#amwriting Really, I am. #NaNoWriMo 2015 #contest #giveaway

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So NaNoWriMo is back again and I’m working on a sequel for Coil Me Up with Adan DePiaz. Don’t know if we’ll get to 50k words or not, but it’s nice to try. *smile* Day Three (because I was sick Day 1 and worked Day 2, but I did get some writing in) is going and I might write some tonight. Adan is working on the Prologue from one MC’s point of view, and I’m working from the other MC’s point of view. Should be interesting where the scenes will fit. Not unusual for me to write out of order. Heck Coil Me Up’s ending started first.

Interestingly, someone commented on one of my blog posts last week asking about a sequel to Charon’s Dilemma, the DRitC event story from 2014. I did respond that I considered doing a sequel for that story but probably not immediately. Have to get through the month of November, and probably December before I can think of other stories. I’m multitasking on too many things as it is now. Writing is actually something creative I can do to counteract some studying I need to do before the end of the month. So, yeah. It’s pretty packed since I also host posts for authors and promotional book tours, review (for two blogs no less), and still read for fun.

And that doesn’t even count the things I do with family, especially weekends. Did I mention I work remotely with my full-time job? Best. Thing. Ever.

While I’m off being creative, and in the spirit of publishing, I would like to propose a contest. Comment on this post for a $10 Gift Certificate to the eretailer of your choice (B&N, ARe, Bookstrand, Amazon) and answer the following question.  Would you like to read a sequel for Charon’s Dilemma, Platypus (from Discovery) and/or Coil Me Up?

And yeah, eventually I’ll get back to my blog story Elf Magic too. 🙂

Signing off.



EDIT: I should really put a time limit on these contests…. It will be chosen by Random.org and you have until the end of November (11/30/2015 11:59 PM EST)

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5 thoughts on “#amwriting Really, I am. #NaNoWriMo 2015 #contest #giveaway

  1. Pingback: #musings: 200 posts later… #Contest #Giveaway | Moonbeams over Atlanta

    • Great! I did like writing it. I hope to get the sequels to both Charon’s Dilemma and Coil Me Up done in the next several months. We’ll see. Coil is not going very fast… November is notorious for having too many things to do.

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