Savior is on sale for $1.20 on Amazon!

Great series.

Valentine’s Day Book Fair! #Giveaway #Amazon #Romance


So, I joined a Valentine’s Day Book Fair and to celebrate, I’ve changed the pricing for Together on Amazon. It’s now $1.99! It’s on Kindle Unlimited but I’m thinking to take it off when it expires and publishing on other retailers. Stay tuned though, I will be creating a print version for those that like to have the physical book in your hand. Click on the link in the picture above to sign up for a chance for two Amazon Gift Cards.

In other news, I was part of the #FreeBookFriday at #RLFblog on 2/1 (Charon’s Dilemma) and 1/25 (Together). If you sign up for my newsletter, you can get Charon’s Dilemma for free. Click here if you would like to sign up. If you don’t get an email to get your free copy of Charon’s Dilemma from Prolific Works (formerly known as instaFreebie), contact me.

The Day Job (TM) is kicking my butt. So, I haven’t been posting, writing, or on social media much for the last month. I hope that will change soon. I plan on writing more and getting more stories out. We’ll see how that goes. GRL 2019 is coming up for registration in a couple of weeks. I’m going to attempt to sign up as a reader because I still do not have the minimum requirement for Supporting Author. I plan to have that this year, but not in time for GRL possibly. We’ll see.

I have a few collaborations, the paranormal POC anthology, and reediting Charon’s Dilemma with maybe a sequel to it I want to write this year. I’m not sure I’ll get to all of it, but I’m going to try. Perhaps I will get another new story from my WIPs completed too. That would be nice. One of them is a MM romance retelling of Grimms Cat-Skin. I just need to have the time to finish it.

With the advent of my print version of Together, I did a poll contest in my Moon’s Mob groups on Facebook and the naughtier version on MeWe. If you would like to join my group, sign up at the links below.

Facebook Moon’s Mob | MeWe Moon’s Mob

I plan to send Newsletter only information for my subscribers sometime soon. Probably will include a free copy of the print version of Together once I release it. It will be a Newsletter only contest so you will need to subscribe for a chance to win. More information will be sent when I get there.

Since text converted emojis from my blog do weird things to my newsletter, I’m going to try to avoid them. We’ll see how this goes. I’m going to have to get better at finding clip art. *smile*

And on a purely random note, how about a kitty picture with two of the 11 (yes, 11) cats that live in my house at the moment. This is Buster on the left (she’s one of two girls) and I think that’s Espurr on the right. They belong to my daughters. They are doing a good job being a ying-yang symbol. Ignore the power wire they are under…


And the winner is… #Rafflecopter #Together #ThankYou

Thank you for entering in my Rafflecopter for an opportunity to win one of two free eBooks for Together, my people of color, menage (MMM), contemporary romance. If you didn’t win, it’s on sale for $1.99 current on all the major Amazon outlets, including Amazon US and Amazon UK.

Sorry for the delay, I had to factory reset my phone today. 🙁

I’m still recovering from that… Well, you aren’t here to read about my phone woes.

The two winners are…

Sula Holland and Michael Bratek!


They will be contacted via email to claim their prize and the Rafflecopter will show them as well. If you know them on social media and follow me, please let them know that they’ve won.

It’s the new year and I have plans on releasing additional stories. As I know, I will post here. Join my newsletter and you can get exclusive advanced notice of ARCs, release dates, and excerpts.

Thank you for following.


The promised contest: #rafflecopter #giveaway for Together! #contest #LGBTQ #Romance #Menage

If you follow my blog/newsletter/Facebook, you will know that I had a rough beginning to December culminating in my furry friend passing to the great beyond a couple of weeks ago. Then the holidays arrived and I haven’t had much free time.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


I wanted to get this out there since it ends January 5th. I have plans for the new year for more stories (and revamping and releasing early ones), but the actual schedule is a little fuzzy. I do plan on doing a paperback version of Together in the first month of 2019. Would people like that? Let me know in the comments. 🙂

This is going to be short because I’m still short on time. Follow me on social media as I do pop in there from time to time. I do answer posts and comments when I can, but I’m not on Facebook all the time. Twitter is easier to get in touch with me faster if you have a burning question.

Together is currently on sale in the UK Amazon space (starting 12/24) and US Amazon space will have a sale starting Jan 2019 for a week each. Act fast as they will go up every couple of days until it’s full price at the end of the week!



Lot’s of things to update including a newsletter #musings #amwriting #publishing


So, lots of things have been going this month. I participated in #NaNoWriMo. I won’t win but I feel accomplished because I turned one story into a sequel. I’ll probably post about that next week.

The picture above was taken the Saturday I went to my first write-in for #NaNoLanta, the regional helpers for NaNo, at sunset. Not bad for a camera phone, right? You may have seen it on my Instagram or Facebook feed. I’m trying to be more sociable but for an introvert like me, it’s difficult. I’m working on it.

As I dropped into my blog to create this post, I realized my post from 11/23 announcing Together’s pre-order and release on Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited didn’t have a title.

Oops. Missed that entirely.

I’ll blame it on the Thanksgiving Holidays and getting distracted by writing, publishing, and setting up a newsletter. *smile*

Together is the MMM Contemporary Menage short story I wrote for Beautiful Skin Anthology that the first edition was published at the end of August 2018. After three months, a few of the authors wanted to be taken out of the anthology and so a second edition is in the works. 50% of the proceeds will continue to be donated to the Sickly Cell research charity like the first edition and will be kept up in perpetuity. I’ll update with links for purchasing the eBook or print version of the new Anthology when I get them.


Here is my lovely cover from Emmy Ellis with Studioenp.

Buy Link


The Together eBook will go live on Saturday, December 1, 2018 and will be available on Kindle Unlimited. Eventually, I will get a paperback version added once I get it packaged. Stay tuned because I will be doing a limited sale for the story after it releases. Perhaps a contest for a free copy?

Speaking of newsletter, I have one now that will have exclusive content, free stuff, and notifications for my subscribers that will be in addition to the blog. The best part is if you sign up via the page below, you get a link to a free story in the eBook format of your choice.

Eloreen Moon’s Newsletter

If you have already subscribed, great! I look forward to interacting with everyone in a different way.

Today, I just submitted a 500-word flash fiction entry to Writers’ HQ From LGBTQ+ With Love contest. I didn’t find out about it until yesterday and the deadline is 11/30/2018 midnight GMT. Talk about submitting at the last minute. 🙂 It will be interesting to see if place for one of the prizes they offer. We’ll see how I do. I’m not expecting anything: I entered because it sounded like fun. If I win something, then it happens. If not, I have another flash fiction story. Hmmm, maybe I’ll compile them into a book and provide it as a freebie…

And now, I will leave you with a picture of one of the kittens that decided to live with the family a few months ago. He’s cute and warm on this cold day in Atlanta. 🙂 Can you believe he’s only 6-ish month’s old? Yeah, me neither. He’s not the biggest either.



Today is the Day! #musings #facebook #event #BeautifulSkin #LGBTQ #AuthorTakeover #writing

So, I had planned on writing some this month, get my act together for this author takeover for Beautiful Skin (thank you Wendy Stone for running it!), and post more about what is going on.

You know how plans go, right?

What’s an author takeover? Well, in Facebook, there’s a group called RGR – M/M and LGBT Book Events that’s attached to RGR (Rainbow Gold Reviews) that I’ve been a reviewer with for the last almost 5 years (it’s been that long, wow). Authors spend scheduled time talking about the theme and their books. Today, we are celebrating the Beautiful Skin Anthology that released late August 2018. Come join us!

Details below. You do have to be a member to participate, but it’s a public group. Join and us admins will add you to it. *wink*
***Author Takeover Event***

Saturday September 22nd here in this group
Stop by to celebrate the “Beautiful Skin’ anthology with these amazing authors!

4:00 – 5:00 T.s. McKinney
5:00 – 5:30 Victoria Sue
5:30 – 6:00 Dora Esquivel
6:00 – 7:00 SJ York
7:00 – 8:00 T.B. Bond
8:00 – 9:00 Eloreen Moon

***All times are EDT***
**Authors are responsible for their own giveaways**

There might be prizes involved with my take over at least. *whistles*

I might just have something to announce/reveal during my takeover too…

Amazon eBook | Amazon Print

I’m working on the next Persons of Color Anthology that’s paranormal-based. I’m not sure when I will finish. I’ll have to see. Work has been… busy. We’ll just leave it at that. There’s some personal family stuff that I’ve been dealing with and so my plate has been full. Since writing relaxes me, I’m going to try to find time to work on stuff this weekend in between things. I will definitely be in a much better place if I can accomplish things. 🙂

As always, I will try to do more blog posts, maybe restart my blog story or start a new one, and be around more. It’s fun to sink into the world of reading and writing. I miss it.



Author takeover… what?! #MMM #BeautifulSkin #Charity #Romance #LGBTQ #Multiauthor #Prizes #musings

Join me for an author take over on FB on 9/22/18 8 pm EDT. You’ll have to be a member of the group to participate. Event starts at 4 PM EDT if you would like to meet other authors. There might be prizes… 😉

Takeover will be devoted to Beautiful Skin, of which, Together is within. You might even see the cover reveal of my individual story…

It’s been a long several months. Work, teeth issues, family drama, traveling… it’s all taken a toll. I hope to be able to finish my paranormal romance of color that’s due end of this month. I can do it. It’s only 15k words. I did start it. Just need to finish. We’ll see.

I’ll try to get a better update here soon. I have a few reviews I owe as well.

Until then… come join me next Saturday for an hour of fun!


I’m Published! Thrice! Three Anthologies by Multiple Authors #PreOrder #PersonsOfColor #Romance #LGBT #NewRelease #GAEmergingWriters #SciFi #Fantasy

*****Beautiful Skin: A People of Color Anthology*****


So, Amazon came through and provided a preorder link. Really fast. See link below the Preorder image. In addition, I got notified that Z Publishing House released the Georgia Emerging Writers Anthology I mentioned earlier this year. That link is below the cover for it. 😀 It’s a paperback so it’s a bit more expensive but you get to see all kinds of other stories. They are all short, less than 1250 words each. While building this post (over the course of several hours because of other things), I found out that a third anthology recently released that has my 300 word flash fiction in it. Impact: Queer Sci Fi’s Fifth Annual Flash Fiction Contest. Whoa. Things just real, really fast. 🙂

So, readers. I’m an officially published author with multiple publications under my belt. How did that happen? A lot of work. Thank you Emmy, the POC FB Group, J. Scott Coatsworth

Release date: 8/23/18

Buy Links: Books2Read: Amazon | Smile Amazon

There will be a Paperback version for those that want a physical copy. I’ll update when that is live.

Add this wonderfully diverse anthology to your Goodreads TBR list today, because you won’t want to miss it when it releases!!

Link to Goodreads:

If you are a blogger or supporter (you don’t have to have a blog to join), please sign up at our Release Blitz form below:

A few days before the release date, you will get an email with a kit for the Blitz

And thank you! Continue on to see the second anthology. 😉


*****Georgia Emerging Writers: An Anthology of Fiction*****


So, I was invited to join this anthology by the publisher, Z Publishing House, way back in May. I was able to pick and submit 5 options, on my birthday no less. A month later, they’d picked one! The Lotto Ticket was a submission I did to a Fantasy and Science Fiction Flash Fiction contest that would turn your 500 word submission into a podcast. Well, I didn’t make it past the first round, and it had been languishing since. I did a few edits but basically left it the way it was written and near the 500 words. I liked the story a lot for being so short. This is a paperback but you do get to see other emerging writers from the lovely state of Georgia that I call home. They run the gamut of stories, and not just LGBTQ or even romance. I think you will like it.


Buy Links: Amazon | Smile Amazon | Z Publishing House

About Z Publishing House: 

Having begun as a blog in the fall of 2015, Z Publishing, LLC, soon transitioned into book publishing. This transition came in response to the major problem currently plaguing the publishing world: For writers, finding new readers can be tremendously difficult, and for readers, finding new talented authors with whom they identify is like searching for a needle in a haystack. With Z Publishing, no longer will anyone have to go about this process alone. By producing anthologies of multiple authors rather than single-author volumes, Z Publishing hopes to foster a community of readers and writers, bringing all sides of the industry closer together.

You can follow the growth of Z Publishing on Facebook here!



*****Impact: Queer Sci Fi’s Fifth Annual Flash Fiction Contest*****


And now for the third anthology that I just found out released July 26, 2018. It’s the Queer Sci Fi’s 5th annual Flash Fiction contest that I a contribution for the 4th year in a row. 🙂 I’m very proud of that. Without further adieu, here is Impact!


Buy Links: Amazon KindleBarnes & NobleiBooksKoboAngus & RobertsonGoodreads

Series Title: Queer Sci Fi’s Annual Flash Fiction Contest

Position (Number) in Series: 4

Necessary to Read Previous Books: No

Other Books in Series Available for Review?: Yes


Warnings: This book contains 110 stories of 300 words or less each.


Book Blurb:




1) One object colliding with another

2) An impinging of something upon something else

3) An influence or effect on something or someone

4) The force of a new idea, concept, technology or ideology

Four definitions to inspire writers around the world, and an unlimited number of possible stories to tell, but only 110 made the final cut.

A difficult choice to be made. An object hurtling recklessly through space. A new invention that will change the world. So many things can impact a life, a society, or a planet.

Impact features 300 word speculative fiction ficlets from across the queer spectrum from the minds of the writers of Queer Sci Fi.

Welcome to Impact.


Series Blurb:

It’s hard to tell a story in just 300 words. Each year we ask writers to take the challenge, turning in stories across the queer spectrum. The rules are simple. Write a complete sci fi, fantasy, paranormal or horror story, include LGBTIQA characters, and do it all with just 300 carefully chosen words.


Excerpt (Non-Exclusive):

 Since this book is composed of stories of no more than 300 words, we can’t really do a standard excerpt, so we’re offering you the teaser first lines from a number of stories.

“She’d needed new oil. She felt her joints grow stiff, her muscles grow tight, her follicles thickening. If she didn’t get fresh quarts soon, people she passed would start calling her sir, asking, Where’s your gun?” —Crossville Station, by Nathan Alling Long

“The mallet’s impact on the hard, bright disk shattered the silence in the talking chamber. The resulting deep tone reverberated through the vault, through Saskia, as she fidgeted beside her lover.” —Settled, by Aidee Ladnier

“This is how the world ends, or so they say. From where I’m standing, it simply looks like a rolling darkness as distant lights flicker and die.” —Visitors, by LJ Phillips

“’What have you done?’ The mechanical eyes came to rest on his face, the droning beep sounding loud in the small room.” —Identity and Change, by Jo Tannah

“’Once upon a world, we were the same,’ he said, lifting my hand to his lips; the ground shaking beneath us.” —Impact, by Jack Ladd

“I been a tinker and soothsayer long enough to know this country’s at the cusp of war. They stir up hate easy as breath. And, oh, it pains my soul to see it. “ —Impact of Intervention, by Patricia Scott

“All lives begin with a messy impact of some kind. The crash of zygotes and gametes. Splats of silica gel between cybernetic synapses. Two women slam into each other carrying full cups of coffee.” —Quintessence, by E.M. Hammill

“If I venture far enough into the house, I’ll find my closet.” —The Closet, by K.S. Trenten

“It touched Ligaya when she was a child. Or she touched it. A half-glimpsed shape under her bed.” Mas Mabuti An Answang, by Foster Bridget Cassidy

“Jam zipped down the neon track, feather-light in low gravity. She rocketed forward, a glowing haze in her starred helmet, and shot past the pack. “Space Jammer!” echoed as she neared the line. Time to rack up the points.” —First Bout: Andromedolls Vs. Crotch Rockets, by Ginger Streusel

About Queer Sci Fi:

At Queer Sci Fi, we’re building a community of sci fi, fantasy, paranormal and horror writers and readers who want a little rainbow in their speculative fiction. We run a great discussion group on Facebook, a twitter feed, and have a website full of useful materials, news, and announcements for readers and writers of queer speculative fiction.

WebsiteFacebook Discussion Group | Facebook PageTwitter