Where did this year go? #Preptober #NaNoWrimo #NaNoLanta #amwriting

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What the heck happened to 2019???


So, it’s about that time. If you are a writer, you may be prepping for #NaNoWriMo in roughly 2 weeks. The site is now merged between the main NaNoWriMo and #CampNaNoWriMo so there is only one location now. I haven’t poked around much yet, but plan to to sign up for NaNo before the end of the month. Come find me and let’s be friends. I think my original friends were wiped in the merge. 🙂 Link to me via my profile pic:


If you are in the Atlanta area–Heck, even if you aren’t in the area, and want to join #NaNoLanta, the regional group on #NaNoWriMo for Atlanta on Discord, visit the server here: https://discord.gg/pQMqMjW. There’s brainstorming shenanigans soon (6 pm EDT) today. Assuming work doesn’t spontaneously combust, I’ll be there.

So, sorry for not being around much this year. I’ve haven’t had much time to think, let along write, but I’ve been picking up social media a bit. Mostly Twitter, some Facebook, and occasionally Instagram/MeWe.

My flash fiction for Migration was published a couple of months ago. There’s an ebook (linked) and paperback versions. I also published Together in print over the summer. I dropped the price to $7.99, It’s still available on #KindleUnlimited for free or purchase for $1.99.

I was going to do a freebie for Halloween but didn’t make the cutoff (today!). If I can finish in a reasonable time before Halloween, I might publish it on Amazon for $0.99. We’ll see. It hasn’t been going well and I need to brainstorm some to get it going again.

I have a paranormal people of color novella that’s rapidly turning into a novel or a trilogy, I’m not sure which. I might work on it this NaNo to turn it into a novel. Not sure yet.

Now that I’ve realigned some things at work, I hope to have more time for writing, family, and the readers. I’m a reader myself, and I miss it when I’m so busy I don’t have time to read. Bad Eloreen, No Biscuit.

As always, I’ll be intermittently posting reviews, book blasts, and tours. Can you believe it’s been 7 years since I started this writing road? Perhaps I will do something next month. Keep in touch. You know where to find me.

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