Author takeover… what?! #MMM #BeautifulSkin #Charity #Romance #LGBTQ #Multiauthor #Prizes #musings

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Join me for an author take over on FB on 9/22/18 8 pm EDT. You’ll have to be a member of the group to participate. Event starts at 4 PM EDT if you would like to meet other authors. There might be prizes… 😉

Takeover will be devoted to Beautiful Skin, of which, Together is within. You might even see the cover reveal of my individual story…

It’s been a long several months. Work, teeth issues, family drama, traveling… it’s all taken a toll. I hope to be able to finish my paranormal romance of color that’s due end of this month. I can do it. It’s only 15k words. I did start it. Just need to finish. We’ll see.

I’ll try to get a better update here soon. I have a few reviews I owe as well.

Until then… come join me next Saturday for an hour of fun!


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