And the winner is… #Rafflecopter #Together #ThankYou

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Thank you for entering in my Rafflecopter for an opportunity to win one of two free eBooks for Together, my people of color, menage (MMM), contemporary romance. If you didn’t win, it’s on sale for $1.99 current on all the major Amazon outlets, including Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Sorry for the delay, I had to factory reset my phone today. 🙁

I’m still recovering from that… Well, you aren’t here to read about my phone woes.

The two winners are…

Sula Holland and Michael Bratek!


They will be contacted via email to claim their prize and the Rafflecopter will show them as well. If you know them on social media and follow me, please let them know that they’ve won.

It’s the new year and I have plans on releasing additional stories. As I know, I will post here. Join my newsletter and you can get exclusive advanced notice of ARCs, release dates, and excerpts.

Thank you for following.


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