Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia Blog Hop (May 17 – 24, 2014)

Welcome to Moonbeams over Atlanta as we kick off the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia Blog Hop.

My name is Eloreen Moon and this is my message of HAHAT awareness for you.

HAHAT 2014

Today is

International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

May 17, 2014

Why did I decide to host the Hop Against Homophobia and Transphobia (HAHAT)?

Well, that’s easy.  Because it’s the right thing to do.

But then it gets tricky.  What can I say or do as an individual who is not gay/lesbian (I’m bi) and never had any wish to be other than the gender I was born with?

Not everyone is built the same or loves traditionally.

And sometimes, all you want to do is fulfill what you know/understand/accept to be what you need to be, regardless of who you love and what sex your body should be.  There are those that are born with both genders and society wants them to pick.  But, what if you can’t, or don’t, want to pick?  Or you need time to make that decision like so many transitioning people who feel they are in the wrong body?

Below is a video someone showed me on Facebook not to long ago.  It inspired me to create this post.
It is almost 19 minutes long but I think it is well worth finishing it.  He has probably one of the best description/definition for sexual identity and orientation that I’ve heard.  They are not the same and it really opens your eyes to understand those that have a different sexual identity and/or sexual orientation.

Then look at the comments and see that even here there is hate. That needs to change.
It opened my eyes to the reality of transgenders and I hope you learned something too.

So, I offer my blog to dedicate to, and provide, change by participating in the HAHAT blog hop for awareness:  One blog post at a time.
Because you never know when one person reaching out would make a difference.


I am giving away a $5 Gift Certificate to an e-Retailer of the winner’s choice to buy that must-have LGBT title on your “to be read” list.  🙂

To enter, comment on this post your story of Homophobia and/or Transphobia.   Inspire us with your courage, perseverance, and understanding.  It doesn’t have to be about you personally.  If it does not have a happy ending, consider this a hug of love and that things will get better because awareness is spreading.  It only takes one person to change the world: Even if that world is your local neighborhood, or a blog post on the internet. 🙂

Contest will end at 11:59 pm EDT 5/27/2014 and a randomly chosen commentator (random.org) will win within the next day.
I will be contacting the winner via email and posting the name as well.

Here is the link to the main hop page.