Guest Post: Please Welcome Rhys Ford to Moonbeams over Atlanta

We welcome Rhys Ford to Moonbeams over Atlanta with a guest post!  The review of Tequila Mockingbird is here.

And now for Rhys…

Smooches and thank you for having me! I appreciate it muchly. In doing these umpteen blog posts, I’ve realized I’ve only shared an excerpt only in one place. And I usually find them kind of fun. Or at least it helps me kind of get a taste of what the book’s voice is. A very important thing when tasting a book.


Or at least I think so.


So if you will oblige me, I’d like to share a bit of Tequila Mockingbird with you in the hopes it will tickle your fancy. But let me tell you, so many fantastic authors out there. God, I could fill pages with names. I encourage to taste each and every one of their voices and find the ones that satisfy you. Always explore. I wholeheartedly endorse that.


And now an excerpt from Tequila Mockingbird


The blond fought to stay awake when Connor came home, but healing took a lot of out him, and he often nodded off before Connor could shower off the day’s dirt from his body. What little time they’d had was spent together, Forest leaning against him, often falling asleep on Con as he caught up on games he’d missed while working.


The man’s hands were never still, always tapping out a rhythm, sometimes even as he slept, slack-jawed, loose-limbed, and sprawled over Connor’s lap. It was like owning a cat in some ways, Connor thought once as he petted Forest’s soft blond hair. Someone to come home to who was happy to see him but then immediately curled up into a ball and snored whenever Connor offered his lap.


Except for this time—this now—because Forest sat up and pushed the hair from his eyes, smiling sweetly as he rubbed the sleep from his face.


“Hey.” He yawned, catching himself with a hand over his mouth. “Sorry. Shit, it’s late.”


“How’s the head?” Con asked, feeling the top of Forest’s skull.


The man laughed, pushing Con’s fingers away. “That’s not even where it was cracked.”


“Yeah?” he retorted, twisting over Forest’s long body and sliding his still chilled hands up under the man’s borrowed shirt.


Forest yelped and laughed, a hearty, sweet near-giggle. Then he pulled away, burrowing deeper into the couch cushions.


“I brought Vietnamese. Sandwiches, you said you like those.”


“Yeah, I do.” Forest stared up at him—those damnable all-seeing eyes drinking in Connor’s every expression. He bit his lip and then reached for Con’s hand. He pulled it against his stomach, cradling its warmth. “We okay? I mean, you and I? We haven’t talked about anything since—haven’t had time, and I’ve just been fucking sleeping my life away.”


“We’re more than okay,” Connor promised, leaning in to give Forest a gentle, brief kiss. Those were the only kind of caresses he was allowing himself, and he lived for each one, keeping them tallied up in his mind so he could remember them when his day lagged.


“Kiki have any leads? On anything?” Forest rubbed at his nose, scratching an itch.


“No, not yet,” Connor admitted. “No one’s seen anything. Biggest problem is that your places there have so many different people coming in an out of them, people don’t know who belongs there or no. And we can’t find a nosy old lady who watches the street with binoculars. Those are mighty handy a lot of times, I tell you. They’re a dying breed. Now they’re all out doing spin classes and the such.”


“Then we’re shit out of luck?”


“No, they’re going through the footage from the bank, and they’ve tapped another feed from down the street. The Canadian couple didn’t see who ripped off their van, but we’re hoping someone else did. Kiki’s arranging for interviews around the motel they were staying at. A lot of it is leg work.”


“I feel like a sitting duck or something.” He was bitter, and Connor didn’t blame him. “Fucking hell.”


“Hey, we’ll find him.” He kissed Forest, gently but insistent. “The bastard’s leaving a trail of dead bodies, and I’m not scared to admit it, but I’d rather you not be one of them. We’re all after this guy. Boys in blue are going to nail his ass. Pissed us off something fierce.”


Forest stared into his eyes, searching for something. Connor was content to let him, enjoying the feel of the man’s hard body against his. His own cock was debating going to a full-blown salute, and from the press of heat he felt on his thigh, it appeared Forest’s dick was of the same opinion.


They kissed again. Deeper, longer, and their bodies rubbed together, creating a lingering friction between them. Connor sighed after a few minutes, wondering if he had the strength to get up off the couch and take a cold shower.

Copyright © Rhys Ford

Tequila Mockingbird
Sequel to Whiskey and Wry (and The Devil’s Brew)

Sinners Series: Book Three

Lieutenant Connor Morgan of SFPD’s SWAT division wasn’t looking for love. Especially not in a man. His life plan didn’t include one Forest Ackerman, a brown-eyed, blond drummer who’s as sexy as he is trouble. His family depends on him to be like his father, a solid pillar of strength who’ll one day lead the Morgan clan.

No, Connor has everything worked out—a career in law enforcement, a nice house, and a family. Instead, he finds a murdered man while on a drug raid and loses his heart comforting the man’s adopted son. It wasn’t like he’d never thought about men — it’s just loving one doesn’t fit into his plans.

Forest Ackerman certainly doesn’t need to be lusting after a straight cop, even if Connor Morgan is everywhere he looks, especially after Frank’s death. He’s just talked himself out of lusting for the brawny cop when his coffee shop becomes a war zone and Connor Morgan steps in to save him.

Whoever killed his father seems intent on Forest joining him in the afterlife. As the killer moves closer to achieving his goal, Forest tangles with Connor Morgan and is left wondering what he’ll lose first—his life or his heart.


Purchase Tequila Mockingbird at: Dreamspinner | Amazon | ARe (links will be added when live)

Also available on Amazon, Are and other online book stores.

Tequila MockingbirdLG



!rhys_ford_headshotRhys Ford was born and raised in Hawai’i then wandered off to see the world. After chewing through a pile of books, a lot of odd food, and a stray boyfriend or two, Rhys eventually landed in San Diego, which is a very nice place but seriously needs more rain.

Rhys admits to sharing the house with three cats of varying degrees of black fur and a ginger cairn terrorist. Rhys is also enslaved to the upkeep a 1979 Pontiac Firebird, a Toshiba laptop, and an overworked red coffee maker.

5 Star Review of “Tequila Mockingbird” (Sinners 3) by Rhys Ford

Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes Rhys Ford back for a guest post AND a review of Tequila Mockingbird which released on June 27, 2014!  They are actually separate posts this time so make sure you check out the guest post from Rhys Ford too.


The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review along with A Devil’s Brew.  Thank you.  I absolutely love the Sinners series and can’t wait for another installment. 🙂

5 Stars


As per usual, Rhys continues to keep Sinners’ series flowing well.

We are introduced to Lieutenant Connor Morgan of SFPD’s SWAT division and the return of the Morgan clan with his first scene: A raid on a trailer for drugs that turns out to have a murdered man he tried to save.  Enter the murdered man’s adopted son Forest Ackerman, a drummer who’s trouble with a capitol T.  Connor is the the eldest son in the family who has everything worked out—a career in law enforcement, a nice house, and a typical family. He doesn’t expect to fall in love with a man that started with comforting Forest after that raid. Trouble comes in the form of attacks on his coffee shop intent on killing Forest, and Connor steps in to save him.  Through it all, Connor and Forest circle one another like magnets as they fall in love.

And fall in love they do.  I liked that there were more suspense and a little darker with the scenes.  It provided a realism that brings depth to the series, the characters, and the lives of everyone touched.  We see more of the Morgan clan, including Connor’s parents Donal and Brigid, and all of the sisters and brothers.  It’s great to see more secondary characters get into the action.  I enjoyed it immensely and would love to see more, especially with Quinn. 🙂

With this, I give Tequila Mockingbird 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

Goodreads | Dreamspinner

Casey Moss’s Open World C.O.V.E.N. book tour and giveaway

Casey Moss Book Tour


The world has broken out in wars. Las Vegas has been ravaged by chemical warfare and is now home to several clans and creatures.

Welcome to I-D-8 Entertainment’s newest game: Clans of Vegas—Endless Night.

Friends and family have gathered for a crunch time playtest of C.O.V.E.N.. When a horrible thunderstorm hits, everyone’s sucked into the game for real. In the MMORPG, Hope Collins is kidnapped by Buzz and forced to submit to his whims. Her boyfriend, Alden, has to delay his quest of defeating a clan’s prince to save her, but time and circumstance don’t seem to be on his side. Faith Collins is bombarded by strange dreams brought on by Buzz. Her boyfriend, Tavis, learns to dream walk, but can he help break the spell she’s under and save her before she’s lost to him?

C.O.V.E.N. is more than just a game. It’s a whole other world.

Excerpt #1 (R – for language)

Perhaps he’d been under too much stress, had too much caffeine, didn’t have enough sleep or information about the guy. More likely a combination of it all. A hodgepodge of shit and no shovel. He didn’t know how much more of all this he could take.

Shaking off the negativity, Alden rotated his head, listening to his spine crackle and pop. Tension released. The quick adjustment perked him up. He plated the burgers, closed the lid to the grill and exhaled a deep breath. First food, then work, and amongst it all, see if I can figure out Mr. Jenkins’s deal. Making his way toward the small group, the tray of hot meat balanced on one hand, he focused in on Cor, noting his body language and how the people around him responded.

Why did I imagine him as the antagonist? The one in the game I need to destroy?

The storyline he had to double check during the playtest dealt with finding the main boss—the Prince of Clan Caesachapel—and defeating him before the cad could cause harm. He’d intended to assist Hope and her family in creating ‘good’ characters, placing them in the clan he belonged to, and have them run the quests, as well. But with the way he’d been feeling, he almost reconsidered that idea.

Thing was he had a job to do. One he aimed to make good on and see through to the end. He’d never been the kind of guy to shirk a duty, and he wasn’t about to start now.

Mr. James Collins, a middle-aged man with graying, strawberry blond hair and ice blue eyes, glanced Den’s way as he approached. James acknowledged him with slight nod, then returned his attention to Cor.

The fact James was only a programmer and not his direct boss—or above him in any authoritative capacity in the organization—pleased Den. The man sure ran hot one moment and cold the next when it came to him. Hope had explained that was one of her father’s personality quirks and not to take it personal.

Some future father-in-law he would turn out to be.

Plastering a smile on his face, he placed the dish of meat on the aluminum table. James and the ladies’ attentions stayed fixed on the gentleman in their midst. Good. No one paid him any mind. More time to assess the situation.

Cor’s intense brown-eyed gaze bored into Hope’s, infiltrating her defenses and working whatever magic the man seemed to possess. Their connection resembled flirting but in a stronger sense. His chest tightened and burned. Mine, his inner voice asserted in a low, rolling growl, reminding him of his in game character’s speech. Alden stepped back before he could choose to put his fist in Cor’s face. His foot crunched on a chip bag that had fallen to the ground.

Hope didn’t flinch, didn’t look away.

Mesmerized. Shit. And not just her. Enthralled by the bean counter, the whole family overlooked him like he didn’t exist.

What the hell is going on?

~ Buy Links ~

Evernight Publishing:


All Romance eBooks:


~ Author Bio ~

Casey Moss delves into the darker aspects of life in her writing, sometimes basing the stories on reality, sometimes on myth. No matter the path, her stories will take you on a journey from the light-hearted paranormal to dark things unspeakable. What waits around the corner? Come explore…

~ Author Links ~






Leave a comment below (with email address) and your name will be thrown into the hat to win 1 – $25 gift card to either Amazon or Barnes & Noble.

Winners Choice!

Winner will be chosen on June 20th

Muse Charmer PR: Book Tour for Gunn’s Kiss by Adera Ofanelli

Enjoy an excerpt from Gunn’s Kiss…

By the time they reached the door to her suite, they’d passed through the three sets of doors — including the lift — as well as five different visual checkpoints. It’d make his job easier, especially since he knew the security team running this part of the station. He’d be sure to send them a message when he got back to his place. The facial recognition software acknowledged her presence and the door opened.

Gunn waited outside.

“Why don’t you come inside? I have some information I didn’t want to leave this room,” she said.

He hesitated, mostly because he’d made a good reputation for himself by being discreet. Usually his clients didn’t want to see him around. He crossed the threshold and stepped into the suite.

“Please record –”

Gunn held up his hand. “I’ve ensured that I am able to access your suite in case of an emergency, but thank you.” He didn’t want to hear her give permission for the facial recognition software to file his likeness as authorized to enter. Hearing her say that sent thoughts through his mind, or rather his cock, of his arriving here at night, slipping into her suite to seduce her.

“Oh.” Her lips formed a circle and stayed there for a moment. Could she read his thoughts? Surely she wouldn’t, though certain members of her species were known to be telepathic. According to his information, those with telepathic ability never left the home world.

“Sorry to startle you,” he said, keeping professional distance between them. “You said you had information.”

“Yes. Nochte-Theta was not my first destination upon leaving my home world. I stopped first at a couple of other stations to speak with their officials before meeting with the council. I received these.” She pushed an envelope across the table next to the door. “My people have gone over them. We cannot find the source.”

“And you told station security where you were staying?” His gut twisted. He didn’t like this, not one bit. At her nod, his stomach twisted further. Gently, though he knew there probably wouldn’t be any evidence to gain, he opened the envelope and pulled out the first piece of paper.

A security print from a communications console. A message was tagged across the top — a threat on her life — with all the pertinent information below. He scanned it, noting the obviously faked addresses and protocols. No doubt untraceable. A second sheet of paper, another threat, was also in the envelope.

“When were you going to tell me about these?” A wave of protectiveness came over him. He fought to keep frustration out of his voice. Not knowing about threats made his job infinitely more difficult. And station personnel should have communicated these threats; they had her travel itinerary. He clenched his jaw until a muscle began jumping.

“I planned to tell you.” Her soft words forced his gaze to meet hers, where wariness crossed her face.

“I’m glad you did.” He breathed deeply and forced himself to calm. “I will contact the other station security departments to see what they have on these.”

He stepped back, because now that the initial fury that someone would try to hurt her had ebbed, he became aware that she stood close to him, so close her breasts brushed his arm with each breath. A floral scent, something planet-bound and not anything he’d find on this station, surrounded him. Hunger drove through him. He told his muscles to take another step back, to tell her he would bring the papers back to security and study them further. He should turn for the door and leave her for the evening. He didn’t.

“You can take care of this?” she asked, her voice wobbling a little and betraying her worry.

Visit the publisher to read an excerpt and to purchase this title

Win This Print!

pttm_400 Use the Rafflecopter to enter to win a 4×6 print of this artwork, Peering Through The Mists. On a world with twin suns, feline companions peer out the window at the wonders that are waiting outside.

Print is matted and can be shipped worldwide to the winner.

Art print by Steve Lenker of Aldebaran Valley Creations.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Don’t forget to visit each stop on the tour for a chance to enter to win this print every day.

A Second Giveaway

If you would like to enter to win a $10 Changeling Press gift certificate, please visit the tour hub. Don’t forget that you can use the hub page to visit each stop on the tour to enter daily to win the art print. (Visit the tour hub now.)

Sensuous Promo’s Presents: Book Tour for Kink Club Blues by Eva Lefoy

Welcome to Sensuous Promo’s Kink Club Blues Tour.

Warning: Excerpt is smoking hot and recommended for those 18+. Leave this page if you are younger than 18.


Synopsis: In Kink Club Blues,Paul and Geoffrey return from Paris and continue to deepen their relationship and increase the kink in their sexplorations. Meanwhile, Geoffrey’s ex, Brian, denies a growing interest in Dom/sub play only to fall into the helpful arms of local kink club worker Gar, who’s more than happy to show Brian the pleasure to be had in submission… Check out book I, Sex, Ties and Videotape, to read how Paul and Geoffrey’s relationship starts, and then enjoy watching Brian get his just deserts in Kink Club Blues even more!  

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Here’s more about Kink Club Blues: Brian finds out the hard way that once a top, always a top, doesn’t apply to him. Paul and Geoffrey return from their special trip to Paris. Paul plans to propose to Geoffrey but first, his urge to protect his lover drives him to close an old loophole. He visits Brian, demanding the original video he made of Geoffrey be destroyed. Brian doesn’t understand what Paul’s upset about, or his dominant streak. But the clearer Paul’s feelings for Geoffrey become to him, the more Brian desires to have a man love him the same way. Curiosity draws him to the local kink club, and into the arms of a man whose punishment gives him all he secretly craves. Excerpt from Kink Club Blues:

“Give me more,” Geoff panted. “Just a little.” The base of Paul’s cock twitched, sending a fierce contraction through his balls. If Geoffrey wanted more, he’d give him more. Reaching onto the table once again, he grabbed the nipple clamps. Geoffrey’s eyes lit up and his knees fell open wider. “I think you need these this morning, Geoff. I think you know you want them.” He leaned forward and sucked a pink nipple into his mouth, laving it but not sucking hard enough for it to firm too much. Geoffrey’s nipples were very sensitive, and he wanted them nice and soft when he put the clamps on, so he could watch them harden as he fucked him. From Geoffrey’s gasp as he fastened the first clamp, he knew he’d done his preparation work correctly. Geoffrey twisted underneath him, but Paul held him tight, moving his mouth slowly to the other nipple, refusing to satisfy Geoff’s urges just yet. “P-please…oh, God.” “Be good.” He gave the side of Geoffrey’s ass cheek a light spank. “Or you’ll only get one.” Licking his way across Geoffrey’s chest and pausing to nibble at various places, he drew out the torture. Right before he lowered his mouth to the other bud—which was already standing half hard—he paused again. “Are you being good?” “Yes, Paul. Yes.” He sucked the other nipple and swirled his tongue around it, scraping it lightly with his teeth as he pulled away. Then he positioned the second clamp and sat back to survey his handiwork. Geoffrey’s eyes slid nearly closed and his back arched off the bed, pulling the nipple clamps taut. He let out a long, low moan. “Paul, I’m close. I’m going to come.” “Oh no you’re not. Not yet.” He slapped Geoff’s ass harder this time. “Not until I’m inside you.” Beneath him, Geoffrey trembled, pre-cum coating his belly. His own balls squeezed at the sight, urgency building. Holding a tether on his impending orgasm got even harder. “That’s better.”

Copyright © Eva Lefoy Author Bio: Eva Lefoy writes and reads all kinds of romance, and is a certified Trekkie. She’s also terribly addicted to chocolate, tea, and hiking. One of these days, she’ll figure out the meaning of life, quit her job, and go travel the galaxy. Until then, she’s writing down all her dirty thoughts for the sake of future explorers. Author Links: Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook Page | Pinterest Book Links: Kink Club Blues Purchase Links MLR PressARe | AmazonAmazon UK   Sex, Ties and Videotape MLR PressARe | AmazonAmazon UK

Bit’N Tour Blog Tour: Second Star on the Right by Elizabeth Los GIVEAWAY and Scavenger Hunt!

Welcome to Day Eight of the Elizabeth Second Star on the Right Blog tour!  I’m Eloreen Moon with Moonbeams over Atlanta Blog.  Be sure to read the entire post as there is a Giveaway and Scavenger Hunt!

Synopsis: Spawned from an ancient promise, treachery and intrigue follow the protagonists through our world and one lost to the waves. Bound by an invisible bond, they are thrust into a fantastical world of pirates and demons. James Benedict is a just man haunted by evil. Pushed to the edge, everything stripped from him, a new man arises . . . a man whose name strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it: “Captain Hook”. Eileen Davis was a timid woman. Through a fateful cruise she finds herself in the company of the Captain of the Mistral Thief. With his guidance, and the meddling of the local barista, she eventually finds her inner strength. Will the two of them unite through time to fulfill the promise of their ancestors or will tempers ignite leading all to failure? Audio Excerpt:     Author Bio: Elizabeth uses writing as therapy, her release from everyday stress. At night, after work and once the children are finally tucked in bed, for the fifth time, she sits at her laptop and lets her imagination flow. Elizabeth has produced short stories, one of which will be published in an anthology. She’s had fun writing a Sherlock Holmes fan fiction story, A Case of Need, based on the BBC’s Sherlock. By July 2011, her first novel, Second on the Right, had been completed. She spent several years polishing the story in order to provide a high quality product to the public. Second on the Right is her first professional novel. Author Links: Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Smashwords | Facebook Book Links: ISBN-10: 1492340480 | ISBN-13: 978-1492340485 | eBook ISBN-13: 978-1310988455 Amazon | Goodreads | iTunes | B&N | Createspace

Enter below for the Giveaway

Scavenger Hunt Rules:

Everyone loves a scavenger hunt so jump aboard and collect the clues to form a hidden message pertaining to Second On The Right.  Visit all the blogs touring and look for the word in RED in each scavenger hunt graphic. It is a contest after all, so the first person to email the MESSAGE to wins!  For a full schedule of all the blogs participating go here:!second-on-the-right-by-elizabeth-los/c1y0z

BitN Book Tour badge smaller

Sensuous Promo’s Blog Tour: Alchemy by Serena Fairfax

Welcome to Day Four of Sensuous Promo’s Alchemy Book Tour.

Warning: Excerpt is smoking hot and recommended for those 18+.
Leave this page if you are younger than 18.



Set against sun-drenched Lake Garda, church mouse Tamsin Heriot, an English rose, pairs off with privileged Luca Leopoldo di Monte Valli, who’s half Italian, half Somali. But Luca isn’t what he seems… Orphaned at seven when his childhood in Mogadishu is brutally destroyed, Luca is left emotionally broken. Ragged and starving he seeks refuge in Italy where kindly aristocrats adopt him. 


Ever since she was fifteen, Tamsin has had a crush on Luca and the summer before she goes to university, she’s determined to lose her virginity to him.


It’s eight years before their paths reconverge. Tamsin, still lusting after Luca, receives devastating news that triggers her return to the dilapidated family casa, and fate steps in when an unexpected bond develops between her and Luca’s widowed, adoptive mother. But a strange inheritance alters what started as a dalliance. There’s no shortcut to love, and with everything to lose, the relationship between two wounded people, Luca and Tamsin, is pushed to the breaking point.

Excerpt from Breaching the Lieutenant:

Quickly they ripped off each other’s nightwear until they were both naked.

As he reached for a condom, Tamsin said quietly, “Is protection really necessary now we’re married? Let’s make a honeymoon baby.”

He said quietly. “Very soon, cara mia, but I’m not quite ready. Let’s get used to each other first.” Something like iron shifted in him.

It seemed to be the right response because she took it no further and wrapped her arms round him, settling in to him with a sigh. He pulled her soft curves into him and held her, kissing her fiercely.

Try something new today—the supermarket catchphrase—ran through Tamsin’s thoughts as, with her heartbeat tripling, Luca shot her that look that always gave her a warm, damp rush.

“Signora Leopoldo di Monte Valla.”

She let her legs fall apart. Just the deep cadence of his voice turned her ready. “Do it, make me come.” She knew what his tongue could do, what his cock could do. “I want you now, my prince, my lord.” She swept her hair over his balls, and took one then another into her mouth.

“Wider still and wider for me, babe. I want to see every bit of you.”

‘I hear and I obey.” She shifted and opened up, spreading her sex to him, and a deep growl emerged from somewhere low down in his chest.

“Love that womanhood, love your big, tight ass.” Firm hands clamped the cheeks of her butt, trapping their bodies front to front. He paused, his eyes glittering under the long, black lashes, and then he was dipping his head and she felt the ridge of his tongue slamming inside her, sucking her swollen clit, his breath moist and hot.

She gasped and shut her eyes. “I want to taste you.” Her pussy clenched and throbbed as his hands rested on her thighs, keeping her wide.

“Keep it going.” She whimpered.

She watched him rip the foil and roll on the condom, nudging her with the tip of his warm, smooth cock. She reached for it and took the hardness of his length in her mouth, savoring the nectar, wanting his thickness to enter her, wanting his juices in her, over her.

He wet his fingers in his juices and, circling her labia, she bucked.

“That’s what I like to know.”

“I’m going to…come.”

“Not yet you won’t.” His lips twitched in a smile. “If you do,” he whispered a sweet torture, “that’s it for tonight. Hush now. We’re going there together.”

He slid his fingers deep into her clit, moving in and out, the slick, accepting sound of her desire like a metronome beating time.

He stopped and she felt she’d die. “Move,” she moaned.

His eyes were darker than she’d ever seen before. He bent into her and nibbled a jutting nipple as he eased the head of his silky cock into the peachy damp of her slit. Her cunt flared up around him, waiting, ripe, needy, her heartbeat going wild as he thrust his cock deeper as he marked his territory, staked his claim to her. She was his for the taking.

“Sweetie.” His gaze tangled with hers. And then he was hammering into her, rocking hard and fast and she was spiraling out of control until the orgasm lurking somewhere over the rainbow rushed down to ignite them and they shuddered and shattered round each other as he spilled himself into her with a shout.

With a soft sigh, he eased out and rolled to one side. He realized something else. Tamsin had messed with his emotions. He’d got caught out. He’d have to watch it. He didn’t do emotions.


* * * *


Later that night, Luca turned to Tamsin and murmured, “How about a chaser?” He nuzzled his tongue down her cheek.

She felt her pulse beating in her throat as her lips slid down his cock. And then he was flipping her over onto her belly, running his fingers down her spine. She got on her hands and knees and he slid his tongue into her hole, slicking her, coaxing her with a slow sweetness that made her crave for more. Then bending right over her, his fingers eased in and out of her slippery cunt, fucking her till she came in spasm after spasm.

“The best is yet to be.”

The thought of his swollen cock riding into her ass made her quiver.

He must have sensed her anxiety for he said softly. “It’s going to be all right.”

“No pain, no gain?”

“Honey, trust me.” He slipped one lubricated finger into her ass and pressed down.


Copyright © Serena Fairfax

About Serena

I spent my childhood in India, qualified as a Lawyer in England and joined a large London firm.

Romance is hardwired into my DNA so my novels include a strong romantic theme. However, I broke out of the romance bubble with one (you’ll see which one when you visit the Books page), which is a quirky departure in style and content.

I’ve also authored several short stories that feature on my blog

Fast forward to a sabbatical from the day job when I traded in bricks and mortar for a houseboat which, for a hardened land lubber like me, turned out to be a big adventure.

Apart from writing and reading (all kinds of books), a few of my favourite things are collecting old masks, singing (in the rain) and exploring off the beaten track.

I’m a member of the Romantic Novelists Association, which is a very supportive organisation. My golden retriever, Inspector Morse, who can’t wait to unleash his own Facebook page, and I divide our time between London and rural Kent. (Charles Dickens said: Kent, sir. Everybody knows Kent. Apples, cherries, hops and women).

Connect with Serena:

WebsiteBlog | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook Page | Google+

Book Links:

BookStrand |  Goodreads


Leave a comment below (with email address) and your name will be thrown into the hat to win an eCopy of this hot new release!

 Winner will be chosen on June 16th

HAHAT Giveaway Winner! Take Two…

Thank you to all who participated in the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia!

Because the last posted winner did not respond, I have picked a new winner.

I have replied to the lucky commentator and sent an email.

Just to make sure, I’m posting it here too.

The Winner Is…

Continue reading

Love’s Landscape Event on M/M Romance Group at




Hello and welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta for the new followers.  Thank you to those that have been following.

My Love’s Landscape story, Charon’s Dilemma, is starting the editing process with an editor assigned to provide feedback to me from the annual Don’t Read in the Closet Event sponsored by M/M Romance Group in  However, the group has started the Love’s Landscapes postings of the first of the stories yesterday.  When totaled, and if all authors submit, there will be 212 stories available.

Best of all: It’s Free!

To see them as they release, join the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.  The Love’s Landscape link above will get you to the folder where they are all at.  Later this summer (maybe fall), the eBook versions and the Anthologies will release.

When mine releases, I will post it here for easy access.  Again, you have to be a member (and 18+ to join) to view them before they go the general populous.

Go read.  I will be.
