It’s March… when did that happen? #freebook #newslettersignup #queerscifi #anniversary

I looked up and it’s suddenly it’s March. I had signed up to be one of four authors to provide a free book as a four-pack when you sign up for Queer Sci Fi’s Newsletter. Great place to find wonderful queer spectrum books and stories. Check it out!

Join the queer sci fi email list...
Four book covers Imperfect Illusions by Vanora Lawless, No Shelter But the Stars by Virginia Black, Charon's Dilemma by Eloreen Moon, and Warring Lions by Astrid V. J.
...and get four spec fic ebooks free

This is the first story I wrote and published way back in the MM Romance Group days 10 years ago (this month actually) where authors would get prompt suggestions and you would pick the prompt you like and write a story to be published there later on. It was fun and I did it the following year year but life got in the way.

If you are a reader of my blog, you’ll know that I will eventually edit this story, possibly put a new cover on it, and rerelease it. Perhaps I’ll do that this month as an anniversary of publishing for the first time. If you do join the newsletter, read my book, and want to know more, have suggestions, or like it, let me know. I’m open to suggestions for revamping it. Perhaps even a sequel. You can stalk, I mean, follow me on social media, or email me eloreen at eloreenmoon dot com for any feedback. If I like any suggestions for updating and/or a sequel, perhaps I’ll include it and send you a free copy of the book in question when complete. -smile-


New Kindle Together #promotion and #newsletter, #writing, and #socialmedia updates

Apologies everyone who was a newsletter subscriber and it stopped and faded away fall of 2022. I just found the emails that Mailchimp had sent then that they deleted my account when it went inactive for 24 months. Oops!

Partial view of two Dell monitors with text and images on them  on a white desk with a coffee mug in the middle below them, a black pen and mousepad with a partial picture of a mouse, and what looks like an Apple keyboard below the coffee mug and papers to the left with scribble notes
Photo by Picography on

I’m working on recreating my newsletter with Mailchimp and re-adding what I had before. I believe I’ve relinked my Mailchimp account so my blog should post to it again. Not that I have any subscribers anymore. Oh well. Such is life.

Mailchimp changed a bit so I’m trying to figure out what I should do. Being out of pocket in writing and online presence in general for the last four years is tough. Covid fog is a thing. I’m slowly coming out of my self-induced online isolation as I slowly come out of the offline one. I’m an introvert (most everyone who knows me in person will know this) and so not being social is the norm most of the time. I do like to see people on occasion, and I live in a polyamorous household, but I do have to retreat to my bedroom to recover from socializing. I’m hoping that I have enough spoons to see this through.

If you are one of those that would like to be back on the newsletter, feel free to email me and I can add you again. I believe I have a signup form back on my blog but it might be pretty bare bones as I get everything setup in the next week or two. As always, if you do signup up and want to opt-out later, feel free to do so. Previously, I provided a free copy of one of my earlier works for signing up called Charon’s Dilemma via the automation of Mailchimp but I don’t quite have that updated yet. If you would like it, sign up for my newsletter and let me know to send it to you and I’ll manually send it in whichever format you prefer. I have EPUB, MOBI, and PDF. If you are like me and like all formats, I can send that too. 😀

Stay tuned to the blog and I will follow up as things progress.

Top-down look at a white coffee mug with coffee in the center, a Kindle tilted 45 degrees to the bottom right with a red and green small-leaf succulent and a larger large-leaf succulent immediately to the right and above the Kindle on a white background.
Photo by Adrienne Andersen on

To celebrate getting back into things with writing and online presence, I’m running a book promotion for the US Independence Day (July 4th) weekend July 1st through 5th since the 4th is on a Tuesday for my eBook of Together on worldwide where you can purchase it for free. It’s on Kindle Unlimited as well but I thought I would see if others who don’t have Kindle Unlimited would like it too. If you would like the book, please purchase during this time and consider doing a review on Goodreads and/or Amazon and sharing on social media. I’m most everywhere even if I’m not active on the platform specifically currently. I’m trying to get back into the social media game. 🙂

Along those lines, I will potentially do a second version of the book to include the short story I wrote for a blog tour I did for Together as an epilogue a few years ago. Some of the people who had read it before then wanted more about my characters. I appreciate my readers especially those who give me feedback as well. Really, Really, please let me know how you like it especially if this is the first time you have read anything of mine. If there was something you didn’t like, or formatting issues, let me know directly with feedback from here or directly to my email that’s posted on my About Eloreen Moon page. I’m still pondering and may look into do some editing of both before publishing them together for the first time. It may or may not have a new cover (I really like my cover) but refreshing covers is something that is done in this industry. I will have to see after I do edits and figure out costs for all of it.

Drawing of lightbulb on yellow Post It note pinned with a red thumbtack to a background of a corkboard.
Photo by AbsolutVision on Unsplash

For those that want more writings from me, I do have flash fiction published in a few anthologies (details in About Eloreen Moon page here and on topics across all LGBTQ+ and genres. I’m working on a few new projects and will probably edit and re-publish other writings I did in the beginning, including Charon’s Dilemma and Coil Me Up. It’s one of those things that I will start somewhere one word at a time. It’s a little daunting being out of the loop for so long and starting up again. It’s almost like starting over but different. -wry smile-

Speaking of Coil Me Up, I talked with Adan recently and she’s given permission to re-edit and re-publish it fully under me again. She had helped me with writing a few chapters to get it finished for the the contest that inspired the story when it was originally published in October 2015 and hasn’t had motivation to write for quite awhile. I hope that we get to collaborate on something new as it was a lot of fun working with her. It is about snake shifters and if that’s not your thing, feel free to pass it up.

I think I will close with a picture of my favorite flower that’s about to bloom this year: Oriental Stargazer Lilies. I used to have Starfighters but I think they died out several years ago and these have been going strong for at least 4-5 years now. I’m not 100% sure but I think the ground-cover plant below them are baby strawberries from another pot elsewhere on the porch…

#amwriting Really, I am. #NaNoWriMo 2015 #contest #giveaway

So NaNoWriMo is back again and I’m working on a sequel for Coil Me Up with Adan DePiaz. Don’t know if we’ll get to 50k words or not, but it’s nice to try. *smile* Day Three (because I was sick Day 1 and worked Day 2, but I did get some writing in) is going and I might write some tonight. Adan is working on the Prologue from one MC’s point of view, and I’m working from the other MC’s point of view. Should be interesting where the scenes will fit. Not unusual for me to write out of order. Heck Coil Me Up’s ending started first.

Interestingly, someone commented on one of my blog posts last week asking about a sequel to Charon’s Dilemma, the DRitC event story from 2014. I did respond that I considered doing a sequel for that story but probably not immediately. Have to get through the month of November, and probably December before I can think of other stories. I’m multitasking on too many things as it is now. Writing is actually something creative I can do to counteract some studying I need to do before the end of the month. So, yeah. It’s pretty packed since I also host posts for authors and promotional book tours, review (for two blogs no less), and still read for fun.

And that doesn’t even count the things I do with family, especially weekends. Did I mention I work remotely with my full-time job? Best. Thing. Ever.

While I’m off being creative, and in the spirit of publishing, I would like to propose a contest. Comment on this post for a $10 Gift Certificate to the eretailer of your choice (B&N, ARe, Bookstrand, Amazon) and answer the following question.  Would you like to read a sequel for Charon’s Dilemma, Platypus (from Discovery) and/or Coil Me Up?

And yeah, eventually I’ll get back to my blog story Elf Magic too. 🙂

Signing off.



EDIT: I should really put a time limit on these contests…. It will be chosen by and you have until the end of November (11/30/2015 11:59 PM EST)

Another week goes by…

Well…I planned to have another installment of Elf Magic ready for today.

Didn’t quite pan out. 😉

Instead, I scheduled a few posts, updated my nook, rummaged around Facebook, grabbed another book to review, updated stuff on Goodreads (see Charon’s Dilemma, my free read I published with Goodreads MM Romance Group), and posted a review on my blog.  There’s also work, backing up my personal computer because I’ve read about the horror stories on Faceback with losing your WIPs and writings.  I’m in IT, so I know better anyway.  Luckily, Dropbox or Google Drive is your friend. Evernote too. And, multiple redundant backup solutions. 🙂

I will have to see if I can post another installment this weekend.  However, being on call for work will either prevent or promote this endeavor. *grin*

Now, I’m going to be really geeky and play a computer game…



It’s posted! Finally…

It’s official.  I’m finally a published author. Yay, me!  8/25/2014 will live for all time.


It posted yesterday.  I looked, I swear.  Didn’t see it. 🙂


I have been having internet trouble so it’s possible it didn’t update.


Think you can find it? *big smile*


You do have to be a member to see read it.  You can also go here:  All of the posts prior to last week and current week will have ebooks for download.  To see the original descriptions and pictures, you will have to be a member of the group.  Go join.  It’s worth it. 😀


To celebrate my published author status, I’m giving away a $15 gift card (ARe, Amazon, B&N) to a lucky commentator on this post.  Post and let me know if you liked the story or not.  Let’s see if we can get more followers too.  If I can reach 100 followers by September 1st, I will give away an additional $15 gift card to the 100th follower…


Thanks, and good luck,




As an update (because I didn’t put a time limit originally), let’s say all commentators who post by the end of September (9/30/14 11:59p) will be eligible for the contest.  And I will extend the 100th follower additional contest to then as well. -Eloreen

Musings from the Moon

Well, the scheduled date for Charon’s Dilemma was supposed to be August 15th, but that didn’t happen.  It has been rescheduled for a date coming up very soon. I still can’t tell you when but I will be posting as soon as I see it. 🙂

So, you can watch for it here: (must be a member to view it) to see it as soon as it releases.

The Moonbeams over Atlanta 100 blog posts contest ended and I, finally, got to send the winner her gift card to Amazon.  She should have it by now as I just emailed it to her…

This past week at work has been insane.  Internet has not helped.  When getting a phone call on the house line can kick you off internet…you know you have a problem with the lines…

Dragon Con is coming next week.  And there is a move in my future.  Good news is it is to a spiffy, updated house and better internet.  Bad news is the move part.

This writer is going to bed before I fall over.

Hopefully work will slow down a bit and I can post more.  I do have more blogs to host and a few reviews to do.  Keep watching and maybe I’ll get some writing going…maybe a freebie on the blog. 🙂

I enjoy freebies from my favorite authors.  Not that I’ve had a lot of time to read. Maybe the beginning of September I’ll start posting a work in progress.  Then maybe, I can finish something else.


Night Night



Another new beginning…and an update

Well, I started my new full-time job this week.  It’s going to be interesting.  Have to get back into the swing of things and ramp up for long days and nights.  It’s just that kind of job.

Not sure how much writing I’m going to be doing for awhile, but I hope to get back to the swing of things once work settles down.

Good news, though!  Charon’s Dilemma will be published soon.  I can’t tell you when, but you should keep an eye out for when I post about it once it releases.

So, watch for it here: (must be a member to view it) to see it as soon as it releases.  I’ll post it here, too.  🙂

For the ebook fans, the ebooks will release within a week after it posts to the group.  I’ll post about that, too.  Because you KNOW I’m going to go grab my copy of it. *big grin*

Can I say that I’m excited?

On a blog note, Moonbeams over Atlanta has reached 100 blog posts.  There is a contest here and ends 8/13/2014.  The post will tell you how to enter.  It does have a question relating to the tour post it’s on so you will have to look at the tour.  So, go.  Enter.  There’s a giveaway for a $10 gift card to the ARe, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble retailer of your choice…

You know you want to…


Signing off.



Love’s Landscape Event on M/M Romance Group at




Hello and welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta for the new followers.  Thank you to those that have been following.

My Love’s Landscape story, Charon’s Dilemma, is starting the editing process with an editor assigned to provide feedback to me from the annual Don’t Read in the Closet Event sponsored by M/M Romance Group in  However, the group has started the Love’s Landscapes postings of the first of the stories yesterday.  When totaled, and if all authors submit, there will be 212 stories available.

Best of all: It’s Free!

To see them as they release, join the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.  The Love’s Landscape link above will get you to the folder where they are all at.  Later this summer (maybe fall), the eBook versions and the Anthologies will release.

When mine releases, I will post it here for easy access.  Again, you have to be a member (and 18+ to join) to view them before they go the general populous.

Go read.  I will be.
