Blog Tour: The Edge of Hope (Bad Blood 1) by Alina Popescu with a Giveaway!

Please welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta, Alina Popescu!  Don’t forget the giveaway via Rafflecopter at the end of the post!

The Edge of Hope is the debut novel of writer Alina Popescu, the first book in the Bad Blood Trilogy, a story of vampires, love, struggles, and a constant fight for survival.blogbanner

Edge of Hope (Bad Blood I)

When tall, dark, and gorgeous shows up on your self-prescribed emotional recovery vacation, some would call it fate smiling badblood cover blog promodown on you. If he also happens to be interested in your work and ready to make all the room you need in his life, it starts to sound too good to be true. Alexa skips the doubts and jumps right in, only to be thrown into the mysterious world of vampires.

The secrets of their origin and their very existence are far more important than her life to some of her new acquaintances. They are ancient, they are powerful, they have unlimited resources, and they are keen on controlling what the world knows of their kind. As Alexa discovers their complicated, blood feud bound world, she tries to better understand herself, heal old wounds and give love chance after chance. Will she survive the journey?

Find out more:

Book trailer

Buy links

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

Barnes & Noble:








“Hello, I am Hesrah. Nice to meet you.”

Polite and stiff, no facial expression, no smile, no unnecessary movement, only her dark brown eyes showed some life, some slow fire that kept her going.

“Hello, I am Louis and this is Alexa. We will be your hosts during your stay on earth.” Louis smiled and extended his hand, which she shook after a few awkward moments.

“I look forward to it. May I be shown to my room now?” she said with no inflexion in her tone.

It took me a second to react as I was analyzing her outfit…jeans and a plain t-shirt, sport shoes and denim jacket. It seemed completely wrong for her attitude and behavior.

“Sure, I’ll take you to your room,” I eventually said. “It’s right next to mine.”


She did not sound like she meant it. She sounded more like cyborgs from a sci-fi movie. She wasn’t as captivating as Anukh or Louis, or even Anthony. She was just formal and…uptight. Oh, brother, I said to myself. This will definitely be tons of fun.

When she entered the room, I finally noticed her backpack. She took some more clothes out of it, all plain and simple. She asked where she could put them and I pointed to the closet.

“What is it?” she asked. “Why are you frowning like that?”

I hadn’t realized I was. I had been warned before that my face and eyes give away what I was struggling to keep from saying but, apparently, I never learned.

“Umm, dunno, you are just not what I expected,” I confessed.

“And what did you expect?” She cocked her head and waited.

“I guess someone similar to Anukh, but more impressive and graceful?”

“Are you asking me?”

“No, just turning it into a question till I figure out how offensive my statement is.” I shrugged.

“You are very blunt, aren’t you?”

It did not sound like a compliment.

“Yeah, maybe. Anyway, I can atone for that by kindly inviting you to use any of my makeup and raid my closet whenever you feel like wearing something less…”

“Less what?” she demanded, raising an eyebrow.

“Less plain.”

“I am on a mission and I have comfortable clothes for it,” she answered, quickly. She was just staring at me and I thought I should put an end to kicking the hornet’s nest.

“I should go now. Catch you later.”

I finally allowed myself to enjoy a refreshing sigh the moment I got on the other side of the door. I also added yet another note to self. Whenever I find myself talking to a deadly creature who can kill me in under five seconds, maybe, just maybe, watching my tongue would be smart.

Copyright © Alina Popescu

About the author

profileWriter, traveler, and coffee addict, Alina Popescu has been in love with books all her life. She started writing when she was ten and even won awards in local competitions. She has always been drawn to sci-fi, fantasy, and the supernatural realm, which explains her deep love for vampires and is also to blame for this trilogy.

Social Links

Site & Blog:







a Rafflecopter giveaway


Eloreen Moon gives 9/10 pots of gold for “You Can See Me” by A.E. Via

Another review over at Rainbow Gold Reviews: You Can See Me by A.E. Via.

Writing Process Blog Hop

I want to thank K-lee Klein, at, for involving me in this blog hop.  She posted her writing process story a couple of weeks prior.  Be sure to check out her story too.  It’s fascinating and looks strangely familiar… 🙂  As you will see, she and I share similar writing process points. <3WriterAtWork

I wanted to say how I got involved in this blog hop.  It wasn’t a scheduled, or themed, event.  Well, no more than you had three steps and find others who want to join: It was done by word of mouth.  K-Lee posted to her Facebook status looking for a third person to continue the blog hop along with the requirements.  I was the first person to comment:

“Sure. Sign me up.”

Then we finalized the details in Facebook Chat:  She sent me the rules, I sent her my blog info and short bio.  I so totally looked at her blog post when she posted to get an idea of formatting and asked to steal her picture to the right.  🙂 So, here I go with my questions!  Enjoy!

1) What am I working on?

I have just finished my first story to be published in the summer 2014 Cover Artist: Karrie Jax(June/July/August),  submitting it by May 1st to the moderators at M/M Romance Group on for their charonsmooncoverv1Don’t Read in the Closet Love’s Landscape Event called Charon’s Dilemma.  I’m currently in the works editing it *brain frying* and it will be published in the event page in the group and in stand-alone anthologies following the initial publication in the group in the summer.

Did I mention it’s free?

All of the stories, and there are over 200 of them, are free.  The anthologies will be free as well.  If you are not a member, come join to see the fun we have!  Thank you to Karrie Jax for creating my lovely cover for Charon’s Dilemma.

I’m currently working on my three works in progress (WIPs) that I have been working on since I started this mess called writing in November of 2012.  The my first novel is called Space Love.  It is the first story I actively created about a tiger shifter and space travel and may turn into a series.  The second  is a short story called Elf Magic and is loosely based on the original Brothers’ Grimms Fairy Tale: Cat-Skin.  It’s not that dark, though.  Finally, the third story is an untitled urban fantasy novella about a very old Druid.  I’m sure I will have others.  I have been getting bitten by the muses every so often and another story line, character, or scene is born. Sigh.

2) How does my work differ from others of its genre? 

Based on what I read and write, my work is different from others in that I write LGBT Romance that crosses genres.  All four works have more than one, and sometimes divergent, genres represented.  Charon’s Dilemma is Sci-Fi, Fantasy, and Paranormal Romance.  Space Love is Science Fiction and Paranormal Romance.   Elf Magic is Fantasy, History, and Paranormal Romance.  Finally, the untitled Druid story is Urban Fantasy, sometimes called Contemporary Fantasy and a genre on it own now, Romance.  There is transgender, gay, and bisexual in these stories and I will probably dip into lesbian as well.  Orientation will cross-pollinate because everyone is different and there is a lot of diversity out there.  Never mind that people change over time and what ones’ orientation may be when younger could have changed later in life.

Diversity in genres, orientations, and life is pretty different and make interesting stories.  What do you think?

3) Why do I write what I do? 

Because when the muses hit you upside the head with a clue-by-four (think two-by-four and a strong arm and you get the picture), you listen.  I’ve dabbled in writing since I was young, mostly with poetry.  I never thought I could write anything in prose. I went through my teens, twenties and most of my thirties building a family, working in the tech industry in some form or fashion, and reading romance, science fiction, fantasy, paranormal, urban fantasy (before it was called that), and even historical romances.  If it interested me, I read it.  Then I found M/M Romance stories, and the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads, and I was hooked.  Inspiration abounded.  I found more related groups, and started hanging out to find beta reading because I love to read and I was running out stories to find.  If there is a lot of editing needed, it makes my brain hurt but I do it because I enjoy the stories, even if they are in their infancy.  Most authors usually have it polished somewhat but there were a few that needs some extra help.  And those people started telling me I should write.

“Yeah, right,” I said.

“No, really, you can do it,” They said.

I had already started blogging, and creating more poetry after a long hiatus, so the creative juices were there.  Enough people said it that I started to think maybe there was something to this writing thing.  SMACK. You remember that clue-by-four I was talking about? Well, apparently, I hadn’t been paying attention to the clues the universe was telling me and it upgraded to a bigger whack upside the head, figuratively speaking of course. Mostly. And I started listening to those muses and here I am about to be a published author.  Baby steps for, as I like to call myself, a baby author.  I think that is a good start.  Don’t you?

4) How does your writing process work?

Let’s see… I’m what some author’s have dubbed a “panster.”  I basically write by the seat of my pants.  🙂 I’m not an outliner, a “plotter,” but I do little notes to myself (Evernote is your friend) both in my notes program and within the piece itself.  World building would be a separate file.  Reminding me what I was thinking in a particular scene? Bracketed information. 🙂 Sometimes, I get ideas while drive.  Then, I attached a voice note to my notes program.  Best. App. Ever.  Never mind the ideas that come at 4 am. Sigh.  I write it down and hope that I can use them later.

I haven’t written a piece the same way twice yet.  Space Love basically started with the first chapter and I’m on chapter 3 or 4 now.  Lots of world building.  I will probably go back and add a prologue since I’m mostly writing about one character right now.  Elf Magic went in scenes, starting with the last one first then the first and some parts in the middle.  It’s a Hodge-Podge of things as ideas hit.  Editing is going to be interesting on that one.  The Druid one basically started out with the first paragraph but it’s much shorter and it flowed really well.  Sometimes the main character, the Druid, starts waving frantically at me wanting attention.  Yes, dear.  I’ll be there soon.  I’m still not sure where it’s going yet.  Last, but not least, is Charon’s Dilemma.  It was from a prompt someone posted and had two pictures.  We, the authors, were to pick our prompt and write based on what the prompter wanted.  There were two prompts and I picked the one I got.  I’ve enjoyed writing it.  It, too, was one that the scene came to me in bursts and they were not necessarily in order.  The last scene was the toughest.  Come to find out editing is tougher than creating that last scene.  *still have the sweats and I have only a week left before submission time*

And now, we conclude this writer’s process of putting keyboard strokes to electronic paper to create a labor of love.  Especially when fighting a computer that doesn’t want me to work on it longer than a day before it has an issue with it’s wireless adapter.  Be sure to check out my friend’s blogs over the next three weeks on what they do for their writing processes.



Lexi has always been an avid reader and at a young age started reading (secretly) her mother’s romances (the ones she w10157315_437244029752646_7850240785143883194_nas told not to touch). She was the only teenager she knew of who would be grounded from reading. Later, with a pencil and a note book, she wrote her own stories and shared them with friends because she loved to see their reactions. A Texas transplant, Lexi now kicks her boots up in the Midwest with her Yankee husband and her 80 lbs. puppies named after vacuum cleaners. Website: Twitter: Facebook:



The author of several books of fiction with spice, Leslie Lee Sanders resides in Queen Creek, Arizona, with her husband, three
daughters, and a wild beast she calls her imagination. She’s known for writing erotic romance, mostly in the MM and MMF categories, and recently plunged into writing deep, dark romantic sci-fi with her post-apocalyptic and dystopian series, Refuge Inc. She’s published with Breathless Press and Xcite Books.






Writer, traveler, and coffee addict, Alina Popescu has been in love with books all her life. She started writing when she was ten and even won awards in local competitions. She has always been drawn to sci-fi, fantasy, and the supernatural realm, which explains her deep love for vampires and is also to blame for this trilogy.

Facebook | TwitterGoodreads | Google+ | Amazon



Vicktor Alexanvictoralexanderder (everyone calls him “Vic”) is a southern gentleman by day, and a writer and purveyor of steamy, sticky, hot man on man (sometimes on man on man on man on man on man) sex by night. He started out writing about his sister
destroying the world with her breath, went on to writing steamy, erotic interracial historical romances in the middle of his classes but noticed the guys seemed to enjoy each other’s company much more than being with the women. He now enjoys writing about shifters, humanoids, cowboys, firemen, rent boys, fairies, elves, dancers, doctors, Doms, Subs, and anything else that catches his fancy, all sexy men falling in love with each other and having lots of naughty, dirty, man-on-man sex. He is a huge fan of the “happily-ever-after” ending, but while all his characters all ride off into the proverbial sunset, all sexually satisfied and in love (because it’s the least he can do), they all bear the scars of fighting for that love, just like in real life. Out and proud, he doesn’t believe that love only comes in one form, one race, one gender and that not only is gender fluid, by sexuality as well. He loves to make people laugh (and guys hot) and when he’s not writing, or rather, procrastinating in writing, he’s reading, playing the Sims 3, talking to his adopted daughter whom he calls Chipmunk, seeking the man or men who can handle his crazy, stressful, soap opera-esque life and being distracted from said writing by pictures of John Barrowman, Charlie David and Shemar Moore. All interested men in the role of “Future Husband(s) may apply, auditions are being held every night… multiple times.


Rainbow Gold Reviews Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt (April 13 – April 20) – Day 8

Day eight of the Rainbow Gold Reviews week long Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt!  Today is the last day of the hunt.  Thank you to everyone participating. 😉  Happy EASTER!


Today’s scavenger hunt theme is…Food & Sweet Romance!


Rules and information is here.


Somewhere on my blog is word for the day: Tiramisu.

It is hidden somewhere on one of my previously published pages.  Don’t share it with anyone but RGR.  When you find it, notate the web address/location/URL and submit it back to Rainbow Gold Reviews at the rules and information link above.  There are instructions on the form.

Best of all…have fun!


There will be prizes for the ones with the most words or phrases found daily.


If you wish to participate, we are still accepting blogs.  See the signup open link below.



Eloreen Moon


Rainbow Gold Reviews Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt (April 13 – April 20) – Day 7

Day seven of the Rainbow Gold Reviews week long Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt!


Today’s scavenger hunt theme is…Military!


Rules and information is here.


Somewhere on my blog is my word of the day for today: Marine

It is hidden somewhere on one of my previously published pages.  Don’t share it with anyone but RGR.  When you find it, notate the web address/location/URL and submit it back to Rainbow Gold Reviews at the rules and information link above.  There are instructions on the form.

Best of all…have fun!


There will be prizes for the ones with the most words or phrases found daily.


If you wish to participate, we are still accepting blogs.  See the signup open link below.



Eloreen Moon


Rainbow Gold Reviews Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt (April 13 – April 20) – Day 6

Day six of the Rainbow Gold Reviews week long Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt!


Today’s scavenger hunt theme is…Religion Vs Equality!


Rules and information is here.


Somewhere on my blog is my phrase for the day for today is below:

Job 27:4
4       My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit.

It is hidden somewhere on one of my previously published pages.  Don’t share it with anyone but RGR.  When you find it, notate the web address/location/URL and submit it back to Rainbow Gold Reviews at the rules and information link above.  There are instructions on the form.

Best of all…have fun!


There will be prizes for the ones with the most words or phrases found daily.


If you wish to participate, we are still accepting blogs.  See the signup open link below.



Eloreen Moon


Rainbow Gold Reviews Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt (April 13 – April 20) – Day 5

Day five of the Rainbow Gold Reviews week long Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt!


Today’s scavenger hunt theme is…Inventors and Authors!


Rules and information is here.


Somewhere on my blog is my word of the day for today: Susan Mac Nicol.

It is hidden somewhere on one of my previously published pages.  Don’t share it with anyone but RGR.  When you find it, notate the web address/location/URL and submit it back to Rainbow Gold Reviews at the rules and information link above.  There are instructions on the form.

Best of all…have fun!


There will be prizes for the ones with the most words or phrases found daily.


If you wish to participate, we are still accepting blogs.  See the signup open link below.



Eloreen Moon


Blog Tour: Dance by Teodora Kostova Teaser & Giveaway!




Jared Hartley is happy. He has a starring role in a popular West End musical, great friends, adoring fans and his own flat in Central London. A relationship is not something he has ever really wanted. Making big plans for the future is not in his nature – Jared is content with his single status and enjoying all the benefits of that lifestyle.

He doesn’t even realise something is missing in his life.

Until he meets Fenix.


Fenix Bergman has a dream – to perform on Broadway. When he gets offered the lead role in Poison – a new musical based in London, he accepts, immediately recognising the huge potential of the show.


Fenix thinks he has his life completely figured out – he will move to London, help Poison become the new West End hit and bide his time until Broadway comes knocking on his door. He has never wished for anything else but proving to himself and the world that he is a performer worthy of the biggest theatre stage.

Until he meets Jared.

Jared and Fenix’s lives collide and they fill each other’s missing pieces. Neither of them expects to feel so much, so fast for the other.

Neither of them expects to need someone so badly when love hasn’t even been in their plans.

But when Fenix’s star becomes too bright for London, will the dream he’s chased all his life ruin the dream he’s holding in his hands?

Will he survive getting everything he’s ever wanted?

Will Jared?

*explicit sexual content, graphic language and adult themes. Recommended for readers 18+ only*





Author Links:

Website | Facebook Author Fan Page | Email | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon Author Page

Book Links:

Amazon worldwide | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Goodreads

And a quote from the novel:


About Teodora:

teodoraauthor_picHi, my name is Teodora and I live in London with my husband Ted and my son Jason. I’ve been writing ever since I can remember, but it became my full time job in 2010 when I decided that everything else I’ve tried bores me to death and I have to do what I’ve always wanted to do, but never had the guts to fully embrace. I’ve been a journalist, an editor, a personal assistant and an interior designer among another things, but as soon as the novelty of the new, exciting job wears off, I always go back to writing. Being twitchy, impatient, loud and hasty are not qualities that help a writer, because I have to sit alone, preferably still, and write for most of the day, but I absolutely love it. It’s the only time that I’m truly at peace and the only thing I can do for more than ten minutes at a time – my son has a bigger attention span than me.
When I’m procrastinating, I like to go to the gym, cook Italian meals (and eat them), read, listen to rock music, watch indie movies and True Blood re-runs. Or, in the worst case scenario, get beaten at every Wii game by a six year old.



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Blog Tour Stop: Eloreen Moon gives 8/10 pots of gold for “Nothing Special” by A.E. Via

Giveaway extended until 4/18/2014. Previous commentators were not eligible and the prizes are still available. Please comment on the original post. Thank you!

Rainbow Gold Reviews Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt (April 13 – April 20) – Day 4

Day four of the Rainbow Gold Reviews week long Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt!


Today’s scavenger hunt theme is…Recognizing Genius!


Rules and information is here.


Somewhere on my blog is my word of the day for today:  Newton’s Law.

It is hidden somewhere on one of my previously published blog posts.  Don’t share it with anyone but RGR.  When you find it, notate the web address/location/URL and submit it back to Rainbow Gold Reviews at the rules and information link above.  There are instructions on the form.

Best of all…have fun!


There will be prizes for the ones with the most words or phrases found daily.


If you wish to participate, we are still accepting blogs.  See the signup open link below.



Eloreen Moon