The end of another year

Happy New Year everyone. I’ll be ringing it in in about an hour with friends and family. I hope to be around more with RGR, writing, and blogging. We’ll see. 🙂 

To everyone on social media who followed, friended, and liked: Thank You. Several have encouraged me to write and I managed to publish a story this year. Thanks Goodreads MM Romance Group for being there with great prompts. I hope to have more stories in 2015, not just in my head. Maybe even a blog story starting soon…hint, hint *cough* tomorrow, if I can get off my duff and put it on the blog…

Maybe. Still undecided if I’m going to start a new one or use an existing one.

It had been a crazy couple of years since I started actively writing and there have been some Real Life pitfalls, but I plan to do more this year. Maybe even get something published that readers would like to buy. That’s one goal anyway.

And get past writing sex scenes…*sigh*

That’s the other hurdle. I’ll get there. I hope. I know I’m not alone but, geez, stop with the writer’s block already.

Muse, come back!

Uh, oh…I’ve done it now…

*waves as she mentally braces herself for the characters taking*

5 Star Review of “Fish and Ghosts” by Rhys Ford

Good morning and welcome to 2014!  I hope everyone had a lovely New Years.  My resolution is to write more: on this blog, finish some stories, post Works In Progress, and generally be out there more with readers to get feedback as to what I like so I can grow as a writer.

I’m starting the new year with a review of Rhys Ford’s Fish and Ghosts released on December 30, 2013 from Dreamspinner Press.  I bought it and read it in one day. It was so good, I couldn’t put it down.  🙂

5 Stars


This is a cute urban fantasy with a little…no, a lot of humor, thrown in.  I love the characters of Tristan Pryce and Wolfgang Kincaid.  Wolf is a paranormal investigator sent by Tristan’s Uncle to investigate and debunk the Pryce family’s haunted house Tristan owns. Their interaction and love come through despite the turbulence of their meeting and the others around them, most of whom are ghosts staying at the mansion-turned-inn Hoxne Grange before moving on with death.  The passing of loved ones are not feared in this story and this book gives a lighter version of how the dead move on.  There are a few surprises; and not so surprising ones that if you pay attention to the interactions, you will see.  Despite an evil ghost, a sarcastic housekeeper, and a meddling mother-in-law, Tristan and Wolf’s love blooms and a happy ending shines again.  I would love to see more interactions between Tristan and Wolf; perhaps a few new stories with one about brother Bach?

fishandghosts_ford_finalWelcome to 2014.  It is going to be a great year.

Eloreen Moon