Extraterrestrial Anthology by Perie Wolford #ReleaseDay #Amazon #SciFi #LGBT @periewolford

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Another new author in the Science Fiction/Gay arena. Please welcome Perie Wolford to Moonbeams over Atlanta. Today is release day for his new release Extraterrestrial Anthology.

Title: Extraterrestrial Anthology
Author: Perie Wolford
Length: 315 pages
Genre: Gay/SciFi

Release date: 11/02/2015



In an attempt to prove it to the world that crop circles are man-made and aliens don’t really exist, Ricky and his team of young enthusiasts (including one particular enthusiast, Josh, who is hopelessly in love with Ricky) start falsifying the phenomenon by creating their own crop circles. Their endeavors prove successful, pretty much so, but only until the day when Ricky sees his unique circle design replicated throughout the country by the force unknown.

Coming home for summer break, two film school students, Bradley and Tag, decide to shoot a staged UFO encounter video, one that could potentially generate a lot of attention and a lot of clicks on YouTube. Unexpectedly for both of them, during the filming they accidentally discover a real alien presence in the dark waters near their coastal home town.

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Another rifle shot resounded and the barking of dogs followed it. It sounded like the pack of Sullivan’s dogs was smaller now, probably two or three old raggedy bitches died since the last time the gang was here. Now only about three or four dogs were barking, but they were all Dobermans, vicious as hell. Even the three of them could rip a person to shreds, which was probably even worse than a gun shot.

Josh started moving towards where the guys were hiding, moving fast, but trying to keep as low as possible.

Yet another rifle shot ripped through the silence.

“I’m gonna make you regret you ever came here, freaks! Destroying my crops, do you think this is funny?” Sullivan shouted, raging against the stupid youth. This time he was probably right. Coming here was indeed a stupid idea. Everyone on the team knew it, but they went along with it for the cause and because Ricky’s unusual determination made them believe that they could probably make it this time. They sure were wrong.

“Do you think it’s a game?” he shouted again.

Josh made it to where Emily and Ricky were sitting. He joined them, but that was probably pointless; together or apart, they were screwed all the same.

“Shit, guys! Shit!” Josh whispered, distinctly hearing the rustle of dogs running through the wheat somewhere not far away from here really, really not far away.

Ricky commanded in a loud whisper, “Keep quiet!”

Author Bio

Perie Wolford is an optioned and produced screenwriter and published author.perie

His first feature-film movie Dark Harvest The Movie was shot in California by Emerging Artist Productions in 2011 and is now in post-production.

Perie became a published author in 2014, with his debut novel PRESENCE. Following Presence was book 1 in SAM DORSEY series, which instantly sold over 5,000 copies. In 2015 Perie returned to science fiction with ENCOUNTER, a tribute to CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE 3RD KIND. His next sci-fi book LIGHTS is available as Kindle edition 10/12/2015.

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