5 Star Book Review: “In His Sights” (Don’t Tell 1.5) by Rie Warren

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Hello peeps! This is a review for Moonbeams over Atlanta instead of Rainbow Gold Reviews. 🙂 How about that? It’s been crazy these past few months.  Now I’m getting back on track with beta reading, reviewing; and, of course, writing.  Be on the lookout for an update about my writing…
I was provided a copy of this from the author for the purpose of writing this review.  I was a little leery of reading something that was part of a series but Rie assured me that this was a stand-alone short story.  Oh boy.  It was wonderful!  Now I need to read the rest in the series. 😉

5 Stars



These sworn enemies have everything to lose and each other to live for. 

At the outset of the Revolution against the oppressive Company regime, Hawke is a freedom fighter on a mission. Infiltrate Alpha Territory, kick some Corps ass, and stay alive. His plans unravel when he’s captured by the enemy on his first sortie. Waiting for death by the soldier sworn to kill him, all his training couldn’t have prepared him for what happens next. 

A corporal in the Company’s military branch, Mayce is a hard-liner intent on ridding his city of the insurgent threat. Yet one look at the gorgeous Freelander named Hawke and years of yearning and unrealized desires change his course permanently. If discovered, he’ll be branded a traitor and a homosexual—and sentenced to death. 

Mayce and Hawke act on their intense and immediate attraction. But amid the escalating war their dangerous trysts come at the risk of their own lives. 


It is the year 2070 set in a dystopia Earth following a mostly destroyed planet population two generations previous.  In order to rebuild the population, homosexuality is a death sentence by the Company, the ruling body of sixteen identical international territories that were once big cities: damaged but not destroyed.  In His Sights is a stand-alone story set in the same universe as the Don’t Tell universe.  It follows the explosive meeting of two enemies:  Corporal Mayce from the Company and Hawke, a freedom fighter for the Revolution against the Company Corps.

What happens is a sexy, fast-paced, and dangerous run through Hawke and Mayce’s trysts in Alpha Territory where they come together with a passion neither expected to find, let alone continue.  It’s stupid.  It’s crazy.  Both men shouldn’t be doing this, but they can’t stay away.  From the beginning to the end, you can’t put it down.  There is a happy for now ending and makes me wonder if there might be a sequel to Hawke and Mayce’s story. 😉 I loved it and I give it 5 stars.

Eloreen Moon

Book Links

Goodreads | Amazon


About the Author

Rie Warren


Erotic Romance…Heat, heart, and a hint of the dark

Author of Sugar Daddy, the Don’t Tell series, and Carolina Bad Boys

www.riewarren.com | Facebook Page | Amazon Author Page

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