Muse Charmer PR: Blog Tour “Shoulder Pads and Flannel” by Jo Ramsey

Shoulder Pads and Flannel CoverHigh school football star Guillermo Garcia can count himself among the popular kids—for now. Although he secretly dates Evan Granger, who is openly gay and badly bullied for it, Guillermo doesn’t dare let his teammates, classmates, or close-knit family learn about his sexuality.
But Guillermo witnessed an attack on Evan, and now the school bullies plan to out Guillermo in retaliation. In their small town, word spreads rapidly, so Guillermo must make a quick choice—come out now on his own or risk having someone else do it for him.

Contemporary LGBT Fiction, Published by Harmony Ink, an imprint of Dreamspinner Press

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Twitter: @JoRamseyYA

Author Interview

1) What do you do to celebrate a new book contract?

A fist pump in the air, followed by telling whoever in my household will listen that I have a new contract.

2) What is your zodiac sign? Do you feel it is an accurate description of you?

Cancer, and yes.

3) What is your favorite season? Why?

Spring. New beginnings, more daylight hours, and the weather gets warmer without being unbearable.

4) What is your favorite part about writing (drafting, editing, plotting, promoting, etc)?

Writing the first draft, because even though I brainstorm before I start, I don’t always know how the characters are going to get where I think they’re going, and sometimes they don’t end up there anyway.

5) Any addictions (chocolate, coffee, tv shows, collectibles, shoes, etc.)?

Does writing count?

6) Favorite type of food?

I can’t decide between pepperoni pizza and scallion pancake.

musecharmerpr_blogtourbadge_smThis blog tour is sponsored and run by Muse Charmer PR, providing superhero promotion for your book. Learn more and check out all the tour stops by visiting

Muse Charmer PR: Blog Tour: “Abducted” by Adera Orfanelli

1. How did you get the idea for this book?

This book was actually written a long time ago, and then unearthed and polished (quite a bit). However, I wanted to play with the science fiction trope of being abducted by aliens. Instead of the “grey men” doing experiments, I wanted something different. What if the abduction led to a hunky man and a new life?

2. Why do you write science fiction?

I write science fiction because I love the unknown and the possibility of what might be out there. I’m fascinated by space (and weather, among other scientific things), and the belief that we might not be alone.

3. Why should readers pick up this story?

It’s fun. While there are some issues, such as the loss of a friend and starting over, to be dealt with, most of all I wanted Abducted to be a great escape.

4. Who is your favorite science fiction author?

I can’t really count a single favorite. I love David Weber, Elizabeth Moon, Tanya Huff, and Anne McCaffrey.

5. What is your favorite thing about outer space?

I love the stars. I love looking up and seeing all these constellations (man-made) and knowing that they are comprised of stars so vast and distant from each other that it takes hundreds or thousands of years for their light to reach us. We really are looking at a snapshot of history when we look at the night sky.


Abducted_AderaOrfanelli_coverlgGetting abducted by a hunky android wasn’t on Jacey’s list of things to do to try and reclaim her life after the death of her best friend and the loss of their business. But when her car crashes during a storm, she’s saved not by any rescue vehicle, but by Aiden Starsek, the Lord of BelaZed who informs her that he must have a wife or face deactivation. Jacey blames herself for her friend’s death. If she can stop another one, even if it means giving up everything she’s ever known, she will.

Aidan knows Deactivation Day nears and unless he’s able to find a human to love him he’ll die.. Unable to find love on his own planet, he discovers the beautiful Jacey on her own world, Earth. Her beauty entices him. Her compassion humbles him. And though in bed their passion is insatiable, he fears that it won’t turn to love in time to save his life. Only her love will save him, not just from Deactivation Day, but also from himself.

Erotic SF Romance, Published by Loose Id

Purchase direct from the publisher.

Visit the author’s website.

Twitter: @aderaorfanelli




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