Rainbow Gold Reviews Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt (April 13 – April 20) – Day 1

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Today starts the day for Rainbow Gold Reviews week long Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt!


Today’s scavenger hunt theme is…Animals/Shifters!


Rules and information is here.


Somewhere on my blog is my word of the day for today: Platypus.

It is hidden somewhere on one of my previously published pages.  Don’t share it with anyone but RGR.  When you find it, notate the web address/location/URL and submit it back to Rainbow Gold Reviews at the rules and information link above.  There are instructions on the form.

Best of all…have fun!


There will be prizes for the ones with the most words or phrases found, including a $5 gift certificate to the book retailer of choice from yours truly.


If you wish to participate, we are still accepting blogs.  See the signup open link below.

Participating Blogs/ Websites:



Eloreen Moon


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2 thoughts on “Rainbow Gold Reviews Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt (April 13 – April 20) – Day 1

  1. You hid it really well because I just went through your entire blog and couldn’t find it! But I did find some interesting posts I commented on 🙂 time to look again

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