@BitnBookPromote Book Tour: “War Kids” by @hjlawson1 #GIVEAWAY #YA



By H. J. Lawson

Contemporary/ YA

When fourteen-year-old Jada wakes up in a hospital, the last thing she
thinks is that her life has completely changed forever.
But when the
very real civil war forces her to flee from every open space, she must
use the firearm skills her father taught her to reunite with him and
protect herself.

Armed with a single gun and a key to an unknown
locker, Jada crosses Syria on a journey with a group of children called
the Fearless Freedom Fighters.

With the leader, Zak, they mount a
plan to rescue their fathers while they try to cope with the merciless
murders of their families. As Jada and Zak lead the group together, love
blossoms, but with soldiers hot on their tail, they need to stay
vigilant in the face of war.








Their Corridor of Death is my Corridor of Freedom. Running from the hospital room, I enter a dark corridor. I hesitantly stretch my arm out to the wall and scrape my fingers down its rough sides. My hands will be my eyes as the walls guide me though the black hole. My heart is racing and I can barely catch my breath.



Hayley Lawson



Hayley Lawson is the author of War Kids. She has written a young
adult contemporary novel set in Syria; a story about the Syrian Civil
war though the eyes of children.She was born in Lancaster,
England. Growing up in a single parent household with five other
siblings; was hard, and also character building.

As a young child she
found a passion for drawing, and continued this into adulthood,
graduating from the University of Central Lancashire, England with a
BA(Hons) in fashion design.

At aged twenty seven, Hayley and her
husband packed up their belongings for a lifelong dream to move to
California. Her America dream was complete with the birth of her
daughter. Her love for traveling, continued after the birth of her
daughter traveling around America with the family, and the best
travelled dog.

A new job positioned opened up New York, and the
family decide to relocate to Long Island, NY, which is where she
currently resides.

On August 21 she was moved by the images of the
Syrian conflict, and embarked on an unlikely journey of writing her
first novel.

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Win one of 10 ecopies as well as a swag bag worth $100!
Swag bag contains: one ladies tote, a signed book and one tablet case.


To enter swag bag giveaway go here or click image. All you have to do is enter your email and the winner will be notified August 21st!
For the ebook giveaway, enter below.
Blitz organized by Bit’N Book Tours

Bit’N Tour Blog Tour: Second Star on the Right by Elizabeth Los GIVEAWAY and Scavenger Hunt!

Welcome to Day Eight of the Elizabeth Second Star on the Right Blog tour!  I’m Eloreen Moon with Moonbeams over Atlanta Blog.  Be sure to read the entire post as there is a Giveaway and Scavenger Hunt!

Synopsis: Spawned from an ancient promise, treachery and intrigue follow the protagonists through our world and one lost to the waves. Bound by an invisible bond, they are thrust into a fantastical world of pirates and demons. James Benedict is a just man haunted by evil. Pushed to the edge, everything stripped from him, a new man arises . . . a man whose name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it: “Captain Hook”. Eileen Davis was a timid woman. Through a fateful cruise she finds herself in the company of the Captain of the Mistral Thief. With his guidance, and the meddling of the local barista, she eventually finds her inner strength. Will the two of them unite through time to fulfill the promise of their ancestors or will tempers ignite leading all to failure? Audio Excerpt: http://youtu.be/Z3rU6mDNVXY     Author Bio: Elizabeth uses writing as therapy, her release from everyday stress. At night, after work and once the children are finally tucked in bed, for the fifth time, she sits at her laptop and lets her imagination flow. Elizabeth has produced short stories, one of which will be published in an anthology. She’s had fun writing a Sherlock Holmes fan fiction story, A Case of Need, based on the BBC’s Sherlock. By July 2011, her first novel, Second on the Right, had been completed. She spent several years polishing the story in order to provide a high quality product to the public. Second on the Right is her first professional novel. Author Links: Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Smashwords | Facebook Book Links: ISBN-10: 1492340480 | ISBN-13: 978-1492340485 | eBook ISBN-13: 978-1310988455 Amazon | Goodreads | iTunes | B&N | Createspace

Enter below for the Giveaway

Scavenger Hunt Rules:

Everyone loves a scavenger hunt so jump aboard and collect the clues to form a hidden message pertaining to Second On The Right.  Visit all the blogs touring and look for the word in RED in each scavenger hunt graphic. It is a contest after all, so the first person to email the MESSAGE to bitnbooktours@gmail.com wins!  For a full schedule of all the blogs participating go here: http://bitnbooktours.wix.com/bitn#!second-on-the-right-by-elizabeth-los/c1y0z

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