April is Autism Awareness Month – RJ Scott’s Blog Hop


Thank you Karrie Jax for the wonderful picture she made for me because just plain text would be boring. 🙂

I became a part of RJ’s blog hop because I, too, know of people, both children and adults, with some form of Autism.  It is a spectrum condition and for each individual person, it is different.  I don’t like that it is sometimes called a “disease” because it is not.  Not really.  It is just something different that has happened to the brain. As long as you understand that they see the world differently, you can talk, play and work with them just fine.  While I’m not autistic, I too, understand what it feels to be a little different as I am a shy, introverted person and large crowds tend to make me nervous in enclosed spaces.

I am giving away a $10 Gift Certificate to All Romance eBooks, Amazon, or B&N (winner’s choice).  To enter, comment on this post if you have something you’ve struggled with, you know someone with autism, or something similar.  Contest will end at 11:59 pm EDT 4/15/2014 and a randomly chosen commentator (random.org) will win within the next day.  Please leave your email so you can be contacted.

Contest is closed:

Please congratulate H.B. who is my winner of the Autism Blog Hop contest for a $10 gift certficate to ARe!

Here is the link to RJ’s Blog Hop