That was some excellent brainstorming. #amwriting

Whoa. I just finished a chapter of a new work in progress for a submission prompt due at the end of the month I’m writing with a friend and co-author. We did some brainstorming last weekend and today, started a document with the beginnings of the outline of the story, and then I added to it this afternoon/evening while she was doing another engagement.

I finished up work (on call, it happens) this evening, and felt the need for speed… writing. The need for writing. Sorry, bad movie puns. 🙂 I started around 10:30 pm, maybe earlier, and finished the first “chapter” 3 hours later. It’s rough. There will probably be lots of edits. But, it’s written. Almost 3000 words. Not bad for a rusty writer. *grin*

This feels really good. One of my goals this year (yeah, work has been rough so I haven’t posted much) is to write more and possibly get something published. I think my co-author and I might just make it this time. We’ll have to see how it plays out. Even if we don’t make the deadline for the original submission, we plan on finishing it anyway. How it gets published is anyone’s guess.

I’m going to stop now and go to sleep. Hopefully, my partner in crime will be available tomorrow to finish fleshing things out and we can get the proposal and 2-3 chapters ready to send. I feel good about this. Wish us luck and I’ll keep you posted on progress as I can.
