, so probably. 🙂

I’m continuing to write on my MMM Menage for an anthology compilation (more info will be coming once everyone finishes and we figure out a publishing date).

Pretty close to finishing Camp NaNoWriMo even though I didn’t write as often as I wanted. I did something to my lower back mid-month and took almost 2 weeks off because of that. I did get a surprising amount of words done a few days ago. I plan to reach word goal by end of month but it will depend on if I get time. I have a full plate for this weekend.

After a doctors appointment last Friday, I had to make some changes to my diet and exercise. I’ve been walking 10  min a day (to start off) and changing my diet to a keto/Atkins-based diet where I have limited carbs per meal. As of Wednesday, I lost a pound so something is going right.

Well, this is going to be kind of short. 🙂 I’ll follow up with another update soon.



Leaning Into Touch (Leaning Into Stories 04) by Lane Hayes and Nick J. Russo #audio #LGBT #romance #Spotlight #Giveaway

Title:  Leaning Into Touch

Series: Leaning Into Stories, #4

Author: Lane Hayes

Narrator: Nick J. Russo

Publisher:  Lane Hayes

Original Publication Date: October 5, 2017

Heat Level: 4 – Lots of Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 80k words

Genre: Romance, Bisexual, Humor, Second Chance, Friends to Lovers, San Francisco, Office

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Josh Sheehan is unlucky in love and now… newly unemployed. He’s not sure what to do next, but he’s sure he should give up on romance. Especially after last time. His friends warned him that falling for the hunky Irishman was a bad idea. Josh can’t help feeling torn even though he knows it’s best to move on. But when an unexpected dose of family drama blindsides him, Josh finds himself leaning on the one man he’s supposed to forget.

Finn Gallagher is driven by success. He makes no secret that building a name for his tech company is his number one goal. Finn left home a decade ago with a ton of regret, a heavy heart, and a vow to never repeat the same mistake twice. However, there is something undeniably appealing about the self-deprecating man with the silly sense of humor that makes it difficult for Finn to remember why falling for Josh is a bad idea. It soon becomes clear they’re both in deeper than they intended. There is no way to remain untouched. And there is so much to gain, if they’re brave enough to lean in.

Listen to an audio excerpt & purchase at Audible

Meet the Author

Lane Hayes is grateful to finally be doing what she loves best. Writing full-time! It’s no secret Lane loves a good romance novel. An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. These days she prefers the leading roles to both be men. Lane discovered the M/M genre a few years ago and was instantly hooked. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and subsequent books have received Honorable Mentions, and were winners in the 2016 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband in a newly empty nest.

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Meet the Narrator

Nick is an award winning narrator with a fan following for his work in fiction, specifically in the romance genre. His performances in two of Amy Lane’s books, Beneath the Stain and Christmas Kitsch, made him the recipient of Sinfully M/M Book Review’s Narrator of the Year – 2015. When he’s not in the booth, Nick enjoys spending time with his wife, Jessica, and kids, (aka their beagle Frank and cat Stella), drumming in his cover band, exploring rural back roads with his wife on his motorcycle, or being enthralled in a tabletop role playing game with his friends. 

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Alpha Sacrifice (Irresistible Omegas 01) by Nora Phoenix #LGBT #mpreg #Romance #Review #Menage

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes author Nora Phoenix! Published by Nora Roberts on March 13, 2018 and is 458 pages.

The Blurb:

an MMMM Mpreg Gay Romance

Four men, brought together by fate, connected in more powerful ways than they’d ever imagined.

Lidon, the powerful alpha-cop, determined to never trust another partner—until he helps a vulnerable omega through his heat and connects with him in a way that leaves him reeling.

Enar, the alpha-doctor who dedicates his life to serving omegas who need his help. He works himself to the bone, anything to drown out his inner voices that scream at him he’s not a real alpha.

Palani, the sassy beta reporter who will do anything to save his omega lover and childhood friend, even if it means watching another man claim him.

Vieno, the omega who suffers from a medical condition that requires an alpha’s help. It was supposed to be sex, but his attraction to the alpha goes much deeper. But how can he betray his soulmate and lover Palani like this?

When Vieno’s freedom is endangered, he needs Lidon to save him. The alpha steps up, but the consequences of his choice are more far-reaching than anyone of them had foreseen.

Four men try to figure out what they are to each other amidst political unrest, investigations into corruption and fraud, a medical issue that is far bigger and more sinister than it seemed at first, and old legends that are turning out to be real.

Alpha’s Sacrifice is an MMMM mpreg gay romance and the first book in the Irresistible Omegas series. It is not a stand-alone and ends on a cliffhanger. Please note the triggers warnings in the front of the book.

The Review:

Thank you Nora for your ARC Review group. 🙂

5 Stars



I’m going to start off this review as saying that this is the best menage, mpreg, and MM romance I’ve read in a long time. That said, I can’t even begin to describe the subtle writing style that is Nora Phoenix. It’s a slow burn between Vieno, Palani, Enar, and Lidon as they dance around each other to symphony music that is best described as a waltz. You really have to read it to understand the nuances Nora describes. Yes, it ends in a cliffhanger as the author points out from the beginning. I’m not a fan of cliffhangers without having the next book ready (see my reviews for Rhys Ford) but like Rhys Ford’s various series that the individual books end on a cliffhanger, this is a blessing in disguise to see the overall story arc. Yes, she’s evil for ending in a cliffhanger, but you love the characters so much you don’t really care, and you have to find your inner patience.

Speaking of characters, I love all four of the main characters. Palani and Enar are almost tied for first in characters that I love from this book. Lidon and Vieno, as well as Palani and Enar, are all well rounded as we get to know their universe where certain omega’s gene, dubbed the Melloni gene, makes omega heats harder on their person. Behind the immediate issue with this gene, we see prevalent issues between Alphas, Betas, and Omegas in general that mirror and mimic current political, social, and legal issues in life today. Yes, this is a fantastical universe where men get pregnant as a backdrop to the love that develops between the four men. The love and commitment between them all is subtle enough that they all have a hard time coming to terms with it. Isn’t that was life is all about? I won’t say more since I try not to give too much away, but you need to read this story. You’ll laugh and cry throughout their trials to get to each other, but hope, and love, will win. That is all we can ask for in any life we lead.

Since this is self published, I did private message Nora when I was done reading and confirmed that she was working on the next one. Who knows, maybe it will come out really soon. *hint hint* *wink* Thank you for your patience as my review was delayed due to work and internet issues.

(FYI, I keep wanting to type “Nora Roberts” because Nora Phoenix’s style is on par with Nora Roberts a.k.a J.D. Robb, and I love both their writing styles. Hats off to you Nora!)

Overall, I give Alpha Sacrifice 5 out of 5 stars, and wish I could do 6 stars. 😉

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

Amazon | Goodreads

About the Author:

Would you like the long or the short version of my bio?

The short? You got it.

I write steamy gay romance books and I love it. I also love reading books. Books are everything.

How was that?

A little more detail? Gotcha.

I started writing my first stories when I was a teen…on a freaking typewriter. I still have these, and they’re adorably romantic. And bad, haha. Fear of failing kept me from following my dream to become a romance author, so you can imagine how proud and ecstatic I am that I finally overcame my fears and self doubt and did it. I adore my genre because I love writing and reading about flawed, strong men who are just a tad broken..but find their happy ever after anyway.

My favorite books to read are pretty much all MM/gay romances as long as it has a happy end. Kink is a plus… Aside from that, I also read a lot of nonfiction and not just books on writing. Popular psychology is a favorite topic of mine and so are self help and sociology.

Hobbies? Ain’t nobody got time for that. Just kidding. I love traveling, spending time near the ocean, and hiking. But I love books more.

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Stalk me on Twitter or Goodreads where I share recommended books and reviews! You can also find me on Bookbub and Instagram.

Midway #CampNaNoWriMo #amwriting #musings #LGBTQ #review

I’m still writing. Honest. I know I said I would do an update earlier in the month but the month got away from me.

Work has been interesting. I say that a lot. Then I lost internet yesterday. Grrr. Seems some animal wanted to chew through the phone wire and phone company had to come out and lay a temp wire to fix. Sigh. The line will get buried next week.

I’ve got almost 5k of words. w00t!!

Goal is 10k. Might be higher. Not sure as it will depend on the characters and what they want to say. Then editing, maybe a beta read or two, then to my new editor. 🙂 it will be published in an anthology this year. Not sure when yet. I’ll keep you posted on progress.

I have an ARC review I need to post. MMMM (yes, four guys) ménage and it’s mpreg. My favorites. Be on the look out for that this weekend now that I have internet back.

What else? I’m drawing a blank. There was something else… Oh well. I guess I’ll do an update post once I remember what it was.
