#amwriting. Musings renewed. Reviewing again.

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Hi ya’all. Sorry for not a lot of activity. Been a hectic couple of months. *looks at last post* 3 months. Oops.

I have been reviewing more but mostly on RGR. I do have a review for here coming up. Stay tuned. Hint. It will post in two days… June will have more reviews, spotlights, and tours. I’m going to try to have a few each month at least with the goal to posting something once a week. We’ll see how that goes. I think I’ve said that before…

I’ve been writing some. I did another story for this year’s QSF Flash Fiction contest. This year’s them is Renewal and the post about it is here. It was accepted to the paperback book earlier this month to be published later this year. More on that when I know. This will be book three. 🙂

I just finished a bout of writing inspiration that snuck up on me when I wasn’t paying attention. A blurb of a book I wanted to read about paranormal hybrids made be think about writing something myself, and I found a different WIP I started at the end of last year. I opened it up in word and went to town. Three hours later, I added 2300 words. Go me. Now to figure out the beginning, stick a plot into it, and finish it. That would be something.

Lots of little signs have been showing up recently that writing and getting a manuscript finished would be good. New publishers I never thought to look at and more submission calls are showing up everywhere. It’s like I’m slowly waking up after a long sleep. Here’s hoping I can stay awake and enjoy this creativity. As long as work cooperates, I think I will.

With that, I need to go prep another post for Moonbeams over Atlanta for next week. And one for RGR. Hmmm, I need to finish that book first.

Signing off.


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One thought on “#amwriting. Musings renewed. Reviewing again.

  1. Pingback: Where did the time go? #amwriting #CampNaNoWriMo #PodCastle #RGRTransAwareEvent | Moonbeams over Atlanta

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