#amwriting. Musings renewed. Reviewing again.


Hi ya’all. Sorry for not a lot of activity. Been a hectic couple of months. *looks at last post* 3 months. Oops.

I have been reviewing more but mostly on RGR. I do have a review for here coming up. Stay tuned. Hint. It will post in two days… June will have more reviews, spotlights, and tours. I’m going to try to have a few each month at least with the goal to posting something once a week. We’ll see how that goes. I think I’ve said that before…

I’ve been writing some. I did another story for this year’s QSF Flash Fiction contest. This year’s them is Renewal and the post about it is here. It was accepted to the paperback book earlier this month to be published later this year. More on that when I know. This will be book three. 🙂

I just finished a bout of writing inspiration that snuck up on me when I wasn’t paying attention. A blurb of a book I wanted to read about paranormal hybrids made be think about writing something myself, and I found a different WIP I started at the end of last year. I opened it up in word and went to town. Three hours later, I added 2300 words. Go me. Now to figure out the beginning, stick a plot into it, and finish it. That would be something.

Lots of little signs have been showing up recently that writing and getting a manuscript finished would be good. New publishers I never thought to look at and more submission calls are showing up everywhere. It’s like I’m slowly waking up after a long sleep. Here’s hoping I can stay awake and enjoy this creativity. As long as work cooperates, I think I will.

With that, I need to go prep another post for Moonbeams over Atlanta for next week. And one for RGR. Hmmm, I need to finish that book first.

Signing off.


All the things…Where did the time go? #Musings #May17IDAHOT #Amwriting


So, I’ve signed up for this year’s Hop for Visibility, Awareness, and Equality formerly known as Hop Against Homophobia and to celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia. This will be my third year participating. It’s great fun and a great way to meet new and interesting people. Stay tuned for May 17th for my blog post on the subject. There will be a contest. 🙂


As I was signing up (and setting up my sidebar for the badge) I realized it’s been over two months since I last posted something. Two Months! Oh holy crap, Batman. Work, Vacation, and doing weekly reviews on Rainbow Gold Reviews has eaten up my time. Never mind family. I planned on writing during #CampNaNoWriMo. That didn’t happen. At least, not in the way I expected.

I did submit a story for the Queer Sci Fi 3rd Annual Flash Fiction Contest. They will announce the winners and those that will get into this year’s anthology soon. I hope I get in the anthology. Well, I would love to win something but I’m not expecting it to. It’s a little different than normal prose and I’ll just leave it at that. Stay tuned for more on that later. While I didn’t win anything last year, I did get my story published in their Discovery: QSF’s Second Annual Flash Fiction Contest publication. Which reminds me of something I need to do… I digress. This year’s theme is Flight. I liked it so much, I wrote it, edited it, and sent to beta read within a day… Granted, it was less than 300 words so that helped. 🙂 Definitely not the 10k I signed up for to finish a story I’ve been trying to finish for three years now, going on four. I’ll get there someday.



What else? Work has been taking over my life for the most part. It was especially bad in February which is why I was incommunicado then. It hasn’t helped that I’ve had computer issues (two hard drives died within six months) and then my work laptop last week. Jeez. What’s going on here? Oh yeah. Mercury in Retrograde. Well, I can blame it on that anyway.

I’ve decided to go on a cruise in February of 2017. I haven’t been on a cruise in… well, too many years that I want to mention (high school graduation). Maybe I’ll have something published by then to promote by then. Maybe not. Not sure at this point. I’m hoping to publish something other than freebies this year. As soon as I get my act together. We’ll have to see.

There was something else I thought of to mention in this post. I can’t think of it now. I think I need to sleep. Off to be with family!

