Day 4 pre-GRL Denver Botanic Gardens, Eggs Benedict, and More Divinity #GRLRetreat2017

Day 4 of pre-GRL. We had an outing to the Denver Botanic Gardens, Eggs Benedict for lunch, and I finished the Divinity. But first, another picture from the house. It’s a rose. One of my favorite flowers.


We went to the Denver Botanic Gardens as well. I took over 200 pictures with my point-and-shoot camera, so I’m having to uploaded them to Google Photos. There are a couple where S and M are in them. Mostly the gardens. Link below. The picture below is the English and Spanish maps and two cards S bought me from the gift shop. The Spanish map was given to me first. I was amused.

GRL 2017 Denver Botanic Gardens


We had Eggs Benedict this afternoon with home made holandaise sauce. Well, I had it with Canadian bacon while M and S had it with Avocado and spinach.


The final batches of Divinity. The two flat-looking ones are cherry Divinity. Not quite how they are supposed to look. I stirred them too fast with the mixer when I added the cherries. Still tastes good. Come to the impromptu foods from around the country/world sampling at 6 pm outside the Ballroom B/C at the Denver Tech Center tomorrow evening if you are there. If not, I’ll post more pictures. 🙂


Between the making of the white divinity and the cherry divinity, I took a nap. Yes, another nap. 🙂 And now, to send some photos to Piper Kay since she couldn’t make it to GRL.