5 Star Review of “Dirty Heart” (Cole McGinnis 6) by Rhys Ford #LGBT #Suspense #Romance

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Moonbeams over Atlanta welcomes Rhys Ford back for a review of the final Cole McGinnis book. See within the review for the links to reviews of the prior books.


The Review:

Rhys provided the story to me for an honest review.  Thank you. I’m sad to say goodbye to Cole and Jae, but I wanted to know Ben’s story. As promised, no spoilers. You have to go read the book to know.

5 Stars


We return to the world of P.I. Cole McGinnis and the love of his life Jae-Min Kim, a Korean-American photographer Cole met on a previous case. If you haven’t read the first five books. Stop right now and Go. Read. Them. I reviewed the series up to Book Three on RGR here, and reviewed the fourth book, Dirty Deeds, on RGR here. Down and Dirty, the fifth book, will be here.

Through out the series there is the pain, both physical and emotional, of Cole’s former partner, best friend, and his then-lover Rick’s killer, Ben Pirelli and why he did what he did. There were not any hints… until now. After reading the book, I didn’t see reason coming. Rhys wove the story very well around a case Cole gets involved in by his brother, Mike, and I cried and laughed throughout. In some cases, I did it at the same time. It’s gritty writing and not for the faint-of-heart. As with most of Rhys’s books, they are… descriptive bordering on the dark. But, if you love a good mystery/suspense MM romance, this is for you. The romance is there: Definitely between Jae and Cole; Between other secondary characters such as Mad Dog and Mike, Cole’s brother; and between Cole’s newly-found younger brother Ichi and Cole’s best friend Bobby. The sex between Jae and Cole is hot, and the romance all around makes you smile at the way it should be in their world despite the everyday horrors and upset they face. This book felt a little lighter than the others, even with the reason Ben killed Rick, tried to kill Cole, and ultimately killing himself. Dirty Heart ended the series very well and the resolution to Ben’s anger is fitting.

With this, I give Dirty Heart 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links:

Dreamspinner | Amazon | ARe | B&N

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