Beautiful Skin Anthology by Multiple Authors #ComingSoon #CoverReveal #PersonsOfColor #Romance #LGBT

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I’m so excited to announce the people of color anthology, Beautiful Skin, that’s been a long time in the making will be here by the end of the month! My story, an MMM romance, is included. More information to be shared the closer we get! Follow me on social media to see announcements for events, author takeovers, and more!

Help us celebrate diversity while supporting a great charity as 50% of the proceeds go to Sickle Cell research. Don’t forget to add it to your TBR list below! Please share far and wide from here and social media. We appreciate you!

*****Beautiful Skin: A People of Color Anthology*****


Release date: 8/23/18 (pre-order coming soon)

Add this wonderfully diverse anthology to your Goodreads TBR list today, because you won’t want to miss it when it releases!!

Link to Goodreads:

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