An update in time… #amwriting #CampNaNoWriMo #flashfiction #LGBTQ #musings

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So. I’ve done the things with writing.

A flash fiction submission for QSF Annual contest and it’s anthology will be released late summer/early fall.

I’m about to start Camp NaNoWriMo (tomorrow) for a Persons of Color anthology. Hint, mine is going to be MMM Ménage. *wink* I will be posting where to get it when it releases. It will be released later this year. Not sure when as the editor/publisher and other authors haven’t decided on that yet. As I have information that I can reveal, I’ll post here. Stay tuned for more on this.

I’m almost done with dental issues. Just a few more follow up appointments and I hope to be done with the major stuff this year.

Now I have to go get some stuff from Home Depot/Lowes. I will probably post updates on Camp as I got. I don’t know if I will be doing daily or weekly updates. It’s going to depend upon how much time I will find.


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