.@Eyes_on_Books #BookTour: Indigo Road by @rjjonesauthor #LGBT #Romance #Contemporary #NewAdult

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Title: Indigo Road
Author: R.J. Jones
Genre: New Adult, Gay Romance, Contemporary
Length: Novel
Cover artist: Meredith Russell


Two best friends take a year off to find themselves… and end up finding each other.

Joshua Simpson has just finished four years at Purdue University, but that’s not why he’s buzzing with excitement. Once they’ve said goodbye to their families, Josh and his best friend Alex are taking off to discover America in an old but reliable VW van, planning on not seeing snow for an entire year.

Josh has always considered himself straight—except for that one time in college—so when he and Alex are living in such close proximity on the road, he’s unsure what these new feelings mean. Is it because they’re spending 24/7 together, or is it something deeper? And does it really matter since Josh has only ever seen Alex with women?

While in Oregon, Josh meets Johnno, a sexy but confusing Aussie surfer. While having an impromptu surfing lesson, Johnno helps Josh realize who he is and what he wants—but Alex’s reaction leaves Josh confused.

From a Montana ranch to the bright lights and dangerous streets of Los Angeles to a dark and lonely deserted highway in Alabama, join Josh and Alex as they drive around the US, discovering not only who they are, but who they can be together.

Indigo Road Cover

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“Johnno kissed me. I didn’t instigate it but I didn’t push him away either, at least not to begin with. And…” I hurried on, needing to tell him everything. “And I’m glad he did. I’m glad he kissed me. He made me realize that kissing a guy wasn’t as weird as I thought it would be. It was right, but wrong at the same time. Kissing a guy was right, but not him. He wasn’t right.”

I searched Alex’s eyes, hoping he understood. He looked drained, emotionally wrung out, but there was a tiny spark of hope in his gaze. I stepped closer, bringing our bodies in line until I could feel his warmth seep into my bones. I stood on tiptoe and leaned forward slightly, our mouths just an inch apart. Alex’s lips parted on a breath, but he didn’t close the gap. If I wanted to kiss him, I had to make the effort. He wasn’t going to meet me halfway.

Closing my eyes, I brushed my lips gently over his. They were softer than I remembered from my fever-induced haze but just as sweet. Our mouths moved together hesitantly, testing. Did Alex still want this? Did he want me to kiss him after I’d just kissed Johnno? God help me if he didn’t, because this was right. Alex’s mouth on mine, my hands on his skin, was right.

I removed my hands from his shirt, intending to break apart so I could see his reaction, but just as I was about to move, Alex brought his arms around me, holding me prisoner. He tilted his head and deepened the kiss. I had no choice but to open for him as he explored my mouth, and I melted against him, my hands circling his waist. Our lips and tongues tangled together as we discovered a side of each other we’d never known before. Alex kissed with a passion I hadn’t suspected he possessed. This kiss wasn’t at all like the one I shared with the strange Australian. This kiss was filled with possibilities, with plans for the future, and it lasted for what seemed like an eternity.

This kiss was right.

The need for oxygen was the only reason we broke apart, albeit reluctantly. Alex rested his forehead against mine as we caught our breath and it mingled in the small space between us.

In the distance I could hear hollering, and I looked toward the dunes, wondering what it was. Johnno was standing on the top of a dune, cheering. I waved, wrapping my other arm around Alex and resting my head against his shoulder.

Johnno gave us a final cheer and a wave before jumping down the other side of the sand, disappearing.

“I should thank him, you think?” Alex asked, nodding in the direction that Johnno had stood.

“I would’ve kissed you eventually, but yeah, he just made me do it sooner.”


Prizes: 1 ecopy of Indigo Road; 1 ecopy of any RJ Jones’ backlist titles, winner’s choice

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the author

R.J. Jones started as a reader and eventually made the progression to reviewing. It wasn’t until two men popped into her thoughts, insisting on telling her their story that she started to write.

It started with one scene. A hot and dirty one in the shower…

R.J.’s initial thought was if she could write their scene then they’d shut up and allow her to concentrate on other aspects of her day. Not so. That shower scene ended up being 3000 words long and three hours of work.  And still, they didn’t shut up.  They told her their entire story and she didn’t sleep for days. Sometimes she couldn’t keep up with what they were telling her and she had to keep a notebook by her bed.

Whilst she was writing their story a side character decided he needed his story told too. Then other characters followed suit.

You see the problem? If she ever wants to sleep again then she needs to write.

R.J. is a wife and a mother to two boys. She is surrounded by males. Even her dog is a boy.

R.J. Jones can be found at:

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@Eyes_on_Books #ReleaseBlast: It’s Not Yule, It’s Me by @MrStewardess #LGBT #Romance #Holiday @jmsbooksllc

Title: It’s Not Yule, It’s Me
Author: Michael P. Thomas
Genre: Gay Romance, Holiday themed, Comedy
Length: 15,700 words
Publisher: JMS Books


Shannon hates Christmas. Mostly because Christmas hates him. It sure seems like it, anyway: every crummy thing that’s happened to him since high school has befallen him at the Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Every humiliating break-up, every high-rise hotel fire—heck, a few years back, one guy he had the hots for up and died. Which goes a long way toward explaining why he’s a whimpering mess when he meets Ben the barista one Christmas morning at his neighborhood coffee house. It doesn’t completely excuse his using Ben’s T-shirt as a handkerchief—while Ben’s still in it—but Ben’s nothing if not a good sport. Ben’s such a bright spot that after a while Shannon wonders if maybe his Christmas Curse hasn’t been lifted. And what better place to test this theory than at Ben’s family festivities? It’s not like Christmas is actually cursed.

Is it?


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“I’m Shannon, by the way,” he eventually says. “Have we done that already?”

“I don’t think so. Not officially, anyhow. I’m Ben.”

“You don’t sound French.”

“You should hear me arguing on the phone with my mom.”

“I mean ‘Ben.’ Doesn’t sound like a very French name.”

“Maybe not, but Benoît is more trouble than it’s worth.”



I was born in France, but raised in Colorado; I’ve only been to France a handful of times, none of them recent. My mother was born in this country and raised in Washington, DC, but by French parents. Her mother is ethnically Gujarati, but French by virtue of being from Réunion. We’re still parsing the extent of my French-ness when Seth rolls in, only fifteen minutes late.

“Hiya, Benny-Boy” he warbles, planting a kiss on the top of my head as he swoops by; Seth enjoys flaunting his straight-but-not-narrow status. “What’s goin’ on?”

“What you get is what you see,” I tell him.

“Zis what Santa brought you?” He jerks his chin at Shannon, makes a show of sizing us up as a party of two. “You musta been a pretty good boy this year.”

Shannon groans.

“Ix-nay on the Anta-Say,” I scold Seth, although we’re all three laughing. I get up from the table and bus it clean by way of making preparations to call it a day.

“Rough trip down the chimney, eh?” Seth says, waggling his eyebrows.

“Pretty much the worst euphemism ever,” I assure him as I shrug into my jacket.

He laughs, offers me a fist bump and a “Peace out,” both of which I return.

“So …” I say to Shannon, sidling up to him. “I’m done here. You wanna get a drink or something?”

“It’s like noon.”

“Lunch, then?”

“It’s Christmas Day.”

“Dude, how hard are you gonna make me work for this? What, you never had Chinese food?”

“It’s just, I’m supposed to go to my aunt and uncle’s … it’s not that I don’t want to … maybe another time?”

I shrug. “You know where to find me.”

About the author

Michael P. Thomas is a flight attendant whose writing is continually inspired by his work with the flying public, who flatly refuse to be boring. The author of three novel-length gay romances and a number of romantic and erotic shorts, he writes gay fiction because when he was coming out he sure was glad to have it to read. After misspending his youth in San Francisco, he now lives in his native Colorado with his husband.

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@Eyes_on_Books #BookTour: “Love Cubed” by @Author_E_LeFey #LGBT #Romance #Excerpt #Review @Wayward_Ink_Pub

Love Cubed Blog Tour


Welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta, Eddy LeFey! This is a review book tour and there is a contest, so read on! A copy of the book was provided for the purpose of this review.


Title: Love Cubed

Author: Eddy LeFey

Length: novel

Genre: gay romance, contemporary, new adult, menage, MMM


Three very different young men meet at St-Frederick’s University.

Francis, haunted by his past and seeking a new life.

Andrew, the introverted football jock.

And Sebastian, the charismatic and confident hockey star.

Francis, wary and troubled, didn’t count on meeting anyone he could care for.

Andrew, closeted and lonely, didn’t think anything would matter more than his football career.

And Sebastian, content to float from conquest to conquest, never believed he’d meet someone who could hold his interest.

An encounter with a journalist causes consequences for all three.

Will they be able to take what they need from one another in order to cope?

Book Trailer



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Prizes: 1 x $20 WIP Gift Card and 1 x ebook copy of Love Cubed

The Review:

4 Stars


I saw the title for Love Cubed and was intrigued by it. I had to read more. It’s a ménage with jocks. Despite not being a follower of Sports-type events personally, I love to read about mm hockey players, football players, and swimmers finding love.

I’m all about three men together. That solidified it for me.

I had a month to read it. I said to myself, “I can do this.” For many that follow me here and on social media, I’ve had a heck of a year and this year is shaping up to be just as… interesting. 3 days ago I realized I hadn’t even started it and my post is on Monday. Crap. So, being my multitasking self, I read it last night while doing other things.

I had to finish it, and in the wee hours one day before my scheduled post day, I managed it.

I loved it.  There were some point of view changes that I had to re-read a couple of times to catch who was talking/thinking. I like POV changes, but they were paragraph by paragraph changes in the early chapters, so a little different writing style that was difficult follow initially. There were a lot of description–rather than action. Since some of it was catching up with other secondary characters, it felt normal for the story. A misplaced period at the end of one sentence, but otherwise proofing/grammar was good. Loved Sebastian, Andrew, and Francis. Their growth, their rising love, and how they were woven together were great. Polyamory is hard to write well, and Eddy did a great job of building the characters, including several secondary characters to give it realism. It was easier later in the book, and hard to put down, which is why I managed to read it one sitting. 🙂 Being a mathematics geek, I did enjoy the reference. I will definitely have to look for more works.

With this, I give Love Cubed 4 stars.

Eloreen Moon


Francis was feeling hungry after a full day of sports, but he was also anxious to see if he could spot the photographer, who he now remembered was some kind of journalist for the National Herald. However, he didn’t want to spoil the camaraderie that had developed between him and the others—Andrew and Sebastian especially—so he decided to leave the photographer thing alone for now. He was enjoying the praise Andrew and Sebastian were pouring onto him, and the closeness. It felt good. Suddenly, he heard a shout. Someone was shouting a name he hadn’t heard in a long time. He panicked. He got loose from Andrew and he ran. He wouldn’t stop until he was safe in his room. He knew now he should never have left it.

Sebastian and Andrew saw John and Heather talking to the photographer guy, and tried to distract Francis from noticing him. Andrew put his arm around Francis, guiding him away. They would have succeeded if it weren’t for Francis hearing someone shouting. It wasn’t even his name, but all of a sudden, Francis bolted. Andrew’s and Sebastian’s instincts were telling them to run after him. However, they both stopped abruptly and turned back to the photographer when they heard John yell, “Are you telling us our Francis is really Robert Katz? The Robert Katz?”

Everyone had heard of Robert Katz. It was a scandal involving a young high school student from a very prestigious private school who had broken a sexual abuse ring involving a teacher. The accused had committed suicide. This caused a backlash toward the accuser, Robert Katz, who had then been bullied and harassed, accused of making up the whole thing. It culminated in Robert being physically abused by fellow students who were trying to torture the truth out of him. Charges had been laid. People had been found guilty and sentenced. An inquiry was started. There was a publication ban throughout the trials and the inquiry. No one was to publish pictures of Robert, to ensure he could at least try to live a normal life.

Andrew stomped his way to the journalist, followed closely by Sebastian. “That was Francis Hollingsworth who just ran off. Are you saying that he is really Robert Katz? You have proof?”

Denis sighed. “I didn’t mean for this to get out just yet, not like this. I should not have shouted his name. I could be fired for this. I know what Robert Katz looks like because I saw him at the trials. His full name is Robert Francis Katz. His mother’s maiden name is Hollingsworth. It’s him. I need to talk to him.”

Heather was the one who put a hand out to stop him. “You aren’t going anywhere near him. He didn’t deserve to be outed like this.” Heather turned to Sebastian and Andrew. “You two need to go to Francis. He’s probably locked himself in his room. God knows what he’ll do. He needs to know that people care about him—that he’s loved—before he does something stupid to himself. You both need to go and tell him how you each feel about him. Be honest with him and with yourselves for once. Do it. Now!

Stunned, bewildered, and spurred on by the urgency of the situation, Andrew and Sebastian ran in the dorm’s direction.

About the authorEddy LeFey

Eddie LeFey started reading m/m romance fanfiction a few years ago. At one point, during a crucial point in the soap opera storyline of his favorite gay couple, the story went on hiatus. He needed a fix and decided to write his own version of what he wished would happen. Friends wanted to read it, so he plucked up his courage. Pressing the submission button was nerve-wracking, but he did it. People liked it. He wrote a few more.

Up until that point Eddy had tried his hand at writing many times. The delete button was his friend, as was starting over, and over, and over, but he could no longer do that if he wanted people to read his works.

A few of his writing friends decided to create original stories, and feeling brave, Eddy did the same. The stories were shared among a select few. They encouraged him to submit one of them. Low and behold, it is now being published.

Eddy lives in Canada with his husband Ken and his cat Oscar Wild. He is busy writing many more stories.

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@Eyes_on_Books #CoverReveal: “The Breaking of Bonds” by @alina_popescu #Romance #Excerpt #Amazon



A human sacrifice throws vampires of two worlds, trueborn and baseborn, into an escalating conflict. One side pushes for revenge, the other for freedom. The trueborns stubbornly hunt for Anthony and Louis, pushed by Hesrah’s desire to avenge her human best friend, Alexa. The baseborns are divided between rallying with those challenging the rule of Ankhsis and obeying the trueborns.

What emerges from the portal between Earth and Ankhsis in the middle of the turmoil rocking both worlds is more dead than alive. Neither human, nor baseborn, and certainly not trueborn. This new being will either damn them all or be their race’s most powerful weapon. Will they trust it not to destroy them, or will Ankhsis decide putting it down is the only solution?

In the end, who is guilty? Who will pay? Will anyone survive its wrath?


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Hesrah was growing impatient; she wanted to return to the portal, so she decided she needed to push them to finally share their information with her.

“What is it that you have discovered that needed my immediate attention?”

Anhubis took out an envelope from the inside pocket of his jacket and threw it on the table. She reached out to it and found a few photos in it. Louis, strapped down to a chair, all bloody and beaten. Good for him!

“What is this?” she asked, looking at Anhubis from under knitted eyebrows.

“One of our baseborn friends – we still have a few of those – followed Anthony after the events in Juliana Park. He managed to send these over before being caught.”

“Do you know where he was?”

“Yes, but they are long gone.”

“Why would Anthony do this to his partner in crime?” she asked, tilting her head.

“God knows,” Anukh stepped in. “Maybe they were never partners. Maybe he found out who Louis really was.”

“Can you find them again? Or do I have to bring an Inner Sanctum squad over here?”

“Don’t you dare!” Anhubis said in a thundering voice, pointing a threatening finger at her. “The Inner Sanctum will not meddle on Earth. I will find them again.”

“Make sure you let me know the moment you do,” Hesrah said, her eyes boring into him.

“Won’t you be too busy guarding the portals, waiting for your precious human friend?”

His mocking smirk, more so than his sarcastic words, got to her and in a blink of an eye her fist raced through the air, connecting to his face. As he fell to the ground, she lunged and got on top of him, her fangs piercing the skin of his neck. Her nostrils flared at the spicy cologne he was wearing and she managed to squeeze a few drops of his blood before Anhubis threw her off of him. The fight would have surely escalated if Anukh wouldn’t have stepped in to stop them.

“Are you both crazy?” he hissed, a deep frown line marring his forehead. “Anhubis, you are the head of the High Council. Surely you can tell how ill-advised being inconsiderate towards humans is. And you, Hesrah! You are a part of the Inner Sanctum and your mother’s daughter. You should both be ashamed.”

When they moved away from each other, Anukh, with a half sad, half disgusted smile, said a hurried good-bye and left the room.

“If you ever talk about her like that, I will kill you with my bare hands,” Hesrah said through clenched teeth. To her, that was not a threat, it was a promise, and she suspected Anhubis knew it, as he nodded quickly and took a step back.

The Edge of Hope (Bad Blood I) by Alina Popescu

Everyone she loved betrayed her. She felt lost and broken. Getting away from the pain and embracing a new path, Alexa decided to leave her old life behind and chase a long forgotten dream in Malta. There she met a gorgeous man, bearing the scent of fresh love. He led her to a new city to explore, Amsterdam. Is the tall, dark, and delicious man a dream come true or just a risky gamble?

Alexa chose hope and new beginnings over fear and warning signs only to be brutally dragged into a world she never really thought existed. Vampires, their feuds, and her future held tightly in their hands.

Trapped in a mysterious world, Alexa gives love chance after chance. Following her quest of self-discovery in a blood bound world, will she survive the journey?


Take advantage of the sale for book 1 – 99c on Amazon.

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About the author

Writer, traveler, and coffee addict, Alina Popescu has been in love with books all her life. She started writing when she was ten and even won awards in local competitions. She has always been drawn to sci-fi, fantasy, and the supernatural realm, which explains her deep love for vampires and is also to blame for this trilogy.

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@Eyes_on_Books #BookTour: “Moment of Clarity” by @karenstivali #LGBT #Romance #Excerpt @dreamspinners


The last installment of Karen Stivali’s Moments in Time series, Moment of Clarity, has just been released. At the same time, the paperback Moments in Time that contains all three novellas in the series has also been published!

Title: Moment of Clarity

Author: Karen Stivali

Length: novella

Genre: gay romance, contemporary, new adult, college.

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press


Spending the summer together on Fire Island brought Collin and Tanner closer than ever, but back in their conservative college town, challenges confront them at every turn.

Moment of Clarity hires

As they search for their new normal in their old environment, Collin’s brother Sean surprises them with help when they need it most. But when word about their relationship gets out, trouble erupts with friends and family. When Collin’s relationship with Tanner becomes an issue in his brother’s custody battle and Tanner struggles with his feelings for a heartbroken Wendy, Collin wonders if everyone he cares about would be better off without him in the picture.

In order to save them both, Tanner must make it clear to Collin that their love for each other is all that matters.

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Excerpt – Moment of Clarity

It took me four hours to finish writing my paper, probably in part because I kept stopping to check my phone. I’d been hoping for an update from Sean even though I knew that wasn’t likely. It was the weekend, and any more info from his lawyer probably wouldn’t arrive until Monday. I also kept thinking maybe we’d hear something from Housing, but so far, silence.

After I’d saved my document, I went in search of Tanner. He’d finished his work an hour earlier and said he’d be reading in one of the lounges. I found him in one of the alcoves, sprawled on a big couch under one of the heavily leaded windows. An open book lay tented on his chest—Dostoevsky’s short stories. His eyes were closed, those thick black lashes casting shadows on his cheekbones.

I approached slowly, wanting the time to keep looking. Tanner hadn’t had a haircut in weeks. Silky dark bangs fell across his forehead, begging for my fingers to sweep them off his face. Perfect lips, ever so slightly parted, looking desperately in need of a kiss. My gaze passed lower, taking in his long strong fingers as they rested on the book, his narrow waist, slim hips. I struggled to swallow. My cock enjoyed the show with me, not so silently encouraging me to climb on top of Tanner, toss that book aside, grind against him….

Tanner’s eyelids fluttered open, and he shook his head, craning his neck to look around. He yawned and stretched as he sat up. “What time is it?”

“Little after ten.” I sat next to him, needing to be close to him. He smelled warm and sweet. I breathed in, taking in as much of his scent as possible. God, I missed that. Sleeping apart for two weeks had me waking in the middle of the night craving him—his touch, his smell, his taste—all of him.

My thigh knocked into his, and he pressed back against me. “You wanna get out of here?”

I nodded, wanting to be anywhere as long as he was there too.

A light rain had started to fall, so we half jogged to the Towers.

“What do you suppose is going on in Wendy’s room?” I asked as we rode the elevator.

Tanner brushed rain droplets off his backpack. The elevator dinged and opened. “Guess we’re about to find out.”

Wendy’s door was open. Music and voices filled the hallway, and as we approached the room, a purple bra came flying out, followed by the sound of drunken laughter and cheering.

Tanner caught the elevator door just before it closed. “What do you say we go for a drive instead?”

“I say that’s the best offer I’ve had in weeks.”

Moments in Time – Series Paperback

Contains books 1, 2, and 3 – Moment of Impact, Moment of Truth, and Moment of Clarity.



Haven’t read books 1 and 2? Then hurry up as Moment of Impact and Moment of Truth will be on sale for 99 cents for a limited time (May 5 -18).

Moment of Impact

Outside Collin Fitzpatrick’s dorm room is a dangerous place. Beyond his door the students of his small, conservative college think he’s straight, as does his Catholic family who’d disown him if they learned the truth. Inside, he’s safe with his incredibly sexy roommate Tanner D’Amico. Their room makes a perfect place to hide away and fall in love. The moment they cross the line from roommates to lovers, Collin becomes caught between their heavenly passionate encounters and the hellish reality that someone might find out and destroy everything. Tanner’s not used to being so confined, and wants to show the world how much he loves Collin. But Collin’s not sure he’s ready for the impact stepping outside will make.

Buy Moment of Impact

Dreamspinner Press | Amazon US | Amazon UKAmazon AUARe

Moment of Truth

Collin expected to spend another summer fixing cars and working at the college pizzeria. Instead, he’s living in a beach house on Fire Island, waiting tables at a hip seaside restaurant and, for the first time since he and Tanner got together, they can publicly be known as boyfriends. Being “out” takes some getting used to, but with the help of new and old friends, Collin is happier than he ever imagined. And more in love. But newfound freedom brings unexpected challenges, and when friends get flirty, old insecurities arise. Moments of doubt and jealousy threaten their happiness, and Collin and Tanner must confront the truth or risk losing it all.

Buy Moment of Truth

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Want more? Moment of Silence and Moment of Fate, featuring secondary characters in Collin and Tanner’s story, will be released in late 2015 and early 2016.

About the author

Karen Stivali is a prolific writer, compulsive baker and chocoholic with a penchant for books, movies, and fictional British men. She’s also the multiple award-winning author of contemporary and erotic romances. Her lifelong fascination with people has led her to careers ranging from hand-drawn animator, to party planner, to marriage and family counselor, but writing has always been her passion. Karen enjoys nothing more than following her characters on their journey toward love. Whether the couples are m/f or m/m, it’s guaranteed that Karen’s novels are filled with food, friendship, love, and smoking hot sex—all the best things in life.

When Karen isn’t writing (and often when she is), she can be found on Twitter attempting witty banter and detailing the antics of her fruit-loving cat, BadKitteh. She loves to hear from readers (and other writers), so don’t hesitate to contact/follow/like her at:



Blog Guest: Sabrina York Author of Devlin’s Dare

There will be blog tours and more guest posts in the coming months as writers of all genres release their newest creations.  This post contains an over 18 excerpt.  Please leave the site if you are not over 18. Please … Continue reading