Musings from the Moon

Well, the scheduled date for Charon’s Dilemma was supposed to be August 15th, but that didn’t happen.  It has been rescheduled for a date coming up very soon. I still can’t tell you when but I will be posting as soon as I see it. 🙂

So, you can watch for it here: (must be a member to view it) to see it as soon as it releases.

The Moonbeams over Atlanta 100 blog posts contest ended and I, finally, got to send the winner her gift card to Amazon.  She should have it by now as I just emailed it to her…

This past week at work has been insane.  Internet has not helped.  When getting a phone call on the house line can kick you off internet…you know you have a problem with the lines…

Dragon Con is coming next week.  And there is a move in my future.  Good news is it is to a spiffy, updated house and better internet.  Bad news is the move part.

This writer is going to bed before I fall over.

Hopefully work will slow down a bit and I can post more.  I do have more blogs to host and a few reviews to do.  Keep watching and maybe I’ll get some writing going…maybe a freebie on the blog. 🙂

I enjoy freebies from my favorite authors.  Not that I’ve had a lot of time to read. Maybe the beginning of September I’ll start posting a work in progress.  Then maybe, I can finish something else.


Night Night



Another new beginning…and an update

Well, I started my new full-time job this week.  It’s going to be interesting.  Have to get back into the swing of things and ramp up for long days and nights.  It’s just that kind of job.

Not sure how much writing I’m going to be doing for awhile, but I hope to get back to the swing of things once work settles down.

Good news, though!  Charon’s Dilemma will be published soon.  I can’t tell you when, but you should keep an eye out for when I post about it once it releases.

So, watch for it here: (must be a member to view it) to see it as soon as it releases.  I’ll post it here, too.  🙂

For the ebook fans, the ebooks will release within a week after it posts to the group.  I’ll post about that, too.  Because you KNOW I’m going to go grab my copy of it. *big grin*

Can I say that I’m excited?

On a blog note, Moonbeams over Atlanta has reached 100 blog posts.  There is a contest here and ends 8/13/2014.  The post will tell you how to enter.  It does have a question relating to the tour post it’s on so you will have to look at the tour.  So, go.  Enter.  There’s a giveaway for a $10 gift card to the ARe, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble retailer of your choice…

You know you want to…


Signing off.



Love’s Landscape Event on M/M Romance Group at




Hello and welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta for the new followers.  Thank you to those that have been following.

My Love’s Landscape story, Charon’s Dilemma, is starting the editing process with an editor assigned to provide feedback to me from the annual Don’t Read in the Closet Event sponsored by M/M Romance Group in  However, the group has started the Love’s Landscapes postings of the first of the stories yesterday.  When totaled, and if all authors submit, there will be 212 stories available.

Best of all: It’s Free!

To see them as they release, join the M/M Romance Group on Goodreads.  The Love’s Landscape link above will get you to the folder where they are all at.  Later this summer (maybe fall), the eBook versions and the Anthologies will release.

When mine releases, I will post it here for easy access.  Again, you have to be a member (and 18+ to join) to view them before they go the general populous.

Go read.  I will be.
