I did this thing… hot off the press #Amazon #Paperback #Published #LGBTQ #PrideMonth #GRL

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*knocks on a mike*

It this thing live? *tap tap*

*resounding feedback from the tapping*

Yeah, I guess it is.

Welcome to June 2019. It’s been a year. Sorry for being MIA for most of this year. I am around, just work and family (mostly work) has been eating my time. I’m hoping to be a bit more social at least going forward.



I finally got Together in print. It went live today. Or at least, when I logged in to KDP, it was live. *smile* It’s available in all Amazon markets like the eBook. I had a little cover trouble because the original cover that Emmy Ellis did for me originally had text on the spine. It’s apparently a no-go for Amazon to have text on the spine for under 100 pages. My book is 94 with the excerpt and author info. *rolls eyes*


I got the proofs from the original cover and it looked just fine with the text. *shrug* I’ll just have to go with the flow.

Together on Amazon

Book Cover Together by Eloreen Moon

As some of you may already know if you follow me on Facebook, I decided not to attend GRL this year because my daughter asked her partner to marry her at the end of April and the wedding is at the end of the year. I just got my dress for the wedding/Great Gatsby party. I’m going to be busy with that preparation and will not have as much time to travel to conventions as I hoped. I’m always at DragonCon, but like every year, I don’t roam much. If a few of my favorite authors to read attend again, I’ll probably meet up with them.

This post is perfect because June is pride month. I found a picture of flags that has poly in it. I’m poly, bi-romantic, demisexual, progressive wiccan, genderfluid woman who writes alternate lifestyle romances primarily male pairings. I’m also an introvert and not a social creature. It is kind of odd that I took to social media when it first became popular. Probably because I’m not actually face-to-face with someone. *wink*



Well, I’m going to sign off for now. I’ve got a lot of stuff I would like to do (including getting back into writing again) but it will have to wait to until work stabilizes and I’m not working so many hours that I’m losing days. I’m going to try to keep up with the blog and newsletter. Speaking of newsletter, be on the lookout for a VIP newsletter only contest for a free print copy of Together. Sign up for the newsletter to find out. You’ll get a free ebook when you do. It will probably be about a week *hint, hint* since I’m going to wait for the books to arrive before setting it up.

Eloreen Moon’s Newsletter

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