Vicktor Alexander’s BIG Birthday Paperback Giveaway!

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Source: Vicktor Alexander’s BIG Birthday Paperback Giveaway!

.@masqtours #ExileReveal: Exile by Nikki McCormack #EpicFantasy @Author_NikkiMC

Betrayed by ally and by love, stranded by uncontrollable magic, Yiloch struggles…
Publication Date: December 11, 2015
Genre: Epic Fantasy
Series: Forbidden Things, Book Two

Yiloch, the newly crowned Emperor of Lyra, stands accused of arranging the assassination of the Caithin royal family. Torn between love for Yiloch and her close ties with the royal family, Indigo wants nothing more than to prove the accusation false, but the evidence puts the blood of the family on his hands.

Trying to protect the Lyran prince from the swift descent of Caithin justice, Indigo exposes the workings of an enemy who is willing to kill to protect his secrets. In desperation, she unleashes magic that sends Yiloch deep into the desert of Kudan before fleeing for her life. She must find him again to save his life as well as her own.

Betrayed by ally and by love, stranded by uncontrollable magic, Yiloch struggles to make his way back to the Lyran capital before Caithin can declare war, but standing between him and his empire is a lethal new enemy, wielding magic unlike anything his people have faced before.

First book in the Forbidden Things series…

Nikki lives in the magnificent Pacific Northwest with her husband, two horses, two cats, and one slightly crazy dog. She feeds her imagination by sitting on the ocean in her kayak gazing out across the never-ending water or hanging from a rope in a cave, embraced by darkness and the sound of dripping water. She finds peace through practicing iaido or shooting her longbow.

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Jimmy’s Erotic Adventure in Time and Space Continuum by @periewolford #ReleaseDay #Amazon #SciFi #LGBT #Illustrated

Another new author in the Science Fiction/Gay arena. Please welcome Perie Wolford to Moonbeams over Atlanta. Today is release day for his new release Extraterrestrial Anthology.

Title: Jimmy’s Erotic Adventure In Time And Space Continuum (Episode 1)
Author: Perie Wolford
Length: 100 pages
Genre: Gay/SciFi

Release date: 11/16/2015


Jimmy the time-traveler, while trying to solve a time-riddle his late father left for him, gets accidentally flung back in time, to the year 1871, the days of the Wild West, landing squarely in the middle of a valley of death. He stumbles into a pack of gun-toting rustlers, who capture him. To Jimmy’s luck though, the youngest of the rustlers, Kit Fisher, is not like the rest of his folks.

Book Trailers:


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Author Bio

Perie Wolford is an optioned and produced screenwriter and published author.perie

His first feature-film movie Dark Harvest The Movie was shot in California by Emerging Artist Productions in 2011 and is now in post-production.

Perie became a published author in 2014, with his debut novel PRESENCE. Following Presence was book 1 in SAM DORSEY series, which instantly sold over 5,000 copies. In 2015 Perie returned to science fiction with ENCOUNTER, a tribute to CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND. His next sci-fi book LIGHTS is available as Kindle edition 10/12/2015.

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.@pridepromo #CoverReveal: Clean by Mia Kerick #LGBT #Contemporary #NewAdult #Romance #Contest

Please welcome Mia Kerick to Moonbeams over Atlanta with a cover reveal for Clean! See the end of the post for a Rafflecopter entry to win a $10 Amazon gift card!


Author Name: Mia Kerick
Book Name: Clean
Series: None
Release Date: December 1, 2015
Pages or Words: 289 pages
Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, New Adult, Romance
Publisher: Cool Dudes Publishing
Cover Artist: Louis C. Harris





High school senior Lanny Keating has it all. A three-sport athlete at Lauserville High School looking at a college football scholarship, with a supportive family, stellar grades, boy band good looks… until the fateful day when it all falls apart.

Seventeen-year-old Trevor Ladd has always been a publicly declared zero and the high school bad-boy. Abandoned by his mother and sexually abused by his legal guardian, Trevor sets his sights on mere survival.

Lanny seeks out Trevor’s companionship to avoid his shattered home life. Unwilling to share their personal experiences of pain, the boys explore ways to escape, leading them into sexual experimentation, and the abuse of illegal drugs and alcohol. Their mutual suffering creates a lasting bond of friendship and love.

When the time finally comes to get clean and sober, or flunk out of high school, only one of the boys will graduate, while the other spirals downward into addiction.

Will Lanny and Trevor find the strength to battle their demons of mind-altering substances as well as emotional vulnerability?

Clean takes the reader on a gritty trip into the real and raw world of teenage substance abuse.

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