.@Totally_Bound 5 Star #Review of “Then Came Cal” by Lee Barrows #LGBT @PridePublishing

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I’ve started reviewing for #TotallyBound and #PridePublishing so you will see my reviews there as well. Here is the first book from them received in exchange for an honest review.


The Review:


5 Stars


There were two sorties this week that I thought about reading for review. A MM Suspense or this cute Contemporary. I wasn’t feeling it for a hip-wading mystery/suspense so I choose Then Came Cal by Lee Barrows.  I hadn’t read Lee before and the blurb sounded great, so I went with it.

We meet Sean Hutchins getting laid off from his job in California, the one he had since graduating, only to discover his roommate and sometimes lover that he thought he wanted to go to the next step in their relationship getting it on in their bed– and not with him. He quickly leaves and seeks his best friend, Cassie, and running into Cal, her visiting brother from New York, on the worse day of his life. He’d rather not talk to him as he’s had a suppressed crush on him since meeting the years before, but in his dazed state he discovers he still has feelings for him. Cal discovers more to Sean in his interactions, and his heartstrings are tugged in a direction he didn’t think he wanted past the normal hook-ups and one-night stands.

As I said when I started, this cute little story was just what I was looking for. I was particularly drawn to Cal as he worked out his feelings and possessiveness for someone he only thought about as his little sister’s best friend, helping Sean where he could and getting to know him in the process.  Sean’s heart opens up to the possibility of Cal liking him when Cal continues to help him get his life back together. While I liked Sean’s character, I didn’t really connect to him as much as I connected to Cal. He was a sweet one but somewhat down on himself, yet still was strong in Cal’s eyes. I liked seeing the different points of views between Sean and Cal, with a little bit of Cassie thrown in. It’s a fast, true love, and the happy ending is satisfying. The sex scenes were not numerous but nicely done. It’s a short read, only about a hundred pages (depending upon your eReader) and that was the perfect length for this story. Overall, I enjoyed it immensely and look forward to more stories from Lee.

With this, I give Then Came Cal 5 stars.



Book Links:

Goodreads | PridePublishing

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